View Full Version : 34+bps off Rogue's Exile RT Pro

12-22-2004, 03:23 AM
Yes I kept messing with the Q-Loader systems to see what I would squeeze out of it. In addition to this Rogue Factor generously lent me his personal "Exile" RT Pro for the last 2 weeks for testing. I got several good runs but the best of them all is this one here. A short look at the sound file revealed that I had broken 34 bps easily and probably got about 34.5 or 34.6 bps but we are just going to call it 34. Yes it's very short.... but what would you expect from a 34 bps run with 100 rounds?

I have 2 formats for you to gripe about while I figure out just how to make one of those swine-like wmv files of this little movie.

The Small 750K 320x240 Mp4 Movie (http://homepage.mac.com/zvetter/.Movies/34bps.mp4)

The Larger 5.7MB 480x360 Mov Movie (http://homepage.mac.com/zvetter/.Movies/34bps.mov)

And for you sound analyzing people out there who have trouble extracting audio files I have included the aiff audio track of the clip (http://homepage.mac.com/zvetter/.Movies/34bps.aiff). It does not really matter where you measure from as the whole run is over 34 bps.

Here is Rogue's picture of the mag. I did replace his ULT on/off assembly with a stock on/off that was lent to me by Blennidae. Thanks guys!

12-22-2004, 03:29 AM
Oooh... Looks like fun...

12-22-2004, 03:45 AM
woooooooooooooooooooooo! :clap:

12-22-2004, 04:03 AM
but its not a legal mode!! just kidding another good one for the zman.. oh did you ever get the v35 halo to do anything in the 30s?

12-22-2004, 04:07 AM
but its not a legal mode!! just kidding another good one for the zman.. oh did you ever get the v35 halo to do anything in the 30s?

Sadly, my Halo decided to kill itself at TAG when I started using it. Worthless plastic drive cone....
I think Doc's Predator Angel video was the best demo of the Halo B V35 and how it performs. It won't sustain more than about 23-24bps for the whole hopper but if you have the gun set to fire full auto with the eyes then you can see that the halo jumps around from about 20-almost 40bps.

12-22-2004, 04:13 AM
Oh snap! world record?

12-22-2004, 05:35 AM
Sadly, my Halo decided to kill itself at TAG when I started using it. Worthless plastic drive cone....
I think Doc's Predator Angel video was the best demo of the Halo B V35 and how it performs. It won't sustain more than about 23-24bps for the whole hopper but if you have the gun set to fire full auto with the eyes then you can see that the halo jumps around from about 20-almost 40bps.

Where do we find this video of Doc's Angel??

12-22-2004, 08:09 AM
Very Nice Z,

If that doesn't continue to prove we got the fastest Mech out there I don't know what does...

:headbang: Another piece of marketing genius ! :hail:

12-22-2004, 08:28 AM

Good job guys!

12-22-2004, 09:43 AM
Cute. :)

Very Nice Z,

If that doesn't continue to prove we got the fastest Mech out there I don't know what does...

How 'bout any $69 Spyder, also set for full auto. ;)

12-22-2004, 09:56 AM
Nice Zak!

12-22-2004, 10:17 AM
Just wait, an even awesomer one is coming.... The other one made me spit out my water.

12-22-2004, 10:20 AM
I wonder what is on the awesomer one? :confused:

I wonder if awesomer is a word? :rofl:

Nice job Zak...looking forward to the next round.

12-22-2004, 10:23 AM
How 'bout any $69 Spyder, also set for full auto. ;)

Naw that doesn't prove nuttin'! It is just plain fun... ;)

I think I have one around somewhere... Everyone should... but It don't cycle that fast...

Still enough to piss off the guy with the was'd , cheater what ever.... cause I have heard...

"Well.... Well.... Well... :cry: .... That isn't legal .... " and I always reply ... " Neither is your new cheater board you were so proud of ... "


12-22-2004, 10:23 AM
Sadly, my Halo decided to kill itself at TAG when I started using it. Worthless plastic drive cone....

Shocktech makes an aluminum one. I think they're $25 at pbgear.com

Also, is that macroline on that mag? How did it stand up to the input pressures you were using?

