View Full Version : im pissed off, hpa filling places

12-21-2004, 11:28 AM
ok this is the deal. i cant get a descent tank for my gun because there arents any places that fil up to 4500 psi. i think. what tanks can i get that are 3000 psi and really consistent? i as gonna get the apoc2k for $270, good deal. so does any one know of places that fill up to 4500 psi in Burlington, Vermont?

12-21-2004, 11:32 AM
Getting a 4500PSI fill for me is rare, I think the last time I got to 4500 was in Chicago. 4200 sometimes around here if the field owner turns on the second compressor (at tournaments). 3K is enough for 95% of the people in 95% of the time. I would buy a 45 just so your not filling to limit everytime.

12-21-2004, 11:33 AM
Just about every manufacturer of tanks makes 3k and 4.5k tanks. Like screw ins, PE and Crossfire or adjustables like maxflos, flatlines, or apocs. Pick whatever one you like. Also, just because you cannot get a 4500 fill now doesn't mean you wont be able to some time. Just get the 4500 tank that way when you finally get a 4500 filler in your area you won't have to mess around with getting a 4500 bottle or switching tanks all together.

12-21-2004, 11:35 AM
We fill to 4.5k everyday....of course this doesn't help you as we are in California (where all the stores in my area fill to 4.5k).

This should be an inspiration to you as it shows there is hope.

12-21-2004, 11:46 AM
im just gonna go ahead and buy a 4500 psi tank and not limit myself as you guys said.

12-21-2004, 11:49 AM
im just gonna go ahead and buy a 4500 psi tank and not limit myself as you guys said.

Best choice.

Calculate how much you spend on fills. It may be worth your while to get a hold of HP SCUBA or SCBA tanks and fill from those.

12-21-2004, 11:55 AM
i calculated the $$$ on all tanks. if i mod a preset crossfire with on/off and drop and stuff it would be almost 270 which is an apoc2k so im going with apoc2k.

12-21-2004, 12:34 PM
Just remember if you go the dive tank route that you're looking for a STEEL tank..they are the only ones that can handle HPA over 3K. all of the other tanks are aluminum and are only rated for 3000.

12-21-2004, 01:34 PM
Just remember if you go the dive tank route that you're looking for a STEEL tank..they are the only ones that can handle HPA over 3K. all of the other tanks are aluminum and are only rated for 3000.

Not true.

You can get 4350psi rated hood-wrapped aluminium tanks. :)


12-21-2004, 04:26 PM
Just remember if you go the dive tank route that you're looking for a STEEL tank..they are the only ones that can handle HPA over 3K. all of the other tanks are aluminum and are only rated for 3000.

HP Steel tanks use DIN valves. Just get a 3300psi aluminum 80CF tank.

12-21-2004, 04:49 PM
imho, having a scuba is not all it's cracked up to be. i have one at home for teching and goofing around, but most fields offer all day air at a reasonable price...5$ to 10$.

a 3000psi scuba usually ends up being about 2250- 2500 psi after it cools down from filling. with most guns, as the day wears on, you'll be filling more often and getting less and less in your gun tank.

with all day air, you can fill as often as you like and even though it's only 3000, you still get a roughly consistent 3000 instead of what you get using a scuba.

if you're lucky, you can get a scuba tank and a fill adapter for about 150$'ish. thats 30 days of all day air at 5$ and 15 days at 10$. not worth it to me. add in yearly visual inspection fees and hydro every five years and the associated down time too.....

i'm fortunate that even the fields in my area that don't have compressors, they do have boosters and we get decent fills.

also, in my area, scuba fills are 4$. add 1$ to 6$ and i've got all day air without having to lug a tank or worry about how much air will be in my next fill.

so, even though you only get 3000, i suggest you roll with it. get whatever tank you want as theres no telling what your local fields or stores may advance to in the future.

stores of course, are a different situation, but not much you can do about that.

just some food for thought. hope it helps.

