View Full Version : List of Automag Levels

12-19-2004, 01:58 AM
For all you collectors out there I happened to come across my original listing of the different levels for the Mag and what was done in each. We didn't release the gun until level 5 so previous to that you will not find any. I am posting it here so I don't loose it again!



Level 1:

Power tube polished and measured .385 x .600
Power tube spring full ground both sides .285 free length
Power tube insert turned for urethane o-ring and spring
On/off top turned for air flow
On/off pin ground and checked
Bolt trimmed to .275 deep to power piston
Ream inside regulator body for washer clearance
Jumbo nubbins

Level 2 09/21/90:

High strength front frame screw
Trim regulator valve for minimum clearance

Level 3 11/15/90:

Bronze power tube spring
Black spring pack
New twistlock and o-ringed barrel
Slotted power tube insert

Level 4 12/05/90:

Teflon o-ring for on/off valve
Washer for power tube

Level 5 01/01/91:

Rear nubbin ball drop

Level 5.1 02/11/91:

Milled frame to allow .750 pin

Level 5.2 04/09/91:

Extended, drilled power tube tip
Small ID power tube

Level 6.0 05/18/91:

Drop in sear
One piece barrel
Square spring
Wire nubbin
Large air chamber
Power Feed
Crown Point barrel

Level 6.5 08/21/91:

Extended power piston
Countersinked power tube tip

Level 6.6 11/11/91:

Computer designed power tube tip

Level 7.0 04/01/92:

Expanded air chamber with soldered on power tube tip

12-19-2004, 02:05 AM
Awesome, like a timeline of the mags evolution.

Target Practice
12-19-2004, 02:45 AM
Holy crap, my micromag has a level 3 bronze powertube spring. Wicked!

12-19-2004, 11:42 AM
TP: the Power Tube Spring was used well into the Level 7's. I am not sure exactly when it was changed over to the spacers, but it had to be about the time the RT came out. I have a TON of the PT springs as they came with every rebuild kit, but hardly ever went bad and by this time I had bought a Pro-Team spacer kit.

Hmm...this info will be good for my AGD time line I am building.

12-20-2004, 02:56 AM
Sweeet!!! :clap:

12-20-2004, 09:12 AM
IM AT lv10!!!

i need a walkthrough though..

12-20-2004, 12:41 PM
I now want a real explanation of what happened to Level 8 and 9. The claim is that they never existed and Level 10 just sounded better than level 8 or 9. But what about the RT and the Retro vavle. And then the X-Vavle, should that not be level 11? ;)

12-20-2004, 03:32 PM
There was no level 8 or 9. John Sosta in England drilled holes in the regulator and some people called that Level 8 but it never was. We decided on L10 because it wouldnt be confused with the previous rumors, marketing you know.


12-20-2004, 07:00 PM
There was no level 8 or 9. John Sosta in England drilled holes in the regulator and some people called that Level 8 but it never was. We decided on L10 because it wouldnt be confused with the previous rumors, marketing you know.


That would be John's infamous 8 hole Promag together with lazer etching on the valve.

12-20-2004, 08:23 PM
Tom I know we have been over this a few times before but I am a little confused.

What level were the guns that the B's originally got?

I know that they had Knurled Barrels and no slots on the Power tube tips.
I also seem to remember updating to the bronze power tube springs.

Are those guns still in the data base?
the registration dates may shed some light.


12-20-2004, 08:54 PM
i still had my bronze spring in when they installed the LX at the 1st shatner...when they pulled it out they gave me a look of shock.....my responce was: 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' never had a need for the spacers...the spring worked fine for me :D

12-20-2004, 09:01 PM
Tom I know we have been over this a few times before but I am a little confused.

What level were the guns that the B's originally got?

I know that they had Knurled Barrels and no slots on the Power tube tips.
I also seem to remember updating to the bronze power tube springs.

Are those guns still in the data base?
the registration dates may shed some light.


If there are guns out there before level 5...I REALLY need to find one:)

12-20-2004, 09:15 PM
The Mag in the old vid that was a level 5 was it not. And werent the design of the level 1 or 2 sold to ICD to make the old school jackal or desert fox not sure on the name?

12-21-2004, 03:23 AM
Tom I know we have been over this a few times before but I am a little confused.

What level were the guns that the B's originally got?

I know that they had Knurled Barrels and no slots on the Power tube tips.
I also seem to remember updating to the bronze power tube springs.

Are those guns still in the data base?
the registration dates may shed some light.


Holy shaaaZam BatMan, Captain JB is here. I smell a Rally. Wanna be the Captain? Can JimBud and the Wizard come out to play. :shooting: :clap:

JB, we malfunctioned the P1, and 2s remember, then the P3 was the first we used in a tournament, wasnt it????? Old age and to many of these :cheers: has lapsed my memory. You still have your P3 dont ya?

What was the year of level 1? Its not there

If there are guns out there before level 5...I REALLY need to find one
I could tell ya who has 1, but then I would have to :shooting: ya

Oh Ya Welcome to AO you old S.O.B.

12-21-2004, 08:57 AM
That would be John's infamous 8 hole Promag together with lazer etching on the valve.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware it was Marcus Davies of the Predators who championed the Promag. I've got one in a box above my wardrobe.....

Whether it worked or not is perhaps irrelevant, if you had one you were the Elite :) and mine definitely sounds different to my my stock AIR valved mag....