12-22-2004, 10:24 AM
Of course, that's awesome, but on my little monitor I don't see any paintballs, that q-loader is loaded isn't it. You can't see past the marker.

What needs to be done to achieve that anyway?

Looks like: x-valve-ult-rouge frame-quick hands - Is that all.

12-22-2004, 10:30 AM
woaaaah nellie.

now only if you could get yourself a craddle to throw that scuba on your back. think they'd let you play speedball like that? talk about striking fear in the hearts of men ;)

edit: Trolley, if you look closely, he's shooting up into the trees it looked like.

12-22-2004, 10:38 AM
yeah. cool?

12-22-2004, 10:42 AM
Cute. :)

How 'bout any $69 Spyder, also set for full auto. ;)

then do it

12-22-2004, 10:54 AM
I did replace his ULT on/off assembly with a stock on/off that was lent to me by Blennidae.

teeeheee :dance:

12-22-2004, 11:04 AM
then do it

Again? :D

12-22-2004, 11:10 AM
Again? :D

didnt see it teh first time..link?

with paint? etc blah blah blah

nice vid z-man uber short :( lol love the natural machine gun action

12-22-2004, 11:14 AM
Thats cool, but you couldn't do it on the field unless you carry a SCUBA tank. When you use a SCUBA tank and high imput pressures the rt is nuts, duh. Now the no brainers are going to run out thinking it will do that with a nomal set up, find out it doesn't, then talk bad about it. I go into pbn and they are spoutting off sometimes rediculous number for what there rt will do on the field already. Drives one nuts. Crap I'm ranting!

On the flip side, that was the fastest i have ever seen! WoW!! :eek: :D

12-22-2004, 11:43 AM
Hummmm...... mechanical gun....no electronics...... NXL allows you to shoot any speed you want with a mech gun........... ;)


12-22-2004, 11:56 AM
All I can say is that is sweat coming from a mechanical Gun... That is why the X valves rock... Also the Q-Loader and Z-mans sweet trigger pulling magic help a bit... :headbang:

P.S. I use your trigger pulling method Z... It really does work... :hail:

12-22-2004, 12:13 PM
I'm at work, so I can't watch vids, but I remember Z using both a preset and the scuba. Not sure which this is. The qs are amazing, its like a *ripping sheets* sort of sound above 30 bps.

Oh yeah, Mags suck!! OMG!!!! R0xoRz!!11!!oNe!!1 No wayyss dude! N00ber Mag Idiots!!! Thats onil lkie 12 bos my bro has a adrnenelkin angelkk AGG DYnastsayyyY WASSED out aad hecan onyl shhotot lkie 15bps uU kant get hjlf;as 35 a;f j;slkf iu lj;kfafMG!!!! R0xoRz!!11!!oNe!!1 NMG!!!! R0xoRz!!11!!oNe!!1 N


12-22-2004, 12:15 PM
Hummmm...... mechanical gun....no electronics...... NXL allows you to shoot any speed you want with a mech gun........... ;)


hehe not for long ;) quick hide the video and hush up about it so NXL dosen't find out :p

12-22-2004, 12:58 PM
wow, awesome vid Zak.

Fireblade, how do you set a mech spyder for full auto? (not being a smart arse, just wondering)

12-22-2004, 01:29 PM
Simple sear release, can be done a number of ways.

Did one a while ago for a specific application.You actually have to make a few fairly minor changes to them to slow them down to mid thirties.

12-22-2004, 01:31 PM
nice :wow:

trains are bad
12-22-2004, 01:38 PM
When I had my Q, I toothpick modded my tippman and ran it on liquid co2, and got a similar effect. It would empty the loader in around 3-4 seconds.

12-22-2004, 01:39 PM
30+bps from a MECH, yet our mags are the pariahs of paintball markers. Go figure.

12-22-2004, 01:46 PM
Nice! You and your scuba and those crazy fingers :shooting:

12-22-2004, 02:07 PM
And just in case we have a replay of the last goldwave thing, here is a 1 second screen cap.

