View Full Version : Posers

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 01:44 AM
I've been noticing a lot of kids lately wearing brand new jerseys, shooting high end markers, and trying to act like pricks to the beginners. Why does this happen? Is it because they see "pros" using high end markers, swearing their behinds off, and always disputing everything? What is it that makes these new players act like complete jackbutts to everyone else they see that they view to be "inferior" to them? Then once they find out "Oh! You're sponsored?" They start acting all nice and hang around you and try to be your friend.

What ever happend to the "i'm gonna work my way up the ladder, play good and i'll be noticed" mindset? I know some people still have it but the majority of the newer wannabe tourny players are in the "i want free paintballs and a sponsor so i can brag to everyone else and bash on other players for having to pay full price for all their gear"

Whatever it is that's making the newer players act like this, we need to make it stop. Because it's getting very annoying and these are the kinda players that scare away all of the good decent people that want to get into paintball

12-20-2004, 02:27 AM
Because those kind of paintball players are just kids that have no frame of reference. These are the kind of kids that the mom and dad bought the high end paintslinger and mom and dad drives them to the field and mom and dad get to be proud when JR tells them his war story of lighting up some little kid noob.

Makes the mom and dad beam with pride! Make the little kid play something else. Makes me what to play stock class had have fun again playing paintball....

12-20-2004, 02:32 AM
Just light them up and laugh if they're going to be a jerk. You want to play paintball? Sounds good, I can do that. Want to be a jerk to other people... I can do that too.

12-20-2004, 03:01 AM
my theory is if little kids want to talk trash and have expensive guns, then they need to learn how it is to play with experienced people. usually ending up with them getting bunkered or lit from across the field.

if theyre gonna talk the talk, theyd better walk the walk, or im gonna send um to their parents crying.

i also like to use these terms in reference to people like that:
they need to either put up or shut up
or better suited for paintball would be the prase:
prove it and shoot it.

kids who talk trash deserve to get put in their place in my thinking. and my way of doing that is to just take it to the field.

12-20-2004, 03:51 AM
Noticing them lately?

Noticing them is only the first step man. There will alway be posers in any kind of a bastardized sport. The less the diffcult the sport the higher frequency of posers. I used to get kinda irked about it but, then over time i realize its that kinda behavior is changable.

recognizing an problem is one thing, doing something about it is another.

Then once they find out "Oh! You're sponsored?" They start acting all nice and hang around you and try to be your friend.
take advantage of that! you in essence, have been handed the gift of teaching my man, cheesy as it sounds. Show them what good sportmanship is. Show them it is truly the player and not the gun.

"i'm gonna work my way up the ladder, play good and i'll be noticed" i suppose vanity can get you places too. To me the more appropriate mindset is "play your heart out and everthing will fall into place"

12-20-2004, 05:26 AM
You know, I want to detail a little more than just a "Oh, you've only noticed it now?" kind of thing.

Paintball has no "ladder" to work up. Do you know how many players are in the pros due only to being a cult of personality? (not as many as there USED to be, but they're still out there) Do you know how many COMPANIES are SOLELY image based and run? There is no "pop warner paintball". There is no way to work up the system other than "You show up, you know what you're doing and we like you, wanna play for us?" And before people start saying that there's a system, there isn't. Any ranking is based SOLELY on who you know, and who knows you. Period. Show me your player statistics and your "AAA Farm league" then I'll begin to conceed the point. Some of the best players are overlooked because nobody knows who they are. It's all about self-hyping, or having people to hype you. If you don't believe me, we'll talk next game and I'll show you what I'm talkign about.

So in a game based on "who looks like they're good", you'll see kids hanging off the guys who look sponsored, and trying to intimidate or impress those who don't. It's about appearances more than skills. Snyper, do I have to remind you about Badlands last winter, when I had people looking at me like I was a "noob" because I wore BDU's and shot an all black gun? They don't know me, they don't know who I am, so therefore I know nothing about playing paintball, let alone how to play a speedball field or a snake bunker. However, the guys in the brand new jerseys, well THEY are wearing jerseys! They must be better, because they know about paintball "garb". And everyone knows you. "the nutcase with the dog in his shorts."

So it shouldn't surprise you when people try to impress, intimidate or suck up, based solely on looks. It's been like that when I remember the "pros" wearing "Tiger Stripe Gear" or "Advantage jammies". It hasn't changed. Now it's easier to call them by name. And in some cases, these self-appointed pro guys just "Can't take the time" to help out a kid who wants to get better, other than say "Watch and learn." It doesn't start with the new guys, it starts with the people being looked up to.


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 12:27 PM
Just light them up and laugh if they're going to be a jerk. You want to play paintball? Sounds good, I can do that. Want to be a jerk to other people... I can do that too.
Couldn't lite them up, the kids refused to play against us.

"the nutcase with the dog in his shorts.""
hmm...yea actually doing that did help me out in the long run :) But i havn't worn that thing in ages

12-20-2004, 01:18 PM
I still blame Smart Parts......and rich parents. :rolleyes:

:ninja: :tard: :D :) :p
WWSPD ??? :dance: :cheers:

12-20-2004, 01:21 PM
Couldn't lite them up, the kids refused to play against us.

There are kids like that at my local field, Fox4.. they come down, bust out all their gear, throw their mask on their head backwards, walking around with their DM4, etc yet I never see them in a game except maybe at the end of the day. I just laugh.. Just kids trying to 'be cool' and 'belong' within a certain clique.. Not that big of a difference, compared to someone trying to be a part of a certain group in school..

12-20-2004, 01:42 PM
Tigers right on this - I play way out of the league of my ability, mostly because my team is exceptionally good. If we are judging only on ability I'm there for an unpredictability, I'm not good enough to play a "straight" game and do well - so I tend to do some odd stuff. Taking the left snake from the right stand up on a regular basis tends to keep peoples attention towards me a bit more and my team then mows them.

When it comes down to it though I am easily the worst player on my team... I know that. Somehow though theres some culture thing where I can switch teams at any point I wanted, move "up" in teams etc. I I'm not into the Im sponsored screaming, cussing thing. I don't argue, I have told a ref I thought he made an error before, but I do not argue. I seldom even wear a jersey or my Dye gear at all - I am constantly (well normally) at the field on the weekends, I'm there early on Sundays setting things up, and often one of the last to leave. I pay for my own things at extremely good deals because I help out around the field and I seldom ask to charge anything - my bill is paid 95% of the time when I leave. People get used to me being there, me playing... and it makes them think I am better than I am.

This is not complaints at all.. but if you think being on a team is based on ability alone and not attitude, you are far and away mistaken.

12-20-2004, 01:47 PM
if theyre gonna talk the talk, theyd better walk the walk, or im gonna send um to their parents crying.

i also like to use these terms in reference to people like that:
they need to either put up or shut up
or better suited for paintball would be the prase:
prove it and shoot it.

kids who talk trash deserve to get put in their place in my thinking. and my way of doing that is to just take it to the field.

Exactly. If someone gives me crap off the field, they better be ready to back it up. I usually won't go out of my way to prove a point during recball, but I'll still light up the resident jerk if need be.

12-20-2004, 01:50 PM
I still blame Smart Parts......and rich parents.


Ignorance at its best.

Snyper don't tell me you are talking about me :(

Snyper is referring to these 2 kids that were at the field yesterday doing nothing, because one of their guns didnt work. Tdonovan was using a phantom and snyper was using his sydarm. They were being jerks to them because they had pumps. They were being best of friends to me though because I had a timmy and had all my gear on. It was pretty funny, I slapped a 45rd loader on my timmy to save paint(90 a case, ouch). They were like, wow, what the hell are you doing.

Most kids that are like that are the kids that are just wannabee tourney players. They want to look cool to the people that aren't as good to them. Most good tourney players don't act like this. Those kids were just stupid. Nothing I hate more then people that take rec ball seriously.

Also, that was the most fun I have had playing in a long time with that 45rd loader.

12-20-2004, 01:50 PM
kind of ironic starting this threa Snyper don't you think ( :rolleyes: :p )

I agree with tyger...thee is no "ladder" to go up...otherwise I would of started climbing it by now.

Paintball will be fun until everyone like AO'ers leave.

I have no respect for people that wipe PERIOD. Leave that stuff for the toilet

12-20-2004, 01:56 PM
Ignorance at its best.


C'mon you acctially tiik that post seriosly, it was meant as a joke. I wanted a well thought out response but my brain is too tired to work right now, I'm going to bed.

12-20-2004, 01:58 PM
Sorry, can't tell jokes on the internet without a smiley. No hard feelings :cool:

12-20-2004, 02:00 PM
Most kids that are like that are the kids that are just wannabee tourney players.

Truth. 99% of the guys I meet when our team goes to tournies are great, respectful people. A group of these "posers" said they were an "awsome tourney team". They challenged use to a 3v3, cause we were wearing T shirts and jeans, thus "no good".
What do you think happened? ;)

12-20-2004, 02:03 PM
Sorry, can't tell jokes on the internet without a smiley. No hard feelings :cool:

No prob, My bad....

12-20-2004, 02:06 PM
I've noticed on increase in... well attitude problems with some of these people who think because they are tourney players they are gods...

I was playing the other day and I was shot with a HOT gun... when I asked him to chrono it and got teh I did attitude you can't tell me what to do I offered to chrono it for him... I may have offered to disarm him to do so :D he chronoed it - funny he had to adjust it way down too

12-20-2004, 02:13 PM
I didn't read the replies, but I believe people, not just kids, are influenced by the crowd. When they came into the sport as "noobs" they were treated like crap. I have seen this with my own eyes, nothing was directed towards my direction though. After all the crap these beginners are put through, they just take it out on others, just to compensate for other times, you can kinda say tradition.

Several examples of mistreatment.
"Hey you're a loser wearing jeans, go play on the other team you suck"
"Hey your tippmann sucks go play on the other team"
"You suck you have a spyder"
Etc etc etc

Eventually paintball, through the eyes of these victims, no longer becomes a sport, but a competition. You aren't "cool enough to play paintball" if you do sport the new trends. That's why I support the underdogs.

12-20-2004, 02:20 PM
Couldn't lite them up, the kids refused to play against us.

...what's them being on the same team as you have to do with anything?? Last I checked, friendly fire still counts as an elimination :D

12-20-2004, 02:34 PM
There are kids like that at my local field, Fox4.. they come down, bust out all their gear, throw their mask on their head backwards, walking around with their DM4, etc yet I never see them in a game except maybe at the end of the day. I just laugh.. Just kids trying to 'be cool' and 'belong' within a certain clique.. Not that big of a difference, compared to someone trying to be a part of a certain group in school..
yep same at camp

12-20-2004, 02:39 PM
Snyper should have rephrased that... They wouldn't PLAY... Period... :) I saw them walk on the field once before I left (I'm pretty sure I did) where they both took the back standups.

So out of the whole time I saw them there, they played maybe 1 game.

I thought the funniest part of the whole situation is that this kid had been IMing me for a week prior to me playing, saying he wanted me to show up so that he could see if I was good enough to form a team with him. Once he saw me playing with a pump the whole day, he thought i was poop.

Hehe, either way... That kid was major nubcakes. I honestly think he's just afraid of getting hit and losing. There's no shame in getting your butt kicked or being bad, but there is shame in making fun of people and having absolutely no skill to back it up.

12-20-2004, 03:33 PM
That kid was major nubcakes.

I give you the Thumbs Up! for using "nubcakes" in a sentence

12-20-2004, 03:45 PM
lol there wa a kid showing off his new a4. we were on the field getting the gam briefing and somoen commented "look at taht 14 year old with his gun daddy bought" his reply was my dad didnt buy it my mom did and im not 14 im 11" RLMAO :rofl: :rofl: i got a kcik out of it.

the gun was huge and kinda heavy for the kid, he was REALLY slow(runing) and didnt do much other than find s a spot to sit and lay paint in teh general direction of the other team

i watched him as mucha s possible(during playing so not 100% of time) to see if he eleiminated anyone....not one person that i saw.

this happens alot. just light em up and make em relaise they need skill not a 1200 gun

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 03:45 PM
kind of ironic starting this threa Snyper don't you think ( :rolleyes: :p )

lol renegade you havn't played with me since that one day i wore a dog on my crotch and that was probably over half a year ago. (You can learn a lot of new things in 1 month of practicing with a tourny team)

Tony...obviously im not talking about you (whining prick :p yelling ur butt off saying i got hit while i didnt see or feel anything and the ref right behind me didnt see anything either)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 03:47 PM
...what's them being on the same team as you have to do with anything?? Last I checked, friendly fire still counts as an elimination :D

No it's not that, they refused to play PERIOD.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 03:50 PM
lol there wa a kid showing off his new a4. we were on the field getting the gam briefing and somoen commented "look at taht 14 year old with his gun daddy bought" his reply was my dad didnt buy it my mom did and im not 14 im 11" RLMAO :rofl: :rofl: i got a kcik out of it.

the gun was huge and kinda heavy for the kid, he was REALLY slow(runing) and didnt do much other than find s a spot to sit and lay paint in teh general direction of the other team

i watched him as mucha s possible(during playing so not 100% of time) to see if he eleiminated anyone....not one person that i saw.

this happens alot. just light em up and make em relaise they need skill not a 1200 gun

Well if he didnt have that "I'm better than all of you" attitude than i would be perfectly fine with him. His parents have money and bought him a gun to make him happy. But if he has that prickish attitude than out comes the xmag and a lot of bonus balls.