Thunder Bunny
12-21-2004, 10:00 AM
The Mag in the old vid that was a level 5 was it not. And werent the design of the level 1 or 2 sold to ICD to make the old school jackal or desert fox not sure on the name?
I believe so. I found the vid a few weeks ago, my brother got it in the early 90's with his first Minimag. Tom removed a circular clip and took off the power tube. The vid is dated 2-92. Anybody want a copy?

12-21-2004, 10:44 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware it was Marcus Davies of the Predators who championed the Promag. I've got one in a box above my wardrobe.....

Whether it worked or not is perhaps irrelevant, if you had one you were the Elite :) and mine definitely sounds different to my my stock AIR valved mag....

Who do you think did the work on it? John was always doing prototyping work on 'Mag's the original ones that had the drilling were not etched that came later...I have known John since he had his Operation Wolf site in Harlow and seen a lot of the little things he tried to do from that time on. Ask John where he was when he was telling people about magnetic tripping triggers and solenoids and which marker his ideas were originally aimed at being fixed onto...it wasn't a 'Mag. Oh and while you are asking him ask about the antitamper rings and who came up with that idea...it wasn't me but it wasn't John either as he bought them from the people that made them (I know that wasn't the thread subject as such but it is all part of the Automags development line) The (later) american version was a turned out nut and took too long to adjust and you could drop the part as well.

12-21-2004, 10:51 AM
Who do you think did the work on it? John was always doing prototyping work on 'Mag's the original ones that had the drilling were not etched that came later...I have known John since he had his Operation Wolf site in Harlow and seen a lot of the little things he tried to do from that time on.

I never saw the proto's but I know Marcus did the actual conversion on my 'Mag. At the time when I ordered the work he insisted on showing me round his "workshop" in Lewisham. It was basically a cupboard with a drill press in it! :rofl:

Ask John where he was when he was telling people about magnetic tripping triggers and solenoids and which marker his ideas were originally aimed at being fixed onto...it wasn't a 'Mag.

I'll ask him next Sunday! :)

12-21-2004, 02:47 PM
wow coolness
i love you AGD

now it would rule to have a list of mags after the the level 7
RTs and up

thats when i get confused
when they came out and design differences

12-21-2004, 10:12 PM
Ok, now I'm confused. I was replacing some orings in these valves and noticed a slight difference.

The one on the right (176) I got in a parts lot from Tom. It has a larger air chamber, no relief valve in the reg piston and the cross cuts on the on/off top are shallow. The powertube is from Jimbud and it has a longer PT tip and no slot.

The one on the left (237) has a smaller air chamber, relief valve in the reg piston, deeper cross cuts in the on/off top and shorter PT tip with a slot for removal. It also has a drill mark were the two halves screw together, you can just make it out in the pic.

So is that how they progressed or was Tom messing around with the one I got from him?

Thanks guys

12-21-2004, 10:34 PM
The smaller air chamber was the original configuration along with the power tube tip with no slots. You have them reversed. The bigger air chamber was hogged out as one of the level updates in order to reduce the pressure.

Thats some pretty original stuff considering we started the serial numbers at 100.


12-21-2004, 10:44 PM
Once again Mr. Kaye thanks for your time.

12-22-2004, 01:40 AM
Best Thread Ever!!!!!!

12-22-2004, 01:04 PM
The smaller air chamber was the original configuration...

You don't have any of those smaller air chamber valves lying around, do you? If up to date parts fit it would make it easier to prove my efficiency theory. :D

12-22-2004, 01:46 PM
JB, we malfunctioned the P1, and 2s remember, then the P3 was the first we used in a tournament, wasnt it????? Old age and to many of these :cheers: has lapsed my memory. You still have your P3 dont ya?

I thought that the guns we got were lvl 3 or 4 but when I asked tom a while back he said they were lvl 5.

But if the info he just posted here is correct they had to be at least lvl 3 maybe lvl 2

I still have my old gun but it is a mix of levels and proto parts.
I wish I would have had the foresight buy Another gun and leave it original :cry:

And this is for the Wiz. :hail: :hail: :hail:

12-22-2004, 06:39 PM
Jimmy you probably did get a level lower than 5 when I first got you the guns. We only released level 5 guns to the PUBLIC.

Hitech yes higher pressure is more efficient, been proven before. The tough part is convincing people that its a good idea.


12-22-2004, 06:57 PM
Ahh thanks, I thought all the 100 series guns were built to the same level.
I didn't know that most were updated before they were sold.

12-26-2004, 11:48 PM
Hitech yes higher pressure is more efficient, been proven before. The tough part is convincing people that its a good idea.

Yeah, but I still want to try. ;) I'm still wondering if it will require any higher pressure than level 10 does now.

Hope you had a good Christmas. :cheers:

12-27-2004, 03:23 AM
Sorry if this question is dumb or irrelevant but, wasn't the P3 a blowback? The one in the old vid for mags has a cocking knob on it and if I remember correctly Tom actually cocks it in the vid. It has been years since I've seen that vid so I may be a little off.

12-27-2004, 03:48 AM
Sorry if this question is dumb or irrelevant but, wasn't the P3 a blowback? The one in the old vid for mags has a cocking knob on it and if I remember correctly Tom actually cocks it in the vid. It has been years since I've seen that vid so I may be a little off.

You are thinking of the Panther, which was a blow back design that never went into production.

What is listed above are the different levels of Automags.

01-01-2005, 12:35 PM
Cool thread thanks for all the information.

01-08-2005, 03:19 AM
Could someone add serials to the dates? I bought my automag used and want to know what level it is/how old it is ^^

01-08-2005, 04:14 AM
It would be hard to place a date to a serial number. Rest assured you most likely have a level 7 as level 5's are hard to find.