12-22-2004, 02:21 PM
Hummmm...... mechanical gun....no electronics...... NXL allows you to shoot any speed you want with a mech gun........... ;)


hmm...anybody want to develop a 68/4500 with 2000-3000 psi ouptut? ;)

mech mags...take over nxl....take this cheater boards :shooting: :shooting:

12-22-2004, 02:35 PM
Still enough to piss off the guy with the was'd , cheater what ever.... cause I have heard...

you do know WAS is not a cheater board right :tard:

anyway, as cool as this vid is, there are some people in there who are ooohing and awwing over this vid, who are the exact same people whining about how the tadaoed viking vid isnt legal :rolleyes: :nono:

12-22-2004, 02:40 PM
you do know WAS is not a cheater board right :tard:

anyway, as cool as this vid is, there are some people in there who are ooohing and awwing over this vid, who are the exact same people whining about how the tadaoed viking vid isnt legal :rolleyes: :nono:

thats cause the tadao viking video isnt legal. its even stated with the video that the debounce was set to 1 just to show what the board can do.

12-22-2004, 06:36 PM
nice nice =) :headbang:

12-22-2004, 06:37 PM
And just in case we have a replay of the last goldwave thing, here is a 1 second screen cap.

Let it go.

12-22-2004, 07:30 PM
thats cause the tadao viking video isnt legal. its even stated with the video that the debounce was set to 1 just to show what the board can do.

i believe it said "not quite tourney legal" not "debounce 1" (not 100% positive of that but, i am preety shure) anyway, my point is, no, that vid was not legal, and people *****ed about it, but, then there is this obviously MUCH less legal vid and it gets nothing but praise, seems a lil contradictory, no? I realize that this is AUTOMAGS.org, and people like mags, but, there is no need to hate on a bouncing E marker, then adore any bouncing mech (mag)

12-22-2004, 07:55 PM
Um, with a sear release on a Spyder, you've got basically no time to load a ball. slowing down the cycle only help a bit, really.

Just do a system triggered by the eyes to a monostable 555.

12-22-2004, 08:01 PM
Let it go.


12-22-2004, 08:13 PM
i believe it said "not quite tourney legal" not "debounce 1" (not 100% positive of that but, i am preety shure) anyway, my point is, no, that vid was not legal, and people *****ed about it, but, then there is this obviously MUCH less legal vid and it gets nothing but praise, seems a lil contradictory, no? I realize that this is AUTOMAGS.org, and people like mags, but, there is no need to hate on a bouncing E marker, then adore any bouncing mech (mag)

you are correct, it didnt specifically say debounce one. but in the pbn post on it he does mention that it is the debounce that is the factor he messed with to make it illegal. in my personal opinion, tadao boards are great, im probably getting a dm4 soon, and tadao/musahi(sp) will be a must. like i said before the video(tadao) was made to show what the gun can do, as was z-man's. however, the amazing fact is that this video is mech, and is by far faster than the viking.

12-22-2004, 08:17 PM
Its funny on AO, just an observation. When I mention rebound Shockers or other less than legal things people get all uptight... when they see a mag bouncing in a seemingly uncontrolled manner its like some god.

12-22-2004, 09:11 PM
Its funny on AO, just an observation. When I mention rebound Shockers or other less than legal things people get all uptight... when they see a mag bouncing in a seemingly uncontrolled manner its like some god.

I think the problem is that SP fully intends people to use rebound in normal play, and thats just plain wrong. There is really no way the mag could be used like this in normal play. Its just a good example of the ultimate performance of the marker. For all the doo-dads and flashy bits on a shocker, its still not physically capable of fully cycling anywhere near this fast.

12-22-2004, 09:12 PM
Let it go.


12-22-2004, 09:28 PM
Um, with a sear release on a Spyder, you've got basically no time to load a ball. slowing down the cycle only help a bit, really.

Works like a champ...trust me. Loading a paintball beyond the mid 30's is a problem for any marker. If set up correctly, a blow back can have an open dwell as long or longer than most other types of mechanisms.

"the FitZ"
12-22-2004, 09:45 PM
Hey Zak, with 2-3k psi do u even have to try and bounce it or does it just go crazy when you touch the trigger.