12-20-2004, 03:50 PM
lol renegade you havn't played with me since that one day i wore a dog on my crotch and that was probably over half a year ago. (You can learn a lot of new things in 1 month of practicing with a tourny team)

Tony...obviously im not talking about you (whining prick :p yelling ur butt off saying i got hit while i didnt see or feel anything and the ref right behind me didnt see anything either)

Right behind you? It's hard to see hits on someone if they are behind you ;)

12-20-2004, 04:04 PM
I will never forget the time my team beat a bunch of "pros" with our mags during a weekend (this was before my team switched to timmys) - we were dressed like SH- and looked like a bunch of bums, while the 'pros' all had new crap (clothes and guns) - we lit them up and they got so enraged, they tried to fight us (which was hilarious - my team is basically made up of people 28+ in age, some are cops as well........) off the field.......they then left in a huff cause they figured they looked like idiots.....I will not name names, but it was a BIG NAME TEAM here in cali.....this was a year ago when I was deep in tourneys.......(we met them again during a tourney - they actually had the balls to try to influence the refs to throw us out as 'cheaters' - this was in So Cal last year.......didnt work tho - LOL)


people - just laugh at em - and call them for what they are - P-ys!!!!!!

posers, when confronted with a real threat - will run...............to their mommys and daddys..... :rofl:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 04:13 PM
Right behind you? It's hard to see hits on someone if they are behind you ;)

He could have seen me flinch :D

12-20-2004, 04:47 PM
about three months ago, We ( mini mafia ) where scrimming teams down at midway.
i like to rock the revy since i usually play mid/front. i was chronoing my gun, and then i i shoot a nice slow stream just to check how it was shooting. this kid from the team we where about to play starts make fun of that fact i have a revy on me gun, and how its so fast he is scared. thats the kinda attitude i hate. We rolled them. but i was still pissed about how stupid alot of the people can be.

but they are flip sides to the whole thing, alot of you guys who are worshipped or looked up to at your feild should help with the newbs. on saturday instead of raping a bunch of new players, Tim and i put away our guns and "advised them" while they where playing. we helped them do some killer moves and had fun in the process. and the kids loved it :clap:

we can complain, or do somthing about it.

12-20-2004, 05:01 PM
at my field people actualy acept all kind of guns and dont care what you shoot and there isn't really any little kids with good guns. but i think im a minority hear

12-20-2004, 05:22 PM
No it's not that, they refused to play PERIOD.

Well, you gotta explain these things damnit :shooting:

Mr. Mouse
12-20-2004, 05:28 PM
i dont wear a jersey but i do shoot a 2004 shocker sft and i do have profilers and redz pants w/ knee pads and i cant just go walking around showing off my gun i gotta play i love playing paintball, i dont like talking trash ill say "that was a cool move" and stuff like that but the only thing that ticks me off is when players think that they are god and that they can beat everyone and i go on and take them out, or players that talk big about there game and never really seen them play, i just love to play the game and yes i love my automags too :D i just love paintball , ij ust bought another mag to fix up so i can put the hAir trigger on it when it comes out and after im done with that im gonna buy a phantom and yes i do have a job at Subway lol :D and im 17 soo yup :)

12-20-2004, 05:35 PM
ive seen similar things as this. new kids have talked alot and then ran in the game, literally ran. but at my local field ive seen kids like your talking about. like kids who get 50 buck allowances a week. and kids who wear angel jerseys and use an angel gun. of course he had his name custom printed on back. after one game the angel kid was out and he was shooting people who were still in and later in another game the ref had his autococker out. everybod was like "why does the ref have his autococker?" of course the ref was following us with the angel kid. all of a sudden 20 shots hit this kid in the back. :shooting:

12-20-2004, 05:47 PM
wow this is kind of funny but nope no 12 yr olds with angels at blackrain lately but my setup:STOCKrt barrel right not powerfeed body,elbow purple revvy RT valve bench mark crap trigger and a 300 like i dont know tank YES almost every one older than me with a better gun than me makes fun of me cause of the set up and the chloths camo pants hoodie and crap knee pads some times but i get out on the feild HA HA im pretty good but as skeeter(i think)once said 2 me'the only way you get better is to play with people that r better than u'but yea thats it dosent matter how u look u can hav even my gun or a fresh outta the box timmy u gotta have skill dont kno where i heard this but another quote ''skill should never be substituted by/with thecnology'' thats my ramble

:shooting: :dance:
-lane the flying skwril

12-20-2004, 05:51 PM
he was 13 or 14.

12-20-2004, 05:55 PM
He could have seen me flinch :D

Flinch? You are such a cheater :p

12-20-2004, 06:14 PM
ok i was at this scanario game where i live and this kid had to be like 12 carrieing a shocker the older huge one and i run past him and his friend who also had a shocker and they thought they were so rad cause they are spoiled brats. well they start making fun of my mag they said it was a tiny little gun. well they were all decked out with there huge jurseys and there expensive guns. later in the day one dident even know how to turn it on so the gun so one came up to me an said my guns broken can u help me. well i looked at it and he had the safty on and the gas was turned off i looked i gave it back and said turn the air on he said he dident know how the i did it and i pushed the safty and he thought i was like a genious so i said u have to learn how to play before u come to a scanario.i dont think they even stayed for more than 9 hours.

12-20-2004, 06:17 PM
Well if he didnt have that "I'm better than all of you" attitude than i would be perfectly fine with him. His parents have money and bought him a gun to make him happy. But if he has that prickish attitude than out comes the xmag and a lot of bonus balls.

It's hard to bonus ball someone when you get all your paint off the ground :)

Haha, just playin man.

Mr. Mouse
12-20-2004, 06:34 PM
yeah its sad some kids are like what gun is that? when i was playing with my dads e-mag or my mag and i was thinkin to my self why play if you dont even bother to know what guns are out there or use to be, then they would be like man that guns sick, just goes to show you everyones wrapped up in to timmys, angels, anything that has a big sign with a name on it or what the pros use/wear, i mean dont get me wrong i like timmy's but id take a e-mag/x-mag over a timmy any day, kids think if the pros like so will i, i dunno maybe its just me. dont get me wrong im still a kid but i look at everyone equally (even if they do have old busted gear) i mean if you havea gun you able to take someone out thats just me.

