View Full Version : Your worst paintball injury

12-20-2004, 11:21 AM
This weekend at the field I rolled my ankle running for a bunker, and heard it pop. It kinda freaked me out a little at first and I couldnt really play. I just laid there cussing for about 10-15seconds, then I managed to get up and shoot back about 4 balls before catching one in the warp feed.

I limped off the field and finished out the day w/ a little less aggressive play.

I have sprained my ankle before and it was worse. This time it wasnt terribly painful, just kinda shocked by it. Two days later, it aches, and I have it braced.

So far, this is the worst paintball injury Ive suffered in 2 years of playing.

12-20-2004, 11:28 AM
I shatered my humoral bone (upper arm not funny bone) playing some woodsball a few years back. It required a plate and some screws and I was off the field for 8 or 9 months. It's all good now and I not olny have a totlaly boss scar I set off metal detectors too. :D
Guess who get searched EVERYTIME he flies :clap: I can't :cuss: too much thought because they think I'm a :ninja: :wow: are they wrong

12-20-2004, 11:30 AM
I think Miscue wins this on AO.

He snapped his femur playing paintball a couple years ago.

12-20-2004, 11:32 AM
not my injury, but ill share my friend's:

one time we were doing practice 2 on 2, with another teammate reffing. i was playing back so that my friend could get some practice in as front. on the break out, he slides into his bunker and i hear him say what i think is out. so i continue snapping in and out shooting at the other 2 guys when i notice he hasnt left the field yet. i look over at him and he yells to call the game. i could tell by his tone and use of some words i cant use here that he was injured so i immediately run to him, getting shot numerous times in the process as the guy reffing does the same. as i get to him, i notice he is laying on his left side, but his supporting himself ith his right hand. thats when i realized he had done something to his shoulder. i rolled him over, and when he stood up i could tell the shoulder was dislocated. we ended up taking him to the hospital where they said it was a tendon that had rolled out of place. this was after they had removed his jersey which had popped his shoulder back in.

luckly my worst is just tearing up my knees when i forget to wear my knee pads.

12-20-2004, 11:35 AM
I think Miscue wins this on AO.

He snapped his femur playing paintball a couple years ago.

man, that's rough.. What exactly did he do to snap it? It's a pretty major bone in your body, considering it's responsible for alot of the blood creation within your system.. You could die from a broken femur.

12-20-2004, 11:41 AM
man, that's rough.. What exactly did he do to snap it? It's a pretty major bone in your body, considering it's responsible for alot of the blood creation within your system.. You could die from a broken femur.

That and it is the STRONGEST bone in your body. :wow: :wow: :wow:
Me thinks Miscue should drink more milk

12-20-2004, 11:43 AM
dislocated shoulder jumping over snake :(

12-20-2004, 11:44 AM
He's scrawny. I think he slid into a tree or something.

If you search AO, he posted X-rays and pictures of the metal rod he had taken out after it healed.

12-20-2004, 11:45 AM
Found a pic of the x-ray.


12-20-2004, 11:48 AM
The femur is a bad one to break. Ouch.

I tore the ligaments in my knee. I couldn't walk properly for almost 2 yrs. It took a lot of rehabilitation and put me in many painful situations over that time period.

12-20-2004, 11:51 AM
oof, that's gotta leave a mark

12-20-2004, 12:20 PM
Jeeze Miscue, and I thought my injuries were bad.
Well, one game: I was playing out in the woods and tried to slide into cover. Problem was, it had rained the night before and the ground was slick. Lucky me, I hit a patch of mud and overshot into an oak tree. Felt like I got hit with a sledgehammer, took a while to get off the field. Went home and tried to shake it off. After about a week of pain and shortness of breath, I finally got a X-Ray: 2 broken and 1 fractured rib. Yeah, that kept me off the field for 5 months.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2004, 12:31 PM
i'm young, i can still hurt myself...but my worst would be getting shot in the "wing wang" from the side at the tip *shivers*

12-20-2004, 12:36 PM
Took a ball from about 5ft way direct center of my throat. I guess not really an injury but the only time I was every really hurt.