And BTW The toothpick mod works great for tippmans

12-22-2004, 10:33 PM
Hey Zak, with 2-3k psi do u even have to try and bounce it or does it just go crazy when you touch the trigger.

Actually Rogue's Mag only wanted about 1800psi. It was not happy even in the 2Kpsi range. As for how easy it is, it still takes some fiddling to make it bounce the way you want. That and getting the Qloader to start perfectly is a challenge. Since there are no eyes and the maker just starts cycling at 30+bps the loader has to get all 100balls moving at 30+bps from the start. It usually works but now and then either the marker does not cycle properly or the Q is a little slow on the draw. I am just impressed that the QPods are still on thier stock settings. I have not screwed them in more.

12-22-2004, 10:36 PM

For some reason, I am not suprised.

12-22-2004, 10:47 PM
Hey Zak just wondering have you ever tried to do this test with the qloader mounted under the barrel and using a hose instead of having it pluged in directly to the feed tube?

12-22-2004, 11:01 PM
Ever thinking of running like 1000 psi of helium? I meen its lighter wouldnt it be faster too? just a wied unusual thought....

12-23-2004, 12:49 PM
Works like a champ...trust me. Loading a paintball beyond the mid 30's is a problem for any marker. If set up correctly, a blow back can have an open dwell as long or longer than most other types of mechanisms.

Vid or ban!

The "open dwell time" isnt just when the breech is fully open, its that the ball begins moving after the bolt is half way retracted. Think 'bout it. The spyder bolt doesn't dwell in that open position with no sear, unless maybe you plugged the striker relief port.

12-23-2004, 12:56 PM
Hey Zak just wondering have you ever tried to do this test with the qloader mounted under the barrel and using a hose instead of having it pluged in directly to the feed tube?

I know that it would limit speed to an extent. Plus, you want to be able to switch from q to Halo and back for the purposes of the vid. But, I don't think the speed would be affected greatly, maybe 1-2 bps.

whiners: the point of the vid is "neato!" Noone suggested (seriously) that the marker is legal as set-up. we just appreciate that the engineering behind the valve can stand up to such extremes. Still waiting for you to buy bandwith, shoot videos, and create and host a site to (fail to) show another marker cycling as much paint...

There is a point to be made that AO is biased towards mags. However, the majority of the "moronic" behavior is from newer members (on both sides of the fence). Many of us simply don't chime in all the time. Many of us shoot markers other than mags.

Hell, steel can't touch a Mag without it exploding! Point being, AO members are not all like the loudmouths.


12-23-2004, 03:16 PM
Again, how did the macroline stand up with that kind of input? In the pic of Rogue's mag it has black macroline on it. How in God's name did that not explode? Or did you swap it for ss?

12-23-2004, 03:37 PM
Thats not macroline. Its black shrink wrapped SS. :cool:


12-23-2004, 03:57 PM

12-23-2004, 03:58 PM
Ah! My mistake. Very nice looking, is it Kila's?

12-23-2004, 05:46 PM
No, I meant the shrink wrap. Oh, did you mean you made it?

12-23-2004, 05:59 PM
Wow! Ijust watched the clip, very cool. Carrying a bulk tank on the field seems bulky though. :p

12-23-2004, 06:37 PM
Vid or ban!

The "open dwell time" isnt just when the breech is fully open, its that the ball begins moving after the bolt is half way retracted. Think 'bout it. The spyder bolt doesn't dwell in that open position with no sear, unless maybe you plugged the striker relief port.

How's that different than the mag when it's free cycling,as in this case?

You can debate your 'speculation' of what you think happens all you want. ;)

I build these things for a living, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what it takes.I only wish I had the time to make a video everytime I work on something poeple would think is "cool" but alas, there's just not enough hours in the day. :)

For the record, I also agree with some of the other posters in this thread that find it interesting that ANY other marker posted doing a high ROF get's torn to pieces for everything from legality to practicality but if it's a Mag,regardless of how it's being cycled, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The fact that's it's Mechanical, IMO, is FAR less impressive as there's nothing special going on there at all.It's nothing more than the bolt bouncing off a spring. It's completely passive in that condidtion.Is that impressive? A technical marval? I guess if 'you' think so, but personally I don't. The RT reg bypasses the 'reg' under those conditions anyway so there's not even anything special there.

I find it much more impressive on an electronic marker, that has to enact a specific and precise set of functions in order to reach that ROF.It has to read and output a full set of instructions and have those instructions carried out by each device in the marker.Each of those devices,soleniod/s,ram/s etc, are being actively controlled in order for the marker to complete a cycle any ROF as well as something rediculous like 30+BPS or CPS.Nothing passive going on there,all active control.(besides the return of the spool in the 'niod.)

So with all due respect to Zack,he is a great guy, it's cool...but...what else ya got? :D

12-23-2004, 06:48 PM
hmm...anybody want to develop a 68/4500 with 2000-3000 psi ouptut? ;)

mech mags...take over nxl....take this cheater boards :shooting: :shooting:
This made me laugh b/c Mr. Kaye said if he made a dream marker or his ideal marker and tank combo it would be a super small mag that ran on 2k. Then everyone told him it might work but it would be a bad idea. Now what everyone Tom will always come out on top.

12-23-2004, 06:54 PM
You asked if it was someone elses shrink wrap, my answer is no. Its the shrink wrap I offer on RPG markers.

Ah gotchya.

And yea an HPA tank capable of ~2000psi would be uber.

12-23-2004, 07:59 PM
So with all due respect to Zack,he is a great guy, it's cool...but...what else ya got? :D


Heheh, I keed, I keed... I read your whole post and I know what your saying...

12-23-2004, 09:42 PM
Hell, steel can't touch a Mag without it exploding! Point being, AO members are not all like the loudmouths.

Dude, I so totally touched this one, AND IT DIDN"T BREAK!

12-23-2004, 09:46 PM
Actually, I hear Rogue's nifty little jewels fell off.

12-23-2004, 09:48 PM
Actually, I hear Rogue's nifty little jewels fell off.

Yeah, well normally, the jewel would have been the only thing left intact.

12-23-2004, 11:23 PM
Yeah, well normally, the jewel would have been the only thing left intact.

True... maybe it was just pumaman using his invisile hopping abilities.

12-24-2004, 02:44 AM
Fireblade...It's not different, that's my point. But its MUCH more efficient, if a spyder cycles 50bps, to electronically govern the open bolt time, with eyes, rather than add recipracting mass and softening springs and fussing around to decrease the inherent cyclic speed.

Could you load paint at 30bps with a fast enough loader? Buuuut...the amount of time that the loader cannot be loading paint seriously puts a damper on things, to the point where you need a 50bps type loader to feed a system at 30bps (because in slowing the bolt, you increase the amount of time the breech is blocked).

Also, I don't believe that mag runaway is precisely the same as a sear release on a spyder. the trigger is still being pulled and actuating the system...Z-man has some videos of him varying the speed of runaway.

If I ever try to make a fast mag, it'll be a cheap spydermag with a T-board and eyes. I'll turn DB to one and hook up a dirty autoresponse switch to it...and get flamed.

Also, TK's conjecture about high input tanks was that inlines could be eliminated by electronic valves that shutoff as soon as the desired pressure was reached, instead of the current bouncing pistons.

12-24-2004, 12:21 PM
Fireblade...It's not different, that's my point. But its MUCH more efficient, if a spyder cycles 50bps, to electronically govern the open bolt time, with eyes, rather than add recipracting mass and softening springs and fussing around to decrease the inherent cyclic speed.

That may be,but really has nothing to do with our discusion.

Could you load paint at 30bps with a fast enough loader? Buuuut...the amount of time that the loader cannot be loading paint seriously puts a damper on things, to the point where you need a 50bps type loader to feed a system at 30bps (because in slowing the bolt, you increase the amount of time the breech is blocked).

Still not an issue for this discussion.The Mag is doing just fine (kinda) at 30+ free cycling

Also, I don't believe that mag runaway is precisely the same as a sear release on a spyder. the trigger is still being pulled and actuating the system...Z-man has some videos of him varying the speed of runaway.