12-21-2004, 04:54 PM
I have a 5000psi tank but only get up to 3000psi in my local field :(

12-21-2004, 05:11 PM
I'm not sure how other Scuba shops fill there air, but I'm SCUBA Certified and even I can't get my tanks filled over "2300psi" as that is the rating for SCUBA Diving. There are only two ways I know to get tanks filled over 2300psi at a scuba shop. You either write PAINTBALL on the tank, which they will then only fill to 2800psi or you have a Nitrox Tank which you can't get filled unless you have the Nitrox Certification even if you write PAINTBALL real big on it...

I'm also in Training for Firefighting. We have fill stations on some of our apparatuses and at some of the Station houses. The Apparatuses can only fill to 3200psi. I do believe that the station houses can fill to whatever PSI I want, but other than that, not many places other than Paintball Fields and stores fill that high around here...

I fill both of my Scuba Tanks as full as I can get them and they last me about 36 good fills at the cost of about $7.00... I say get the SCUBA if you want to save money on air fills, but I find it hard to believe that anyone will actually get a SCUBA shop to fill it any higher than they are "Insured to fill them" for liability purposes...

12-21-2004, 05:34 PM
well a scuba is worth it in my opinion. i have a 4500psi scuba thats is 120cf. its very hard to find one liek this but its worth it the bottle was 200 plus 50 for the fillstation from the scuba shop. and my local field has some very cold filsl and they always fill my scuba for me included in the all day air price. to me its worth every cent. i get so much air out of it.

12-21-2004, 05:37 PM
dont think i EVER gor a full 4500 fill until our field bought a compressor

now its 4500 fills ALL DAY LONG :clap: :dance:

12-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Our field doesnt have all day air...and its 4.50 to fill my 4500 psi tank. But i can spend that money at the scuba shop and i think they fill it all the way. Plus they have nitro, and compressed...so if they are out of one...they have the other :)

12-21-2004, 07:45 PM
Keep in mind that some fields have started banning people from filling their own tanks with SCUBA equipment. Velocity, here in San Diego, won't let you do your own fills on the premises, due to "liability reasons."

12-21-2004, 08:08 PM
R&L Archery in Barre or Cholchester during the spring and summer. And Farlee is open all year you just gotta call.

12-21-2004, 08:36 PM
thanks guys.

12-21-2004, 08:42 PM
part of the reason it's rare to get a perfect 4500 fill at a rec field or "all-day air" fill sation, is that you're supposed to let the tank cool a little then top it off, or "step" the fills in increments of 1000. Of course with a line of guys waiting for a fill, they will hand you a toasty 4500 "full" tank and send you on your way, and by the time you get back in the game it's cooled down to 4100. Not a huge deal if it's all-day air for rec/scenario.....

12-21-2004, 09:51 PM
the local diving center that i go to for 3000 psi fills they top it off with an other tank and i usually get around 3000 psi. within the hundreds, 2800, 2900, 2700.

12-21-2004, 11:19 PM
Just a point of order....every dive tank I use is a yoke fitting, 3000 fill. It's a matter of filling a tank and then topping it off to get a proper fill.

Recon by Fire
12-21-2004, 11:39 PM
I have been recently looking at buying a SCUBA tank or renting a smaller holding tank from an air company. Luxfer makes a 4500 psi tank but it cost $400, best price I found is $350.
Many SCUBA shops won't even fill the tanks unless you have a certification card for diving.

What I really hate though is most fields will charge $1 per 1K psi; fine, but why charge me $4.50 to fill my 4500 psi tank when they are not capable of filling higher than 3K psi!

12-22-2004, 03:17 PM
What I really hate though is most fields will charge $1 per 1K psi; fine, but why charge me $4.50 to fill my 4500 psi tank when they are not capable of filling higher than 3K psi!

Now that's retarded. :tard:

I'd have a seriously nasty conversation with the owner if I was charged for something that I didn't receive.

I a field can only fill to 3000 then they can only charge for 3000psi. But what a dumb way to charge for air. By the logic of charging per psi, someone filling a 110ci tank wuold pat the same as someone fillinga 48ci tank. :tard:

You should go with a SCUBA tank or two and get them filled at those prices. :rofl:

They SHOULD be charging per 1000 psi delivered multiplied by the tank capacity. But I suppose that level of thought is above and beyond the capability of your average air station monkey.