12-20-2004, 12:39 PM
Myself worst I have done is rolling an ankle. My brother on the other hand is a mess. Few years ago he snapped the bones right above the ankle joint jumping over a brush pile playing in a woods ball tourney. Last time I got him to play indoor he busted his hand. I had ghosted thru a hallway past his team & was cleaning them out when he broke from a room across the hallway he felt me behind him & dove for a doorway hitting the door jam busted his revy & realized later that his hand was busted.

12-20-2004, 12:56 PM
ive been pretty safe in PB.. except getiin bunkered and got shot in the throat 3 times from 2 feet a way be4 dropping to my knees.. thats about it tho.

but i do EVRY sport you can think of.!

roller blading= snaped my botom ankle plus shattered my growth plate

snowboarding=snappin my thumb in half... brekin my leg

BMX= wrist and leg.

moto x= all ribs

in all ive broken like 30 bones..

but one of the wierdest things was... i complety shattered my entire elbow... by : (u would never ever in one million years guess).... TAKEING OUT THE GARBAGE. eeeyah,,, i was rrunnin back up steps and smoked my arm on a deck rail...

byfar the mos tpainfull thing ever

Loud Tim
12-20-2004, 01:15 PM
i scratched my finger one time when i was diving into a bunker

12-20-2004, 01:20 PM
i scratched my finger one time when i was diving into a bunker

lol, nice one tim

i didnt mention it before, but ive been shot literally point blank in the neck before. happend during a practice dive, barrel condom was on. during the dive, the condom somehow came off, the gun slipped outta my hand spun, got me once in the neck, and once in the shoulder.(shows just how lite the pull of a ult can be, finger didnt even touch it :) )

12-20-2004, 04:04 PM
Tore my ACL.

12-20-2004, 04:13 PM
must contribute -
I used to play in shorts - so much so that it was almost my trademark - this stopped when I was sliding into a inflatable bunker and caught a ball flying at 280+ fps UP MY SHORT LEG AND ONTO MY B-LS - AT FULL SPEED - and I wasnt even wearing underwear.

My nether region then swelled up roughly to the size of mason jars.......never again.......

12-20-2004, 04:28 PM
i cracked my tailbone on a slide...havent slide since then...i stick to the run and gun thing now.

12-20-2004, 04:32 PM
I got shot in the head and I head a headache for the rest of the day :cry:
I've had a few bloody welts but thats about it. I think.

12-20-2004, 04:34 PM
One year (oh not my accident but a good one) at Craig Village, this guy was running away from the other team through a building. He was looking over his shoulder and firing, never saw the concrete wall comign at him.

Right as he turned to look forward he hit the wall. Basically the paramedic said he tore all his face and right side of his skin off his skull. He didn't like rip anything or bleed bad, just all the parts gluing it to his skull broke loose.

He had to get reconstructed/plastice surgery.

Last I heard he still plays to, think he was at the last Craig Village, just does not go into the buildings any!!


12-20-2004, 04:42 PM
well its not much but heres mine:all at once fron a guy like 5 ft away 7 balls in back turn around about 5 in the neck and running to a bunker and falling all over it

:shooting: :dance:
-lane the flying skwril

12-20-2004, 05:56 PM
must contribute -
I used to play in shorts - so much so that it was almost my trademark - this stopped when I was sliding into a inflatable bunker and caught a ball flying at 280+ fps UP MY SHORT LEG AND ONTO MY B-LS - AT FULL SPEED - and I wasnt even wearing underwear.

My nether region then swelled up roughly to the size of mason jars.......never again.......

Why the hell weren't you wearing underwear, should be the real question... :ninja:

12-20-2004, 05:59 PM
I hyper extended my knee when running for cover at our home field. Hurt like heck to move it for about three weeks. Then I took a digger on my Mt.Bike and bashed my knee. That seemed to make it all better. My little Sis is a PT tech and she said I must have bashed things back into place. Lucky me.


12-20-2004, 06:01 PM
ive never broken bones but once i aws playing with somemof my friends in the woods and i didnt know his rule. (if yo run out of balls you run) which i later thought was BS!!!!!!. well i ran out of balls and walked out of a bunker and got shot 2 or 3 times in the calf from about 20 feet away. and hes one of those kids who just cranks up theyre guns to full velocity. i had black welt the size of a few baseballs. oww.