At 34, it's free cycling. there's no positive sear engagement


Carbon Blue
12-24-2004, 03:13 PM
awesome! :eek: just wondering whats the input pressure in the mag?

12-27-2004, 10:56 PM
Hummmm...... mechanical gun....no electronics...... NXL allows you to shoot any speed you want with a mech gun........... ;)

but it has to be legal semi im assuming
otherwise i bet someone would do it

12-28-2004, 12:04 AM
Yet another great video by Zak :)

Hmm. . . now you need a video with a view of the ball stream, or else the kiddies on PBN will say "shenanigans" since you can't see the balls.

12-28-2004, 12:58 PM
re: Steelrat can't touch a mag without it breaking.

Dude, I so totally touched this one, AND IT DIDN"T BREAK!

True, but what happened when yout touched my Angel immediately afterwards??

That's right, paint blender. 1st and only time its chopped so bad as to stick the bolt.

back to topic: I wonder how that other pneu mech marker (Super 68?? forgot) is coming along. Last I saw it was in proto, rough body, but it looked like a walkable, fast mech gun. I wonder how a 15bps cap would be enforced?

02-02-2005, 12:46 AM
but it has to be legal semi im assuming
otherwise i bet someone would do it
Well, not necessarily. I mean, NXL is letting electros use ramping, why not let mechs use RT? Then, since the mag would outshoot all those electros, mechs would dominate again! (specifically mags!)

02-02-2005, 03:24 PM
well the bps cap is 15 i think, and if thats only for electros the gun still has to be pure semi for 3 shots, this obviously dosnt do that

02-03-2005, 01:44 AM
The fact that's it's Mechanical, IMO, is FAR less impressive as there's nothing special going on there at all.It's nothing more than the bolt bouncing off a spring. It's completely passive in that condidtion.Is that impressive? A technical marval? I guess if 'you' think so, but personally I don't. The RT reg bypasses the 'reg' under those conditions anyway so there's not even anything special there.

I find it much more impressive on an electronic marker, that has to enact a specific and precise set of functions in order to reach that ROF.It has to read and output a full set of instructions and have those instructions carried out by each device in the marker.Each of those devices,soleniod/s,ram/s etc, are being actively controlled in order for the marker to complete a cycle any ROF as well as something rediculous like 30+BPS or CPS.Nothing passive going on there,all active control.(besides the return of the spool in the 'niod.)

So with all due respect to Zack,he is a great guy, it's cool...but...what else ya got? :D

Interesting. So you think it's more impressive to hold the trigger of a electro down and watch it rattle off 30+ bps than for someone to hold the trigger of a mech in the right place and get it to bounce 30+ bps. My 4 year old could shoot an electro at 30+ with no practice. Yeah, neat technology to get there, but same end result. I'm not sure either should be used in the field of play, but it's still a cool video.

So what you got? Let's see some of those "cool" vids you can make, and will oooh and ahhh over them too ;).

02-03-2005, 08:24 AM
How's that different than the mag when it's free cycling,as in this case?

You can debate your 'speculation' of what you think happens all you want. ;)

I build these things for a living, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what it takes.I only wish I had the time to make a video everytime I work on something poeple would think is "cool" but alas, there's just not enough hours in the day. :)

For the record, I also agree with some of the other posters in this thread that find it interesting that ANY other marker posted doing a high ROF get's torn to pieces for everything from legality to practicality but if it's a Mag,regardless of how it's being cycled, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The fact that's it's Mechanical, IMO, is FAR less impressive as there's nothing special going on there at all.It's nothing more than the bolt bouncing off a spring. It's completely passive in that condidtion.Is that impressive? A technical marval? I guess if 'you' think so, but personally I don't. The RT reg bypasses the 'reg' under those conditions anyway so there's not even anything special there.

I find it much more impressive on an electronic marker, that has to enact a specific and precise set of functions in order to reach that ROF.It has to read and output a full set of instructions and have those instructions carried out by each device in the marker.Each of those devices,soleniod/s,ram/s etc, are being actively controlled in order for the marker to complete a cycle any ROF as well as something rediculous like 30+BPS or CPS.Nothing passive going on there,all active control.(besides the return of the spool in the 'niod.)