12-20-2004, 06:56 PM
I thought the funniest part of the whole situation is that this kid had been IMing me for a week prior to me playing, saying he wanted me to show up so that he could see if I was good enough to form a team with him. Once he saw me playing with a pump the whole day, he thought i was poop.

Oh, I welcome that reaction. I encourage it. I tell the people I'm with "I suck, and I use a pump gun." I'll sell the other team on my inability to play. If they come in thinking it'll be easy, they won't give me 100%. And that's fine. I'll chew 'ya up all day if you think that you can slack on my skills.

Tends to change when I get out there tho. I can only pull that off for 1-2 games. :ninja:

I do admit that I judge people on the gear they have on tho. But I don't try to "treat" anyone differently. I just know who's going to need to be handled one way on the field, and who's going to need to be handled another. It's an old ref habit.


12-20-2004, 07:13 PM
The thing I judge people most on, is how they carry themselves and how they act than how they look. Yeah, you might have a $2000 setup for just the gun, tank and hopper, but if you're standing there half scared and have no idea what the field looks like, let alone the bunker names, you're probably not the person I want on my team.

12-20-2004, 09:50 PM
Great thread Snyper note ppl: I'm haveing snyper be my "coach" so to speek so i can get better. i think is a good idea for everyone. find someone to watch you play and watch what you did right and what you did wrong.

12-20-2004, 09:55 PM
well they start making fun of my mag they said it was a tiny little gun. i tell them its not the size of the ride but the motion of the ocean.
Also whe i first started i used to get scared when i saw the older kids with angles and timmys and me with my 68. Now i still get a little anxitey but i know better

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 10:02 PM
whoa wtf? when the heck did i say i was gonna coach anyone? all i was gonna do is give you a few pointers and send u off to the field.

12-20-2004, 10:41 PM
ive seen similar things as this. new kids have talked alot and then ran in the game, literally ran. but at my local field ive seen kids like your talking about. like kids who get 50 buck allowances a week. and kids who wear angel jerseys and use an angel gun. of course he had his name custom printed on back. after one game the angel kid was out and he was shooting people who were still in and later in another game the ref had his autococker out. everybod was like "why does the ref have his autococker?" of course the ref was following us with the angel kid. all of a sudden 20 shots hit this kid in the back. :shooting:
i admire this ref.

12-21-2004, 02:28 AM
Because those kind of paintball players are just kids that have no frame of reference. These are the kind of kids that the mom and dad bought the high end paintslinger and mom and dad drives them to the field and mom and dad get to be proud when JR tells them his war story of lighting up some little kid noob.

Makes the mom and dad beam with pride! Make the little kid play something else. Makes me what to play stock class had have fun again playing paintball....

i am really to lazy to begin to read to rest of the post... and slightly in the wrong mindset.. but.

what does it matter?

I once agreed with you, but what does it really matter if you are better then them? I guess it should really make you angry if they are better then you and had ALL of their stuff bought for by their parents, but if they suck and you are better then them, what the hell is the point of complainin about this? I certainly dont care, it is more entertaining then anything to me.



SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 03:34 AM
it's the fact that they act like they're better than you when they can't prove it. They have all the high end gear and apparel...but all they did was trash talk everyone else, short stroke autocockers in the staging area, and when they did play it was against the rental kids or kids with spyders while they had timmies.

They started trashtalking me and tdonovan because we were "different". He was using a phantom and i was using a sydarm. I sorta lost my temper and we threw insults at eachother (side note: i was in a game, he was sitting in the staging area) so after the game i just started talking very loudly "DUDE SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THAT KID! HE JUST RANDOMLY TALKS *BLEEP* TO EVERYONE! and then i gave him one of those "i'm looking right at you and i'm waiting to see if ur gonna do anything" and he just sits on the bench. bout 10 minutes later i talked to the kid and i just asked why the hell he just insulted me and he came back with "i was just joking"... Donovan was like "you don't say that crap to strangers".

Then, after donovan and tony left and some more members of never and thunderstruck came in and we played a few games. The kids started softening up and hanging around us. Once they realized i was with them they started warming up and tried to get to know all of us and just tried to hang out with us. The stuff that was comming out of their mouths was just so stupid i wanted to smack em. "I can fire my mechanical cocker faster than a DM4! I've done it before!" then there was this story that we just told about some chick hittin a dude in the balls for fun and the kids just yell out "Man i wouldn't let her touch me, i'd beat the living *BLEEP* out of her if she came near me". Then they watch us play and start complimenting all of us...

Notice: They watched us play...again

They were just so immature for their age (which i believe is 16). Then some new news i found out from donavan is that they were once again *bleep*talking online. Donovan gave me their screen name and of course i lost my temper and went all out on em and invited them to meet me at a field wednesday and i'd play em with my sydarm. Of course they went with the "dude what are you talking about?" thing and started warming up again and tried to get into a friendly conversation. *BLOCK* - end of that

So...it's about 2:30am and...in the morning i'll probably regret this post but i can't think right now so i'll post away.

Now everyone knows the story and why i made up this thread

12-21-2004, 03:57 AM
Just ignore it dude. I know its tough sometimes, especially if they were giving you the kinda crap they did. Just remeber that it not really worth your time and effort. Dont let them ruin your day of balling. Just remeber they are young and mildy retarded. Good luck out there mang!

12-21-2004, 06:28 AM
i never ever give anyone credit for their gear ill watch someone more closely to see if they are good(note i ref so im allowed to watch).. i remember one time one fat kid was talking smack he didnt have a jersey but i knew he was on the house team. as a ref was checking me he moved up and then when the ref pulled me on an obviously old hit the kid runs by saying that im lucky. i lost and yelled bleep that your lucky im dead.. after the game ended i went up to him and said thats bs you need to watch it that was totally uncalled for and if it wasnt for the fact that the ref took 1 minute to check me he wouldnt have made that move. again he said your lucky i was going to bunker you i replied the same as before. surprisingly he challenged me one vs one note i dont wear jerseys cuz i dont own one i like and play in the same close ive played in for the past 3 years. oh and i had my classic mag that day with a really bad paint match. i took him up and beat him easily! it annoyed me so much that this kid would do that he had no respect the most i will say in a game is bye when i know i hit someone. oh and for some reason this kid was totally cool after i beat him even let me shoot his dm4!! i just hate how some kids are afraid to ask me questions other than what gun is that i wish they would ask me hey do you know any tricks you could teach me or hey how did you get their whole team! kids need to learn its not bad to ask questions hey im going to use that in my briefing next time!

