View Full Version : Really Take A Hard Look

12-23-2004, 10:35 AM
Last weekend i was flung from the backseat of a car and out on to the highway. I don't member much but i know a little more about peoples value to me. I know the sister i couldnt be in the same room with wouldnt cooperate with any personel untill they gave her the answers she wanted to know about her friends and family. ( I love this kid more every day)
first guy to see me after accident was my budddy tj. He was also the third and fourth. Didnt think i knew him long enough for him to care. The two girls from work came with him man I never expected these ladies to be the top notch classsy ladies they showed themselves to be.

I have more friends than I thought and I bet you do to. TAKE A LOOK AROUND. Dont let a carwreck teach you.

Sorrry it's a little sappy and only typpped by one hand. But you get my point,ANGELS EXIST IF YOU LOOK and if that dont work maybe you yourself can be an angel for someone

Creative Mayhem
12-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Extremely well said, I couldn't agree more. Glad to see you're doing alright.

12-23-2004, 11:50 AM
I understand. I got in a wreck last saturday and had to go to the hospital too. Doctors said i was very lucky because i wasnt wearing a seat belt. I walked away with just 4 staples.
Please give thanks to everything you have