12-20-2004, 06:05 PM
getting shot in the knee (osgood schlatters) at shatnerball III.

rolled around a bit, played another game or two, knee gave out while playing few times, and spent the rest of shatnerball sitting :(

12-20-2004, 06:08 PM
oh and i dont let anyone play that rule anymore. and getting shot in the knee does hurt.^

12-20-2004, 06:21 PM
Slidding into a tree at nearly full speed with my knee ripping most of the skin off of my shin and to top it all off i have osgood schlatters. Then the same knee i tore a ligament in it when it was dislocated during football. The first game back after four months out i try to bunker some kid and WHAM right where all the damage had taken place. Compared to most of the above i feel lucky. Rock on :headbang:

12-20-2004, 06:37 PM
One year (oh not my accident but a good one) at Craig Village, this guy was running away from the other team through a building. He was looking over his shoulder and firing, never saw the concrete wall comign at him.

Right as he turned to look forward he hit the wall. Basically the paramedic said he tore all his face and right side of his skin off his skull. He didn't like rip anything or bleed bad, just all the parts gluing it to his skull broke loose.

He had to get reconstructed/plastice surgery.

Last I heard he still plays to, think he was at the last Craig Village, just does not go into the buildings any!!


Didnt he have his mask on?

Well...worst i have been injured was getting shot in the hand from 5-10 feet. I got shot point blank in the chest 3 times first time i played...but those just left welts.

12-20-2004, 07:07 PM
I think that my latest surgery is related to a paintball injury. But I can't be 100% sure. I mean, the injury itself was in 1999. But if it WAS related, then umm... yeah, disk herniation bad.


12-20-2004, 07:25 PM
my knees were kinda scratched after a day of play once.

Mr. Mouse
12-20-2004, 07:44 PM
ive broken my foot when i was little, fell from a 20ft tree hit a stump, cracked my growth plate in my elbow, fractured my hip, banged up my knees, jammed my finger so it was in a zig zag Z shape ( wasnt that bad looked more like a S), uhm... got couple concussions from hockey, pretty much got hurt in everything but paintball... besides gettin shot 300+ when the fps was soppose ot be 250 because it was indoors... bastards.. but other then that i havent really done anything to hurt my self in paintball yet *knock on wood*

Pyrate Jim
12-20-2004, 07:49 PM
Woodsball, starting on the low end of a hill. I claimed I was gonna make the log bunker halfway up the hill and I made one heluva start. Crossed the 4" wide trickle of water, flew up the hill towards the bunker while dodging between trees. I tripped on a tree-root at full speed and landed face-down spreadeagle on one of the hardest rocks in the state. Cracked two ribs and made breathing difficult for a couple weeks but I heal well.
Funny part was coming home. While unpacking the truck, one of the neighbors sees the bodywrap and asks about it. I tell him I cracked two ribs playing paintball. He looks at me in horror and asks:
"They hit that hard?"

12-20-2004, 08:11 PM
oh oh oh me next....I have 2 small ones.

First One:
one time while playing some speedball with my teamamte 1v1 off the break I made a mad dash for the 50 while firing and neglected to see the giant metal I-Beam supporting the roof by the time I noticed it I was plowing into it head first blacked out for a few seconds all the time this was hapening my teamate dident know what had happend due to me supressing him behind a bunker so as I lay there he runs up and bunkers me. I ended up with my knee swollen and black and a bad headache.

Second One:
this happend a few weeks after the first one I mentioned me and another team mate were scriming 1v1 and he put me behind my bunker with his vike as I got up to run accross to the 50 he ran about 8 feet in front of me laying a rope needless to say I ran headlong into a stream of p8nt every shot hitting my knee right where I had smacked it on the pole only a few weeks earlyer I lost all feeling fromt the knee down for like 24 hours and my knee again turned like a big black welt now I have alot of badass scars on my knee.

Oh BTW I play in shorts no knee pads, pants and knee pads get in the way.

12-20-2004, 09:48 PM
worst one i had was i smashed my knee on a large pointy rock. Very fun

Worst one ive seen was some kid got shot in the balls and screamed for 5 minutes. I felt the pain even :cry:

12-20-2004, 10:15 PM
One year (oh not my accident but a good one) at Craig Village, this guy was running away from the other team through a building. He was looking over his shoulder and firing, never saw the concrete wall comign at him.chris
That was the funiest thing I read in a while. Tahnks for the laugh.

i didnt mention it before, but ive been shot literally point blank in the neck before. happend during a practice dive, barrel condom was on. during the dive, the condom somehow came off, the gun slipped outta my hand spun, got me once in the neck, and once in the shoulder.(shows just how lite the pull of a ult can be, finger didnt even touch it :) )
See this why you treat your mags with care. Cause they can punish you for disrepect.