12-21-2004, 07:18 AM
My moto is if you can talk trash , you beter be able to back it up.Momy and dady are to blame of the bran new timmy or dm5 :rolleyes:

12-21-2004, 10:42 AM
Or just don't trash talk at all, even if you can back it up.

12-21-2004, 11:05 AM
my post earlier about the ref shooting the kid: it is a family run business, so obviously the ref isnt gonna get fired. and if anyone gets pretty out of hand like that kid theyll pay. i like that. it is called Colchester Paintball. in Vermont.

12-21-2004, 12:19 PM
I have been around paintball since about 1991 & there have always been people with bad attitudes that belittle others. You see it in any sport. It just seems like they are everywhere know due to the growth of the sport. I was wired with always being nice, my dad would kick a lung out of us if we interrupted any one speaking etc. Can’t do that in this day & age. I have found that some people are just :tard: 's while most "kids" do it out of fear. I always dress down never owned a Bling bling jersey etc. I just got a 32° pack because I got it for $10 with pods. I ran with an Indian springs pack forever. Still have my old tiger striped jersey & pants that was our team uniform back in 95. I'm odd duck enough that I find most :tard: 's wont even speak to me. I usually get the " Your pretty good" comments after they see me play. Usually followed by the why don’t you use uber gun #2 etc. I usually tell them that use what I can afford. What’s funny is kids that I helped out years ago are still playing & treating people with respect. Karma good stuff.... ;)

12-21-2004, 12:36 PM
i tell them its not the size of the ride but the motion of the ocean.
Also whe i first started i used to get scared when i saw the older kids with angles and timmys and me with my 68. Now i still get a little anxitey but i know better

its funny i still have my mag and im taking out the older players and all the rich kids w there autocockers and using barly any paint. there is this guy that is real good he rents and a5w faltline and has played EVERY saturday for like the last 2 years i took him and his friend out in 2 games, now he allways hunts me down. i think he actually baught the a5 and hooked it up. hes nuts the nuw kids will see him one game and be scaired for the rest of the day.

12-21-2004, 02:03 PM
why would you allow 12-15 yr old kids bother you? Here is a little trick...ignore them. Its real easy. If they happen to play and they are on your team give at least give them a chance. If they dont communicate or stay hidden behind the back bunker all day oh well, not your problem. if they are on the other team then quess what? they are another target to shoot. I mean come on I know they can be annoying but why let some little punk ruin your day of fun?

12-21-2004, 02:13 PM
jackbutt is my new favorite insult.

anyway....its interesting what Tyger said about there being no ladder in the paintball world. When reading interviews in paintball magazines, its interesting to see that I've been playing paintball as long or longer than alot of those pro's have (alot have only been playing for ~ 4 years). Just a thought.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 02:48 PM
why would you allow 12-15 yr old kids bother you? Here is a little trick...ignore them. Its real easy. If they happen to play and they are on your team give at least give them a chance. If they dont communicate or stay hidden behind the back bunker all day oh well, not your problem. if they are on the other team then quess what? they are another target to shoot. I mean come on I know they can be annoying but why let some little punk ruin your day of fun?

desslock, it's very difficult to ignore someone that is insulting you directly. If you just ignore them they will continue to insult you. If they say you suck at paintball and that your gun is crap are you just gonna put your head down and walk away? NO! you're gonna get pissed and smack talk back to them. Then sort things out after the game and talk face to face with them and figure out wtf is wrong with em.

12-21-2004, 02:57 PM
why would you allow 12-15 yr old kids bother you?
Whats up with ragging on the 15 yr olds. Im 15 and i dont act like the other kids you discribe

12-21-2004, 03:15 PM
desslock, it's very difficult to ignore someone that is insulting you directly. If you just ignore them they will continue to insult you. If they say you suck at paintball and that your gun is crap are you just gonna put your head down and walk away? NO! you're gonna get pissed and smack talk back to them. Then sort things out after the game and talk face to face with them and figure out wtf is wrong with em.

Best thing to do when someone trash talks to you or pisses you off is to give them a...



a thumbs up

They'll look like an idiot. I gave him a "sweet" after he called me a dummy for playing with a pump.

I think I need to make a team called Nubcakes. Nobody dresses alike or wears cool clothes, and we like to use "trashy" guns. It'd be awesome. :) And yes, I'm dead serious. I'd do it if other's would follow.

12-21-2004, 03:28 PM
I think I need to make a team called Nubcakes. Nobody dresses alike or wears cool clothes, and we like to use "trashy" guns. It'd be awesome. :) And yes, I'm dead serious. I'd do it if other's would follow.

I'd join nubcakes if you weren't located in middle america. That sounds like a fun team to be on and I can spend all my money on paint. and be like this :shooting: :clap: :dance: and everyone else would be all :cry: :cuss: :cry:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 03:28 PM
i'm 15 too and i don't act like this. it's just surprising that people my age and older act less mature than me (and as most of you know, i can get pretty dumb and immature)

Loud Tim
12-21-2004, 03:35 PM
im a poser and proud of it

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 03:54 PM
....u a poser? :nono: no more agd pride for u

12-21-2004, 04:04 PM
Snyper i saw you wipe at that event aswell.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 04:17 PM
which event...i was at an event? I'm in illinois and your in PA... *scratches head*

12-21-2004, 04:34 PM
but how many funny posts on pbn would there be without posers?

common, its like... where would jerry springer be without the southern toothless women?

theres gonna be a new cult, KFC....

Karl-ballers For Communism! (pfc works much better, but common... kfc!)

12-21-2004, 05:01 PM
desslock, it's very difficult to ignore someone that is insulting you directly. If you just ignore them they will continue to insult you. If they say you suck at paintball and that your gun is crap are you just gonna put your head down and walk away?


If you need to retaliate, try the following :

"Dude? Decaf." Works for me at Badlandz. See, I remember the guy who was screaming at me all sorts of mean, nasty things becasue he was 100% sure that all those paintballs that hit the bunker I was behind actually hit me. :tard:

Or of that doesn't work, try this. They insult you becasue of your gear. Smile, nod, and tell them "let's go. Field, now. Back it up." And start walking to the speedball fields. If they don't follow, "What, you're afraid of my gun?" The louder, the better.