So with all due respect to Zack,he is a great guy, it's cool...but...what else ya got? :D

Agreed 100%.

Hypocrisy thrives here.

02-03-2005, 08:28 AM
Interesting. So you think it's more impressive to hold the trigger of a electro down and watch it rattle off 30+ bps than for someone to hold the trigger of a mech in the right place and get it to bounce 30+ bps. My 4 year old could shoot an electro at 30+ with no practice. Yeah, neat technology to get there, but same end result. I'm not sure either should be used in the field of play, but it's still a cool video.

So what you got? Let's see some of those "cool" vids you can make, and will oooh and ahhh over them too ;).

Jay wasn't talking about the ease of firing an electro quickly. He was talking about the processes, both electrical and pneumatic, involved.

With a full auto mag, the only real action is that the on/off is boucing back and forth, creating a full-auto.

With an electro, you have to have:
- the trigger input initiate the board
- the board calculate the amount of electricity to send to the solenoid, taking into account current dwell, eye-delay, bounce, etc settings.
- the board sending the electrical current to the solenoid
- the solenoid reacting to the current, releasing air to propel the bolt.

I think that's the distinction he was making. And, perhaps, that Z-Man seems to come out with these videos that are basically all the same, give or take a few bps.

02-03-2005, 08:31 AM
re: Steelrat can't touch a mag without it breaking.

True, but what happened when yout touched my Angel immediately afterwards??

That's right, paint blender. 1st and only time its chopped so bad as to stick the bolt.

I'm so glad we're inheriting him up in NorNY* Remind me NOT to let him use my Intimidator!!! :p :p :p

*That's right, I said NorNY, and there's nothing you can do to stop me! :p
**I own all rights to the term NorNY. Please send royalties to.....

02-03-2005, 09:46 AM
Interesting. So you think it's more impressive to hold the trigger of a electro down and watch it rattle off 30+ bps than for someone to hold the trigger of a mech in the right place and get it to bounce 30+ bps.

Jay wasn't talking about the ease of firing an electro quickly. He was talking about the processes, both electrical and pneumatic, involved.

With a full auto mag, the only real action is that the on/off is boucing back and forth, creating a full-auto.

With an electro, you have to have:
- the trigger input initiate the board
- the board calculate the amount of electricity to send to the solenoid, taking into account current dwell, eye-delay, bounce, etc settings.
- the board sending the electrical current to the solenoid
- the solenoid reacting to the current, releasing air to propel the bolt.

Exactly right. As well as a constant assesment and altering of timing elements to make it all possible.It's a true 'machine'. That other is basically....a slinky on a long flight of stairs. :D

02-03-2005, 10:57 AM
a slinky on a long flight of stairs. :D

Got a video of that? :D

02-03-2005, 12:13 PM
Jay wasn't talking about the ease of firing an electro quickly. He was talking about the processes, both electrical and pneumatic, involved.

With a full auto mag, the only real action is that the on/off is boucing back and forth, creating a full-auto.

With an electro, you have to have:
- the trigger input initiate the board
- the board calculate the amount of electricity to send to the solenoid, taking into account current dwell, eye-delay, bounce, etc settings.
- the board sending the electrical current to the solenoid
- the solenoid reacting to the current, releasing air to propel the bolt.

I think that's the distinction he was making. And, perhaps, that Z-Man seems to come out with these videos that are basically all the same, give or take a few bps.

So, if I came out with a video of an electro (lets say.. that Odyssey one you like so much) doing 30+bps would that fall into "basically all the same" or would this be a wonderful new and novel thing?

Do you just want to see the same thing on a different maker.

02-03-2005, 01:40 PM
even if you put that scuba on your back, i dunno how effective it would be. qloader is probably the only thing that can keep up and you only get 100 shots per pod. sure you can emoty it in 3 seconds, but then youre in trouble. you would spend as much time reloading your marker as you did firing

02-03-2005, 01:58 PM
So, if I came out with a video of an electro (lets say.. that Odyssey one you like so much) doing 30+bps would that fall into "basically all the same" or would this be a wonderful new and novel thing?