I have see a guy get stabbed by a stake. It was weird. He is a big guy and he was running around a bunker and got tripped up on the bungies. And he pulled up the stake, it flew in front of him and he fell on it.
It wasnt deep or hit anything vital, it got him on one of his many side rolls. but still he got stabbed. :wow:

at least he did not get shot in the balls. :rolleyes:

Mr. Mouse
12-20-2004, 10:44 PM
that should be like a official rule #1 of paintball, no shooting in the groin area at all, no one likes it done to them and can only result in major pain

12-20-2004, 11:11 PM
Tip of my Dingaling got shot...

12-21-2004, 12:22 AM
I was in a bunker with a guy who had one of those old school smoke grenades where you have to pull the pin(it was filled with some sort of powder). As soon as he pulled it, the powder shot out of the back and went all in my mask. My eyes felt like they were on fire. The refs called the game and I had to have some doctor look at my eyes. That was pretty painful.

12-21-2004, 12:45 AM
kid named tommy at the field i ref was sliding into a bunker and he hit a stump or rock or something and then he walked off the field cause it hirt, by the time he got to the safe area his sock and leg was covered in blood. we pulled up his pant leg and there was a gash bout three inches long inch wide and deep enough to go to the muscle right under his left knee.
Best thing is the kid was bout 15 and didnt even drop a tear, he just sat there and cussed bout how he couldnt play. from the looks i would have been crying like a baby, he was a tough little bastard.

12-21-2004, 12:52 AM
I don' think I've had and injuries playing paintball, but ive witnessed a few.

1)It was rec play, this girl was kneeling behind an airball bunker, and sliced her knee open on the top of one of the stakes. They had to take her to the hospital. She had to get stitches because there was just this flap of skin hanging.

2)Again, rec play, these two brothers were in the back bunker. They were behind one another, the back one shooting, while the other was tucked in, then he poped out to shoot and got shot in the back of the head, with basically the barrel right on his head.

3)I was reffing a tourny, this kid goes on a bunker run, gets one guy, then goes to bunker another kid, he gets shot point blank in the neck. Later, after the tourny, he goes on another run and get shot point blank in the neck. He comes off the field, and leaves, forgetting his pack there. Then, next week, he wasn't there and people said he was at the hospital.

12-21-2004, 01:12 AM
those last 2 posts sound pretty brutal.

12-21-2004, 01:56 AM
Played w/ a sprained knee and tried to slide.

Didnt play for about a month or two.

12-21-2004, 03:04 AM
I've shot in the nads a bunch of times over the years. I broke my right ring finger once playing speedball when I tripped on the break and crashed right into my one teammate. I broke my left pointer finger and pinky in one fall I took playing some woodsball 6 or 7 years ago. Shortly after breaking my 2 fingers at once, I broke my tailbone when I fell while standing on top of a mossy, freshly rained on rock wall while playing woodsball. So I broke 3 bones within 2 months of each other playing woodsball and 1 bone playing speedball. And I also broke my left femur when I was 12 while I was riding my bike. That sucked. I was off of my feet for a while on that one. My leg still doesn't feel right and that was 11 years ago.

50 cal
12-21-2004, 09:07 AM
We were playing a big game in Birmingham AL back in '88 or '89. A bunch of us were standing around BSing near our cars. A guy was messing with his SMG60. He was directly behind me and I didn't see him, he was about 3 or 4 foot behind me.
Next thing I know is it felt like a hundred hornets were stinging my back. Mr. Einstein was fiddling with the trigger and pulled it all the way to the rear. I took 15- 60 caliber balls to a spot about 3" in diameter.
Back then SMG's were allowed to shoot 340 fps because of the smaller diameter and weight ball. The spot was almost immediately black and blue. It later set up a nasty infection because some of my t shirt got ripped and imbedded intot he wound.
It wasn't too long layer that SMG's were outlawed.

12-21-2004, 11:15 AM
give me a url for a smg. please, these things sound nasty.