I like to take the silent approch, where less is more. I'll quietly fill pods / tubes, and if they give me a lot of hell I'll just tell them "We'll see on the field." Even more effective if you're wearing sunglasses, and you can deliever a poker face too. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: Less is more, sometimes. Even more fun to keep the act up after a game after you bunker someone or the like. You don't brag, you don't talk, you just refill and get ready for the next game. But I get into head games sometimes.

Or you can just shake your head, and know that in a year or so they'll be selling that nice gun to pursue the next "flavor of the week" sport. If you're in paintball for the long term, you'll more than likely outlast most of these guys.

The fact that I've got paintguns OLDER than some opponents... and I've been playing with them for almost as long... Gives you perspective. :cheers:


Target Practice
12-21-2004, 05:08 PM
Bunch of stuff.

On our field, that makes you look like a douche.

Ignore it.

12-21-2004, 10:36 PM
I really don't see anything wrong with it per say. After all when I was alot younger it was who had the best Star Wars collection, Transformers, GI JOE. Nothing has changed only the amount of money. Yeah, there is young people out there with better stuff than you or I, but you know it is the latest fling and the alot of them quit. Better for us to pick up a good deal, right. As with any sport kids and even adults get in to the pros and everything has to be about that team or that player. That is todays society.
The way I see it jealousy is still alive and well when we look down on people that are well off. I feel when you earn it and do good it's oh so sweet! If you just get it handed to yeah, you learn nothing. Who is the lucky ones now?

12-21-2004, 10:38 PM
I must be the real lucky one cuz i just spent 500 on my gun :cry: . BUt it does help me lear the value of a hard days work

12-21-2004, 10:47 PM
Well you are very lucky to have income to afford a $500 marker. Thats how you should look at it.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 11:09 PM
I really don't see anything wrong with it per say. After all when I was alot younger it was who had the best Star Wars collection, Transformers, GI JOE. Nothing has changed only the amount of money. Yeah, there is young people out there with better stuff than you or I, but you know it is the latest fling and the alot of them quit. Better for us to pick up a good deal, right. As with any sport kids and even adults get in to the pros and everything has to be about that team or that player. That is todays society.
The way I see it jealousy is still alive and well when we look down on people that are well off. I feel when you earn it and do good it's oh so sweet! If you just get it handed to yeah, you learn nothing. Who is the lucky ones now?

Jealousy? That is the last word i needed to hear in this thread. No one is jealous over anyone's stuff. We are talking about the attitude of a player that just got into paintball with high end gear that they don't know how to use and they start bashing on other players.

12-21-2004, 11:15 PM
They do it so you will bash them on the internet...

12-21-2004, 11:28 PM
Attitude like prof ball players fighting in the stands? That crap rubs off. Don't hate the player. They probably aren't much younger than you. School them, show them whats up! I got the same senerio here. High end markers, awesome equipment, cocky kids. Mostly 16 and under. I find if ya get to know a little about them and not mutter to your friends off the sidelines about them, they might just come around.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-21-2004, 11:56 PM
They do it so you will bash them on the internet...
Your post is not making any sense whatsoever. Have you read the thread yet?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 12:00 AM
Attitude like prof ball players fighting in the stands? That crap rubs off. Don't hate the player. They probably aren't much younger than you. School them, show them whats up! I got the same senerio here. High end markers, awesome equipment, cocky kids. Mostly 16 and under. I find if ya get to know a little about them and not mutter to your friends off the sidelines about them, they might just come around.

It will take a while to get these kids to understand, and i'm not willing to help a kid that randomly insulted me for no reason. Then goes and trash talks about me over the internet AFTER i had a conversation with him explaining why i got pissed and started trash talkin him. Then he went with the "i was just joking" excuse.

12-22-2004, 12:20 AM
He trash talks you, you trash talk him, he trash talks you via internet and you do the same. This is all too funny. :rofl: By the end of next season you will be best friends. Don't you see, it's just so trivial. You started the post with, "these kids" and it ends up with one in particular or so it seems. You two need to let bygones be bygones and start fresh.

12-22-2004, 01:23 AM
I would like to congratulate Snypers new accomplishment on making his FIRST useful and thought provocative thread! Welcome to your new life Dennis.


12-22-2004, 01:33 AM
This is a stupid thread, and there is no answer to it. This question has been asked thousands of times. And snyper, as many posts as you have, I still remember when you were one of those "look at me" noobs here on the forum. We all just grinned and bore it, now its your turn. Get over it.

Lord Gabriel the Jacob

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 01:35 AM
He trash talks you, you trash talk him, he trash talks you via internet and you do the same. This is all too funny. :rofl: By the end of next season you will be best friends. Don't you see, it's just so trivial. You started the post with, "these kids" and it ends up with one in particular or so it seems. You two need to let bygones be bygones and start fresh.

No, this thread originally started as these kids in a whole. then i guess donovan started telling everyone a bit of what happend then everyone got curious then i had to explain what exactly happend. What i'm trying to get at is, HOW DO WE SOLVE THIS PROBLEM?

I've talked to the kid as politely as i could be. I told him that it was just stupid to randomly insult people (something along those lines) and he said he was just joking. But, he shouldn't have randomly insulted a stranger in the first place.

12-22-2004, 01:38 AM
You know, I want to detail a little more than just a "Oh, you've only noticed it now?" kind of thing.

Paintball has no "ladder" to work up. Do you know how many players are in the pros due only to being a cult of personality? (not as many as there USED to be, but they're still out there) Do you know how many COMPANIES are SOLELY image based and run? There is no "pop warner paintball". There is no way to work up the system other than "You show up, you know what you're doing and we like you, wanna play for us?" And before people start saying that there's a system, there isn't. Any ranking is based SOLELY on who you know, and who knows you. Period. Show me your player statistics and your "AAA Farm league" then I'll begin to conceed the point. Some of the best players are overlooked because nobody knows who they are. It's all about self-hyping, or having people to hype you. If you don't believe me, we'll talk next game and I'll show you what I'm talkign about.

So in a game based on "who looks like they're good", you'll see kids hanging off the guys who look sponsored, and trying to intimidate or impress those who don't. It's about appearances more than skills. Snyper, do I have to remind you about Badlands last winter, when I had people looking at me like I was a "noob" because I wore BDU's and shot an all black gun? They don't know me, they don't know who I am, so therefore I know nothing about playing paintball, let alone how to play a speedball field or a snake bunker. However, the guys in the brand new jerseys, well THEY are wearing jerseys! They must be better, because they know about paintball "garb". And everyone knows you. "the nutcase with the dog in his shorts."

