View Full Version : nice walkable mech trigger?

12-22-2004, 02:52 AM
ok so i was just curiuse if anyone out there has a logic frame that has a really nice trigger job and a ult. i jsut basically wanna know how easy it is to shoot, do you have a video, and how small of a trigger pull did you get it down to? thank you.

also some picstures, becoseu they just look so cool

12-22-2004, 03:05 AM
from what i hear, ULT is walkable, but nothing like an electro in ease of walking, basicially, its after 3am and i have no idea what i am typing, but, yes, i think that might help :confused:

12-22-2004, 08:33 AM
is the logic frame walkable??

if not what bps can you get off it?

12-22-2004, 08:56 AM
a mech 'Mag is not walkable in the sense that your thinking, for most people, ULT or not. It's only walkable in the fact that you can alternate fingers pulling the trigger.. except it's too heavy to get good speed while walking it.

12-22-2004, 09:10 AM
I have a logic frame and ULT but I don't walk it in the sense that walking is beneficial. I can walk it but it is fairly slow probably only 3-5bps. However using one finger I can get it to chatter much nocer. I don't have a video or a specific bps number but it fires signifigantly faster not walking it. The trigger is very smooth and easy to work once you get teh feel of it. Hope this helps

trains are bad
12-22-2004, 09:10 AM
I don't know, I used to be able to walk my ult pretty well. I could dump a qloader in 8 seconds. It was a really finicky setup though.

12-22-2004, 10:27 AM
I usually fan mine and get it up to a good 12-14bps. I've got a Logic frame and ULT. Fanning usually isn't that great for accuracy, though somehow I manage to keep my setup pretty stable when fanning to the extent that it is practical to do in a game. I just piled a shload of shims on my ULT. The pull is nice and snappy, just how I like it.

12-22-2004, 10:45 AM
best approximation of my speed while walking the trigger with the version 1 logic frame was between 10bps-12bps. the frame can be walked, but you need to have strong fingers, as well as the correct rythem. i forget how i had the ult tuned, but it came from agd tuned like that. however, since im substantially faster with a standard on/off, the ult has been replaced, as well as the trigger frame(1.1 now). i use a modified method of twitching to shoot the marker now.(a bit different than how z-man shoots in his vid). my guess on ROF for the regualr on/off is up to about 16, however, i usually cant hold a string at that speed, and generall hit about 14.

12-22-2004, 12:18 PM
ok here we go, heres me shooting my mag with a ULT, I-frame, and a CLASSIC VALVE :wow:


12-22-2004, 12:30 PM
link no worky

trains are bad
12-22-2004, 12:31 PM
best approximation of my speed while walking the trigger with the version 1 logic frame was between 10bps-12bps. the frame can be walked, but you need to have strong fingers, as well as the correct rythem. i forget how i had the ult tuned, but it came from agd tuned like that. however, since im substantially faster with a standard on/off, the ult has been replaced

this is pretty much the same thing I did, only in a ygrip with trigger stops. I found that the walkable ult setup to not be practical in-game and actually went back to a nicely tuned rt on/off which I shot with my middle finger in a normal fashion and could burst maybe 8-10bps. Then I made my mag into an electro :ninja: