View Full Version : 120 GB Bandwidth per month. 800 MB Storage. 77 CENTS per month

12-22-2004, 09:38 AM
Sorry admins if this isn't allowed but I figured anyone looking for a super good deal on a webhost should know about this. I've signed up and I couldn't be happier so I figured I would share my findings with the rest of you.


Yes, this is legit. Basically, dreamhost has this "777" code right now. It'll get you their L1 package for one year for 77 cents per month. You just make a one-time payment of like $10 (in us funds). It also just so happens that during the month of december, they're upping their storage and tripling their bandwidth for however long you have an account there.

Yes, I do get money if you sign up using my name. If you do NOT wanna donate to the kiraamzsyisradon fund, simply remove me as the referrer when you're signing up. ;)



1. Click the main big picture (the one that says "Happy Holidays" on it).
2. There will be a little popup. Just ignore that. It's for a more expensive package (but is also a pretty good deal).
3. Click the "Sign up Now!" for the one-year Level 1 plan, "Crazy Domain Insane"
4. Select a domain. Then Username, and email address.
5. Create a new WebID. (and if you wanna be nice, make sure "kiraamzsy" (sans quotes) is in the "Found Us" box at the bottom).
6. Finally, under "Confirm your hosting plan" put "777" (sans quotes) in the "Optional promo code" box.

This would be perfect for if you wanted to post pictures up on here without using attachments, great backup or even just a personal website. Registering your domain is free. I've signed up and I don't know of any other place that has such a good deal.

12-22-2004, 10:31 AM
That does seem like a good deal.

12-22-2004, 11:51 AM
That does seem like a good deal.

Perfect for hosting my DPB maps, brilliant!

Thanks man.

12-22-2004, 01:18 PM
I don't trust anything that sounds amazing like that.

I signed up for a 1 dollar a month, unlimited space and bandwidth, I got closed down quickly because I used 50 gigs of bandwidth... apparently that was monopolizing.

I use equaweb.com and I've hit over 450gigs of bandwidth (Using their unmetered service) and I only pay 10 dollars a month. I get 6 gigs of storage, which is all I need (Upgrading to the 10 for 5 bucks more)

All I trust now is equaweb, they hooked me up, and I've gained them 4-5 new customers :D

12-22-2004, 02:12 PM
I don't trust anything that sounds amazing like that.

I signed up for a 1 dollar a month, unlimited space and bandwidth, I got closed down quickly because I used 50 gigs of bandwidth... apparently that was monopolizing.

I use equaweb.com and I've hit over 450gigs of bandwidth (Using their unmetered service) and I only pay 10 dollars a month. I get 6 gigs of storage, which is all I need (Upgrading to the 10 for 5 bucks more)

All I trust now is equaweb, they hooked me up, and I've gained them 4-5 new customers :D

Hey that's cool man. equaweb sounds like a good deal too. Dreamhost has been around for a while and from what i've heard/checked out, everything has been good news about them. I'm signed up with them and am still very happy with the service. :)

12-22-2004, 02:25 PM
Thanks alot man!
My old host went 'bankrupt' :rolleyes: and I've been kind of searching for a new one for a while now.
I added you as a refferer and signed up. I just hope this is legit and there are no hidden charges. It says my account is pending activation. :)

12-22-2004, 02:40 PM

Just signed up. I'll give it a try, for $10.00 you can't really go wrong.

12-22-2004, 05:22 PM
Thanks alot man!
My old host went 'bankrupt' :rolleyes: and I've been kind of searching for a new one for a while now.
I added you as a refferer and signed up. I just hope this is legit and there are no hidden charges. It says my account is pending activation. :)

the closest thing to a hidden charge would be next year when it auto-renews your subsciption. then again, lots of other hosts do that too.

i heard that next year around this time they'll have a similar deal so that we can go for another year for cheap :dance:

12-22-2004, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I figured that would probably happen anyway. I hope they have a similar deal or something because it would not be cool for 100 dollars to just appear on the credit card bill :eek:
This sure does take a long time for 'approval', how long did it take for you?

12-22-2004, 06:10 PM
Looks like a good deal, smells like spam.

12-22-2004, 10:05 PM
Why hasn't someone flown down from Mod heaven and locked this thread with a might stroke of key?????