View Full Version : Holy Cow!!! I leave for a semester and the crap hits the fan?!?!?

12-18-2004, 06:38 AM
Hiya guys Im back from another grueling semester of dental school.... Yeah been out of the loop for a little while AGAIN... not by choice but rather by neccesity...

Well I come back to visit the board hoping to immerse myself in the classic AO goodness. That we have all learned to appreciate and enjoy...

i briefly review the forums to attempt to get a grasp of what went on in my absence... And I sadly learn that TK has retired...

Tom I want to tell you that we will miss you. You were the life and spirit of the company. The person that we could all rally around. The person who beleived in his product more than anybody did. You are respected as one of the forefathers of paintball and will always be.

I am not mad or dissapointed but I must admit some of the "feeling" of owning a mag has left with your departure. Without your presence and your obvious care, AGD is nothing but a shell. A shell devoid of spirit, devoid of feeling, a feeling that has associtated your name with AGD for the past decade.

For alot of us AGD was not a company it was a man who built the company. For alot of us it felt better supporting Tom Kaye than it did AGD. In that, AGD was diffrent than all other companies.

I only hope that the new president of the company we all call AGD will keep all of his loyal customers in his mind. A person that will treat all his customers as well as you did. A person who will stick to what he beleives. A person who will keep the spirit of the company alive.

My only regret is that i never had the chance to meet "the man" face to face.. Other than that your products have and will continue to give me and many others years of enjoyment. I have NO regrets about buying a mag or continuing to support the company.

AGD must continue to follow the principles that the company was founded upon. Bulletproof reliability with uncomprimising performance. True care for thier customer base. And true innovation.

Only then will AGD have substance.

12-18-2004, 11:46 AM
AGD must continue to follow the principles that the company was founded upon. Bulletproof reliability with uncomprimising performance. True care for thier customer base. And true innovation.

Only then will AGD have substance.
To tell you the truth, in my opinion AGD is at that level, if not beyond it. Maybe not as much on the innovation, but I believe we will be seeing that in the near future.