So it shouldn't surprise you when people try to impress, intimidate or suck up, based solely on looks. It's been like that when I remember the "pros" wearing "Tiger Stripe Gear" or "Advantage jammies". It hasn't changed. Now it's easier to call them by name. And in some cases, these self-appointed pro guys just "Can't take the time" to help out a kid who wants to get better, other than say "Watch and learn." It doesn't start with the new guys, it starts with the people being looked up to.


I truly believe that paintball is a defective game because of stuff like this. I don't take it very seriously as a "sport," but I like to play though. "Pro" in paintball doesn't mean much, I've learned - where a golf pro, or football pro - this means something.

It should not be possible for an amateur team to be able to beat a pro team in a real sport. Although the 49ers may suck right now, there isn't a remote possibility that a high school team could beat them.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 02:18 AM
I truly believe that paintball is a defective game because of stuff like this. I don't take it very seriously as a "sport," but I like to play though. "Pro" in paintball doesn't mean much, I've learned - where a golf pro, or football pro - this means something.

It should not be possible for an amateur team to be able to beat a pro team in a real sport. Although the 49ers may suck right now, there isn't a remote possibility that a high school team could beat them.

"pro" does somewhat mean something in the "sport" that we play. It's a status that shows you are more experianced or better than the rest. But, acheiving that status takes a GREAT deal less than the sports that you just mentioned.

It's probably the possibility of becomming "pro" that's making this sport grow so fast. Paintball is a basic game to play and if you play paintball against those better than you, you will learn new moves and new tricks that will aid you in the future. There aren't a lot of tricks you have to learn and in a short amount of time you already know what the "pros" know. But, it's perfecting your techniques(getting to your bunker faster, laning, snapping, communicating) that seperates you from being as good as the "pros". With a bit of practice and a good team to play against, it's not too difficult to to reach the point when you can actually take on a profesionnal player.

I'm guessing the mentality of a player that we are all talking about is "What do i need to do to be like them?" And if they see "pros" wearing jerseys and shooting high end markers, they will go ahead and purchase jerseys and high end markers believing that it will make them better. Then comes the attitude. "I need to yell and scream and cuss my behind off because im losing". In most cases it motivates a team and makes them play better but when the player that wants to be like them sees or hears this, they will start trashtalking and cussing their behinds off. These players will do what's easiest to acheive the status of "pro". Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. And to the many unfortunate people that do believe that purchasing all the new gear and highend stuff will make them a better player...good luck

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 02:24 AM
This is a stupid thread, and there is no answer to it. This question has been asked thousands of times. And snyper, as many posts as you have, I still remember when you were one of those "look at me" noobs here on the forum. We all just grinned and bore it, now its your turn. Get over it.

Lord Gabriel the Jacob

Dude, i remember when i was a little attention whore newb that didnt know anything about paintball also. I've looked back on the things that i've did and thought "man what was i thinking" but then slowly (ok VERY SLOWLY) i began to realize that im not getting anywhere with the things that i did. So i started using my head and stopped making pointless and stupid posts and doing stupid things. I've probably learned the most about paintball in the past few months than the 5 years i've been playing (techinically only 2 years since the other 3 years was on and off). People taught me things, told me how things work and how to get better. People told me what i was doing wrong and how to improve. Back then i was the average hyped up kid "OMG IM GONNA GO PAINTBALLING! YAY!" and not the "OMG IM GONNA GO RAIL ON ALL THESE KIDS!" Who are people gonna help more? The kid that's just happy to be at the field again, or the kid that wants to bully and putdown other paintballers?

Edit: Don't judge people by thier post count

12-22-2004, 06:32 AM
this sorta reminds me of this quote. "what is worth having is worth working for.«

12-22-2004, 10:05 AM
I truly believe that paintball is a defective game because of stuff like this. I don't take it very seriously as a "sport," but I like to play though. "Pro" in paintball doesn't mean much, I've learned - where a golf pro, or football pro - this means something.

It should not be possible for an amateur team to be able to beat a pro team in a real sport. Although the 49ers may suck right now, there isn't a remote possibility that a high school team could beat them.

here, here and amen. thats the best i've heard it put yet.

12-22-2004, 10:17 AM
Ok, do you mean real small kids like 10-12? Or just 13-15?

Because I mean, I understand where you guys are coming from when you talk about the kids using high end markers and so on and so forth. I mean, lots of people just buy the things and don't even use them. It's practically a waste of money, but that's the idea. The dealers wouldn't care, so paintball is nothing more than a hobby if we continue in the trend that we're going. So this is how it is. That's that.

12-22-2004, 11:08 AM
I would like to congratulate Snypers new accomplishment on making his FIRST useful and thought provocative thread! Welcome to your new life Dennis.

had to quote nato on this just for humor sake.

i can see that everyone here for the most part has a valid argument for their theory on what to do. i think that tis will never change, and that the sport will always have kids like that.

as i said before, i prefer to tell them to prove to me how good they are by playing me. do it really loud kinda like what tyger said. or you can try the approach that will instantly make them look like an idiot, and like TDonovan said, just smile, give them a thumbs up, and say "Sweet!" very enthusiastically.

either one of these methods when done infront of a group of people should be humiliating enough to either make the kid stop smarting off, or it will atleast make them want to take you on, then its just up to you to prove that $$$ cant buy skills.

12-22-2004, 11:22 AM
I truly believe that paintball is a defective game because of stuff like this. I don't take it very seriously as a "sport," but I like to play though. "Pro" in paintball doesn't mean much, I've learned - where a golf pro, or football pro - this means something.

It should not be possible for an amateur team to be able to beat a pro team in a real sport. Although the 49ers may suck right now, there isn't a remote possibility that a high school team could beat them.

High school teams to the 49ers is a stretch, but college teams might have a chance. I think are Badgers could be very competitive over the Packers alot of times.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 01:38 PM
Ok, do you mean real small kids like 10-12? Or just 13-15?

Because I mean, I understand where you guys are coming from when you talk about the kids using high end markers and so on and so forth. I mean, lots of people just buy the things and don't even use them. It's practically a waste of money, but that's the idea. The dealers wouldn't care, so paintball is nothing more than a hobby if we continue in the trend that we're going. So this is how it is. That's that.

It's not that, i wouldn't care if a 10 year old showed up with all the high end gear in the world. It's the attitude of the players that we are discussing.