Do you just want to see the same thing on a different maker.

I'm actually not impressed with very many "look how fast my gun shoots" videos. Nobody really DOES anything new with them. To me, the fact that someone can rock a matrix or timmy or mag, in this case, at 30bps just...well, Show me someone doing that IN A TOURNAMENT, LEGALLY.

I'm not disregarding the fact that your video is cool. You've shot a paintball gun a lot faster than I have ever even thought about. But the videos DO get redundant, even you have to admit.

I would like to see a ZMan video series in which:
- You present different types of drills to do
- You discuss different tactics used by the top teams today
- You explain some tech stuff
- A woman gets naked. :p

And I separated with Odyssey a long time ago. Their product quality hit the drain once they "made it big," and I made sure to post so when it happened. I only have relations with two manufacturers now. Hybrid (everyone knows Hybrid) and AIM (Pretty small operation).

02-03-2005, 02:08 PM
On the plus side, You have a legitimate argument to use your RT mags with 1200+ psi in them as long as Kingman releases those ridiculous Rocking Trigger Frames.

02-03-2005, 02:38 PM
I would like to see a ZMan video series in which:
- You present different types of drills to do

Drills? I dont even know how to move!

- You discuss different tactics used by the top teams today

I think I do a great job showing off what every team aspires to doing. I am the pinnacle of what a backman aspires to be :p

- You explain some tech stuff

I like that. I did put up a video showing how a preset and and an adjustable tank differ in performance on an E-mag and I did do a little (if not somewhat cheesy) video showing how the ROF cap and the shot buffering of 4.0 work. But Ill be treading lightly on that. I fear a boring (yet informative) video.

- A woman gets naked. :p.

Got any over there you want to send out? Carmel as a town has an average age of 54.... yeah. :tard:

02-03-2005, 02:40 PM
Drills? Got any over there you want to send out? Carmel as a town has an average age of 54.... yeah. :tard:

That's the way I like 'em....err...I mean....

DAMMIT! :tard: :tard: :tard:

02-03-2005, 03:22 PM
I think I do a great job showing off what every team aspires to doing. I am the pinnacle of what a backman aspires to be :p
Can't argue there! ;)

02-06-2005, 02:11 PM
Where can I get the software to see how fast a gun is going?

02-06-2005, 02:16 PM
Where can I get the software to see how fast a gun is going?

www.goldwave.com :cheers:

02-06-2005, 02:17 PM
Thank you.

05-21-2006, 12:03 PM
That is quite impressive. Job well done.


05-21-2006, 12:10 PM
Ya, this thread is like 15 months old buddy. but i geuss while im here ill just say i agree, it is very impressive.

Cow hunter
05-21-2006, 12:58 PM
Ya, this thread is like 15 months old buddy. but i geuss while im here ill just say i agree, it is very impressive.
not only impressive, but unbeaten. im almost positive noone else had a video of anything doing 34

05-21-2006, 09:59 PM
Holy thread ressurection Batman!

And yeah it is pretty sweet.

05-21-2006, 11:50 PM
That is quite impressive. Job well done.


he just came "home" give the guy a break..

05-22-2006, 12:05 AM
Now you have to find a way to move this airtank around the field.......

05-22-2006, 12:22 AM
Simple sear release, can be done a number of ways.

Did one a while ago for a specific application.You actually have to make a few fairly minor changes to them to slow them down to mid thirties.

does someone have a link to the thread for this?

Videos? Tutorials?

All mech???? :eek:

05-22-2006, 12:23 AM
does someone have a link to the thread for this?

Videos? Tutorials?

All mech???? :eek:

It's all on my site.


05-22-2006, 12:33 AM
rt..overshimmed ult..and direct scuba..the xvalve takes up to 3000 psi..

05-22-2006, 09:19 PM
^^^ read the first post in this thread, or anywhere on www.zakvetter.com

There is NO ULT in Zak's rapidfiring