12-21-2004, 11:16 AM
once some ki got pissed off and after the game he randomly shot me in the back. weener.

12-21-2004, 04:15 PM
Didnt he have his mask on?

Yes he did!!


12-21-2004, 06:23 PM
This didn’t happen to me.

There was a Scenario game at our local field a few years ago and one of the players got a bit excited off the start. You can picture about 50 guys jumping around on one side of a field just all ansy as hell to get started. There all hollering and waving there guns in the air like there all in a shoot for Brave Heart II.

About two groups of 5 were supposed to charge forward once game started and the overly excited guy happened to be in one of those groups. When the official start was shouted, the guy took off across the field like a lonely soldier just screaming an hollering and running as fast as he could. While in mid stride about 50 yards ahead of the rest of his team, the guy dissapiered among the brush. He had tripped on a stick or root. The poor bastard broke his collar bone and was out for the rest of the game... He too just cussed up a storm about not being able to play...\

If it was me, I would take most any other injury than getting shot in the Jewels... Ouch, hurts just reading about it...

On that note, one of my buddies back in 1991 was running towards me and another buddy while playing woods ball. He slipped while dodging our fire and caught his “Nut-Sack” on a twig. Ripped em right open... OOOhhhh... Youch.... I get squeamish every time I try to picture the incident... He ended up getting stitches and if I remember correctly, he passed out right away and never really felt much of the pain... The rest of us onlookers did however manage to feel his pain...

Tis all I can remember today...

12-21-2004, 07:36 PM
I think that my latest surgery is related to a paintball injury. But I can't be 100% sure. I mean, the injury itself was in 1999. But if it WAS related, then umm... yeah, disk herniation bad.

That's right, Tyger fell off a cliff...That's pretty tough to top. ;)

12-21-2004, 07:41 PM
No, breaking the femur is pretty bad ya know. Umm... yeah.... I mean I walked away from mine. For a while, anyhow... That was a bad 2 months afterwards too. Regaining conciousness on the kitchen floor in searing back pain is never fun.


Mighty Mike
12-21-2004, 08:30 PM
During an AO event, I passed out in the staging area and hit my head on a table. It was a hot summer day, a little over 100 degrees, and I was one week into my Atkins Diet. I was playing with zero carbs/zero energy and after a few hours in the heat my body cramped up and my head was about to burst. Last thing i remembered was people running to me and giving me water. It was definitely a scary feeling. After the day a bunch of us went to Chevy's and I filled myself up with 4 baskets of chips and salsa and some steak fajitas. That carb overload made me feel a lot better. :)

12-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Ok, I don't think I take the cake, but doesn't hurt to try. I snapped my Fibula, and broke off part of thr Tibia's socket, along with dislocating my ankle.... These are after surgery....

12-21-2004, 10:35 PM
Mine's not as impressive as some of these stories.

Had heart surgery, recovered for the required 3 months before I was allowed to play again. Went to a buddy's place to play, got shot by a (supposedly) non-combatant. Dead on shot straight to my fresh chest scar, point-blank, with a *really* hot mag. Ouch. And to add insult to injury, I was already out... the kid was just being a jackhole.

Playing a local tourney, got shot in the neck. The barrel was literally 3 inches from my skin when I got shot. And the gun was really, really hot. It bled. A lot. Lots of embedded shell in my torn flesh. Very painful. A prominent scar for over a year... it's still there if you look.

I think that's about all the biggies... other stuff like getting shot in the throat, rolling my ankles, hurting my knees, stuff like that, but nothing huge.

50 cal
12-21-2004, 10:36 PM
give me a url for a smg. please, these things sound nasty.


If you google SMG60 you will find a bunch of spec sheets.

12-22-2004, 03:58 AM
ive been lucky aside from massive brusing none of my mistakes ever catch up to me but my cousin well he takes the cake or atleast comes close to miscues.. he decided to screw around while we were playing one night and got on top of a small cliff bout 20 feet to be funny. this was pre me deciding he is night blind. he thought it was a 5 foot drop so he jumped to avoid getting shot. straight legged the landing in his left leg snapping the femur at the growth plate and relocating it to his knee. well the paramedics said he was lucky the bone was not far from punching through the skin. sadly he did suffer major nerve damage and couldnt even lift the front of this foot for about a year now he can but not with any good amount of strength and cant walk on his heels! you should see the before and after x-rays the doctors did an amazing job. it was amazing too he only said ow then just sat there for 40 minutes wanting to go to sleep waiting for the ambulance. worst day ive ever had!

12-22-2004, 04:06 AM
The worst injury I guess would ge the bloody welts that I got from someone shooting over 300 in a close quarters game, this resulted in a fair amount of blood down my arm and he also shot me in the leg. The bruise is about the size of a grapefruit right now and is purple and green.

Another time had my knuckle split to the bone when I took a shot dead on the knuckle.

Nothing to major in my opinion.

12-22-2004, 09:36 AM
I ref for Lone Wolf in Michigan... these are a few of em -

Multiple twisted,broken ankles and knees, point blank shots to the gnards, neck, hands, etc, broken fingers, kids jumping into bunkers with michigan rattlers, bees, ticked off groundhogs....

Kid slipped on a bridge on a run, got back up top, shoe and sock were filled with blood, upon investigation, his shin was cut down to the bone for about a 3 inch strip. The kid was upset he had to go to the hospital becasue he wanted to keep playing. he also made the statement that he had done worse on his BMX bike before.

In another incident, a rather heavyset guy was running uphill towards his buddies, and got shot, he fell backwards down the hill, and actually stabbed a stick into the kidney region of his back. It was burried deep, and he was bleeding like a stuck pig, not sure if any severe damage resulted, but it was DEEP!

A new kid got bunkerred from behid at about 4 feet away , he didnt have his goggles on properly, and the shot hit right behind his ear. The flesh was so soft there, it literrally tore his ear from the side of his head, it was like a loose flap of skin.

Had a guy scalp himself on a building entrance, he didnt get low enough, peeled back a good 4 inches of his scalp and knocked himself out.

Had another guy actually fall on the tank of his Tippman pro-lite, and he snapped the grip frame in half ( not at the screws, actually snapped that thick plastic ) He had a HUGE bruise from the impact.

Me personally - Broken ankle, blew out my knee, shot in the nards ( directly in the right one while wearing umbro running shorts and compression shorts underneath ) shot in the throat from 4 inches away, couldnt talk for about 6 hours, and had hoarse voice for about 2 weeks, shot in the back at 416fps from about 10 ft away ( yeah that one was beleding ). shot from about 8 ft away about 15 times, took one in the temple, and was knocked out for about 2 minutes ( before they required sides on goggles ) shot in the back of the head from 2 inches away by a teammate, slid into a bunker, knee hit a sharp rock, my momentum carried me forward slicing from the top of my knee down about 6 inches, about 1/2 of an inch deep - found that duct tape and paper towels work wonders.

im sure there are plenty more I can think of.


12-25-2004, 07:33 PM
one time, there was a ref at my field who decides to see what a just filled white frozen co2 tank feels like if you stick it on your tongue, he walks out with the tank like glued to his lips and tongue, he was running towards the sink, his tongue was pure white for like a minute.

Me personally have never really had anything bad besides gettin shot in the kidney area of your back from 5 ft away by my OWN TEAM! I was :mad: :cuss:

12-25-2004, 07:39 PM
One tiem i was stagin adn my teammate had his gone on without the barrel bag on adn it was liek a foot form my head and the bag got bumped so...

12-26-2004, 12:09 AM
when i was playin in my friends back yard(were out in country so the back yards are big) and i went to jump over one of his bushes and landed on my foot funny and got an inverted sprained ankle. i keep playin and did 2more games that i won after that and it hurt soooooooo bad i was limping so much.

12-26-2004, 12:22 AM
My worst paintball injury that has happened to me so far was getting shot at point blank. Left a perminant bruse located on my right side, just where the rib cage is. The worst part was he was on my team...
Would of had even greatly injuries, thank god I wear a cup. Been shot while I was wearing a cup numerous times.

12-26-2004, 02:58 AM
I think Styg owned all of us :->
In terms of broken bones, been kinda fortunate since I love drinking orange juice (lots of Calcium). But I did have one particularly nasty incident.