12-22-2004, 02:41 PM
To many of these "horror" stories about kids with nice stuff is just angry because they have nice stuff. Now what snyper is describing is a complete ***...I'm 14 have a DM3 halo etc. I also have a jersey that our team got and pants to match. I'm not very good as Load Sm5 will vouch for but that dosent make me a poser or anything like that... My 'rents were nice(prolly stupid) enough to dish out the money for it and for alot of these kids that's all there is to it. Dosent mean they are a poser because mom and dad feel like letting little timmy have a $3000 spending limit.

12-22-2004, 03:00 PM
Oh I get what you mean.

And I understand what you mean too. Like this whole "West Coast" california speedballer attitude people have now? Yeah, I know what you mean. And it drives me insane too.

I don't understand why is it that people have such attitudes towards other people on the field. You come there, you play, no need to act like a freaking twerp about it. I mean, it's not that I can't stand a person decked out in gear. As long as you don't brag, and don't insult my gear. Then I'm cool with you.


P.S. Get where I'm coming from?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-22-2004, 03:07 PM
Oh I get what you mean.

And I understand what you mean too. Like this whole "West Coast" california speedballer attitude people have now? Yeah, I know what you mean. And it drives me insane too.

I don't understand why is it that people have such attitudes towards other people on the field. You come there, you play, no need to act like a freaking twerp about it. I mean, it's not that I can't stand a person decked out in gear. As long as you don't brag, and don't insult my gear. Then I'm cool with you.


P.S. Get where I'm coming from?

Now you're getting it. Nothing wrong with having all the stuff in the world, it's the attitude that i'm worried about

12-22-2004, 03:13 PM
At first I didn't understand what the topic was about. So sorry about that. It's just my inability to take time and read that got to me.

But yeah, I understand what your worried about. And at my local field that's a large problem. Even at my school we have those kinds of problems with the kids who play paintball. They're all too up on the "Speedballer west coast california" attitude. They even insult me when I say I wanna buy a Mag. I mean, here's an average conversation that I have with one kid named Matt.

Me- Hey Matt.
Matt- Yo.
Me- So I hear you played last Saturday. How was it?
Matt- I was using this new Autococker and I was lighting these guys up man. They can't compete.
Me- OK... Anyway, I'm getting the Mag soon.
Matt- Psh! Mag's have nothing on Autocockers.
Me- Your off man. Mag's are really good.
Matt- You can't even use those for tournaments. What good are they then?
Me- Who said that a good marker has to be for tournaments?
Matt- Any marker worth being made should be tournament grade. Get out of here. Freaking woods player.

Ok, so from there on I'll cut it off because I began to get worked up and :cuss:. So I think you guys get the idea. That's how these speedballers act. Very stuck up and very up tight and think that they are the top.

Not only that half of them are posers to speedballing because at least most of them like this kid matt thinks that autocockers are the shat. Get me?

Oh yeah, and also. I play woods, but speedball too. Just because I like to play woods this kid thinks that I'm a recreational player. I mean, that's another thing too. Kids like this think that woods is really lame. It's not lame, it's fun.


12-22-2004, 03:16 PM
Matt- You can't even use those for tournaments. What good are they then?
Me- Who said that a good marker has to be for tournaments?
Matt- Any marker worth being made should be tournament grade. Get out of here. Freaking woods player.-Echo

actually, mags are legal as long as they arent bouncing.

12-22-2004, 03:19 PM
See? That's another reason this kid is dumb. Plus, I know for some tournaments that Mags are legal correct? But isn't it in like PSP they aren't or something?

12-22-2004, 03:25 PM
As long as its one pull one shot mags are tournament legal in PSP and NPPL

12-22-2004, 06:22 PM
I use a mag down here for tournies, so I guess so. :rolleyes:
Don't let kids like that bother you, if you really want to end it, call them out on their words.

12-22-2004, 08:31 PM
I just used a mag in the NEPL and saw a couple others

12-22-2004, 08:43 PM

( hoppys trivia, what movie is the capslock quote modified from?)

Loud Tim
12-22-2004, 10:15 PM
top gun

12-22-2004, 10:29 PM

12-23-2004, 01:06 AM
If all this up roar is because of you using a mag, get used to it. Mags are so misconceived it isn't funny. I get it all the time until I shut them out. Be nice and they will come around...

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-23-2004, 01:40 AM
thread is about kids with all the high end gear in the world and the worst attitude in the world
(this is focused more on the attitude, i don't care if it's a kid with the nicest gear in the world, but if their attitude is that of a bragging trashtalking 6 year old, i can't just stand around and do nothing...especially if they randomly insulted my directly)

12-23-2004, 02:44 AM
Man its kinda of a bummer actually being around negative attitudes like that. Its too bad you have to deal with it. Im kinda thankfull the kids at my field, even with the hot $$ gear are way cool. Most of them are out there to learn and play.
anyway im gonna start wearing my BDU top again.

12-23-2004, 02:54 AM
POSERS ARE GREAT ..... they get into one heated game ..and thats when 'mommy' and 'daddy' decide ... there spoiled lil kid shouldnt be on the feild .....

and the gun and gear get sold cheap..... so the working class gets a big price cut .... :clap: :clap: :shooting: :shooting:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-23-2004, 03:04 AM
lol yes that is a BIG positive from these kids

barrel break
12-23-2004, 06:40 PM
well, I personally think it's horrible. luckily, there aren't too many here in portland. but when i went to pb camp in VA (no, my grandfather paid) it was insane, so many small kids with expensive setups, bad attitudes, etc. even the coaches (Mike paxson, john call, rocky cagnoni, and ronn stern) were really into insulting setups, IE woodsball, cheaper setups. i was stupid and let them pressure me into buying an HPA tank, and emptying my bank account to do it :(

I think I'll go into portland again soon (havent played since july :cry: ) with my borrowed 98c!

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-23-2004, 10:46 PM
Switching to HPA is actually a very good move. You did the right thing but you shouldn't let people pressure you into purchasing things. Did they at least tell you the positives of n2 and why you shouldn't use co2? If they had good reasons for you than that's good but if they just straight up told you "co2 sucks, buy a hpa tank" than i wouldn't want to go back to that camp.

12-23-2004, 11:49 PM
i was stupid and let them pressure me into buying an HPA tank, and emptying my bank account to do it :(

Just a question... Did they have these things at the camp, or did they convince you to get it, and you went home and bought one there?


12-24-2004, 01:19 AM
OK. People keep asking me for this for Christmas but I can't find it anywhere so I'm gonna ask you guys. WHAT THE HELL IS A BUTTFOR!?!?!?

12-24-2004, 01:32 AM
OK. People keep asking me for this for Christmas but I can't find it anywhere so I'm gonna ask you guys. WHAT THE HELL IS A BUTTFOR!?!?!?