I was playing woods one time when I was but a noob, and we had no chrono, it was a 1 on 2 game me bein the best and having a pump gun owned the first guy but couldn't find the second, I didn't know where the hell he was because he was wearing his dads ghillie suit so there there was no way i was gonna see him. He was shooting a tippmann and later we found out it was EXTREMELY hot. But I was walking around looking for him when BAM he was 3 feet away and thought it would be funny but he nailed me right on the tip of my dick, made a hole through my paints and nailed me right on there with a hot gun with marbalizers. So needless to say I dropped like a stone and couldn't breath for a few minutes, and was in excrutiating pain. When I looked at my crotch it was all red, so I basically freaked/cussed out, then I decided to take a look at it, the whole thing was bleeding like made, and damn was I pissed. I had to go to the hospital and I didn't let them stitch it but they dressed it and it hurt to piss for a few weeks.
Moral is wear a cup or play speedball, and watch out for your balls. ;)
-Roger B.

12-26-2004, 06:27 PM
Found a pic of the x-ray.

Here's some more... :p

<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34474&stc=1">
<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34475&stc=1">
<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34477&stc=1">
<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34476&stc=1">

12-26-2004, 09:39 PM
looks like it hurt

p u r e e v i l
12-26-2004, 11:54 PM
Once upon a time on a field in Cedar Springs, Michigan. A young man found himself on his new three man team facing two firmiliar faces and the sister of one of the kids on his own team member. As the count-down came, he got ready and darted off towards the snake at the right side of the field. He slid into it but came up short and went to hurl himself in hope that he may continue to slide towards the other part of the sneak.

"Rip!" Went his rotary cup as he slid into the other side of the snake. Needless to say, he did not pounce on the opportunity and he placed his gun on the ground only to grab his left arm, which was practically lifeless due to nerve damage. That'd hurt for awhile, eh?

That's my stories, fellas and ladies. Sucks...

12-27-2004, 12:46 AM
i'm young, i can still hurt myself...but my worst would be getting shot in the "wing wang" from the side at the tip *shivers*

same here, my balls (not the ones i shoot at other people with) were pegged a couple of times by my friend and in anger with adrennaline i decidedto lite him up since he was out of paint, but then bought him a slice of pizza later after i was feeling better because felt bad that i gave him 47 welts on his chest back and booty.

and on my first game i got shot about 3 feet away (so much for the surrender rule) right on my collarbone (i think that's what it's called [so if you turn your head right and straight down from your chin]) i got shot there and it hasn't swelled down yet, from a year and a half ago. i'll also look for the correct name.

edit: looked it up, and yeah it is the tip of the collar bone

12-28-2004, 02:19 PM
1st Injury: Rushed a bunker and got tagged in my goodies. My ball bag swung like a pendulum. I cried.

2nd Injury: Throat hit from 15 feet. Actually felt my esophagus displace and then shift back into it's normal position.

Of course, this is nothing compared to some of the other stories on here. I've never broken a bone in my life. Thanks, cereal + milk every day!

12-28-2004, 02:21 PM
must contribute -
I used to play in shorts - so much so that it was almost my trademark - this stopped when I was sliding into a inflatable bunker and caught a ball flying at 280+ fps UP MY SHORT LEG AND ONTO MY B-LS - AT FULL SPEED - and I wasnt even wearing underwear.

My nether region then swelled up roughly to the size of mason jars.......never again.......


Dear god.


12-28-2004, 02:34 PM
Chopper @ VAG in Northern Virginia shot his eye out cleaning a mag. One of his eyes is now made of glass.

12-28-2004, 02:38 PM
that should be like a official rule #1 of paintball, no shooting in the groin area at all, no one likes it done to them and can only result in major pain

I've been shot in the gooch before. I'd show u pictures but no one wants to see that..

12-28-2004, 02:47 PM
I got heat exhaustion as a result of trying to play the Monster game in 100*+ weather with 95% + humidity...

that's the only time I've ever gotten to ride in an ambulance, it took the EMT's 5 tries to find a vein to start pushing fluids into me...

moral of the story: Don't go to big games alone...


12-28-2004, 02:49 PM
Sprain my ankle while walking off the field. then reinjuring it multiple times

12-28-2004, 04:33 PM
This is one told by Loud Tim at Paintball Sams in Racine WI.
No more Guillie suits at the field. Someone in a full suit lit up a cigarrette and caught on fire, human torch style. Burned majority of his skin off.
So to cover insurance fee no more suits at the field.

So yeah, be carefull with the bic.