View Full Version : Load SM5's worst dreams come true....

12-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Read the entire story...


SAN FRANCISCO - The first cloned-to-order pet sold in the United States is named Little Nicky, a 9-week-old kitten delivered to a Texas woman saddened by the loss of a cat she had owned for 17 years.

The kitten cost its owner $50,000 and was created from DNA from her beloved cat, named Nicky, who died last year.


Creative Mayhem
12-23-2004, 11:30 AM
Dammit!!! Now you just ruined the xmas delivery I was having shipped to him... :nono:

Well now that Titansu ruined it... I hope you like your sheep :D :rofl:

MERRY XMAS! :cheers:

12-23-2004, 12:00 PM
I hate it when people use money to unjustify things. "she could have saved so many strays blah blah blah", well, she didn't want strays, she wanted her cat, whom she had for 17 years. I could probably safetly assume that she is single, and lives alone. That arguement is a living breathing double standard, because there has never been an uproar about people throwing down a grand for a pure breed animal. Weak arguements seem to infest people's minds when ethical change is at stake.

Load SM5
12-23-2004, 12:43 PM
For the record I don't hate all cats.....just Gambit's.

12-23-2004, 12:54 PM
Still kind of weird though. It's her cat... Her cat died and is alive... Weird.

12-23-2004, 01:02 PM
Genetically (spelling?) yes it is her cat, although environmentally it most likely wont be. Her cat had 17 years to become conditioned to her and the way she was. This one, while it looks the same wont have those same experiences.

While I do think this is cool, imagine how hard it got to be to realize that this new cat doesnt act the same way or respond the same way as her old one. Imagine what would happen if this one decides that its not happy where it is, or even decides that it doesnt like its new master. I can see an adult handling this and accepting it, but imagine a little kid who thinks thier dead playmate is now back and 100% the same. I love my kids and I love my cats, but I dont think I could ever do this ... to many environmental variables that you cannot and will not have control over.


Still kind of weird though. It's her cat... Her cat died and is alive... Weird.

12-23-2004, 01:05 PM
I hate it when people use money to unjustify things. "she could have saved so many strays blah blah blah", well, she didn't want strays, she wanted her cat, whom she had for 17 years. I could probably safetly assume that she is single, and lives alone. That arguement is a living breathing double standard, because there has never been an uproar about people throwing down a grand for a pure breed animal. Weak arguements seem to infest people's minds when ethical change is at stake.
A couple years and the 6th day will be a reality!
I don't see why someone would spend a ton of money on a purebreed when you can get a mut for the cost of shots. My dog is part black lab, rot, and somthing else we cannot figure out. He is 15 years old now, seems to be very healthy, has never been to a vet, and is the most lovable dog ever.

12-23-2004, 01:07 PM
Genetically (spelling?) yes it is her cat, although environmentally it most likely wont be. Her cat had 17 years to become conditioned to her and the way she was. This one, while it looks the same wont have those same experiences.

While I do think this is cool, imagine how hard it got to be to realize that this new cat doesnt act the same way or respond the same way as her old one. Imagine what would happen if this one decides that its not happy where it is, or even decides that it doesnt like its new master. I can see an adult handling this and accepting it, but imagine a little kid who thinks thier dead playmate is now back and 100% the same. I love my kids and I love my cats, but I dont think I could ever do this ... to many environmental variables that you cannot and will not have control over.

Imagine if her $50,000 cat was hit by a car :)

The Frymarker
12-23-2004, 01:12 PM
It reminds me too much of the movie pet cemetery....I think it's totally absurd

12-23-2004, 01:30 PM
Imagine if her $50,000 cat was hit by a car :)

Or was it 50k for a lifetime supply of cats? hmmmm. new concept eh?

"Never be without your trusted friend....buy Perma-Dog!"

"That's right folks! For only 128K, we can supply you with a lifetime supply of man's best friend. Little Sparky wandered out onto the highway? No problem. Have a new Sparky delivered to your door in a matter of weeks! Fifi upset your husband by peeing in his dress shoes again? Not a problem. After you've cleaned Fifi's brains off your wall, just order a new one!"

lol. I hate the idea of cloning. So I make fun of it.

12-23-2004, 01:31 PM
The old lady at my house is gonna do that, we all think she's gonna kick the bucket as soon as her dog "Afton" Dies. The dog is a diabetic and has had to have 3 surgerys to keep it alive. This old lady is rich if she can find a way to do it, she most defintley would. And does anybody know if the animal has to be dead before you can clone it? Think of it, twins of the same animal playing together.

12-23-2004, 01:46 PM
Genetic Savings and Clone. :rofl:

The old lady at my house is gonna do that, we all think she's gonna kick the bucket as soon as her dog "Afton" Dies. The dog is a diabetic and has had to have 3 surgerys to keep it alive. This old lady is rich if she can find a way to do it, she most defintley would. And does anybody know if the animal has to be dead before you can clone it? Think of it, twins of the same animal playing together.

Nope, just get yourself a nice handful of bone marrow and Frylock's cloning device...


12-23-2004, 02:10 PM
The dog doesn't have to be dead. All you need is a nucleus from one of its cells, and transplant it into an unfertilized egg (that has been treated with radiation to destroy the nucleus that was already in there) and then just grow the egg inside of the dog you took it from.. atleast I think that is right, I didn't really pay much attention in my biotechnology class :)
Of corse it takes tons of trys to get it to work succesfully. And IIRC the clones dont live as long.

12-23-2004, 02:14 PM
Ya, this was on the local news this morning....

Apperantly she claims the cat does have a lot of the orignals same personality traits already, includeing a likein for water, 2 weeks and he hopped in the shower with hereven, or so she claims.....

Mabey Im just weird, but this is prolly the future once people look past what playing "god" may do, it does have the possiblity of becomeing semi commonplace, I beleive it was comapared to owning/buying plasma TVs this morning...LOL

I dont see anything TRUELY wrong with it, I wouldnt personally do it, but more power to those that have the cash and desire I suppose.....

12-23-2004, 02:17 PM
hye, my home town, ;) , the company is based in Sausilito

12-23-2004, 04:03 PM
I cant wait until they clone humans, ill steal one of Lindsay Lohans hairs somehow and BAM! Instant Sex slave :D :D :D

12-23-2004, 04:08 PM
I cant wait until they clone humans, ill steal one of Lindsay Lohans hairs somehow and BAM! Instant Sex slave :D :D :D
pedophile :cry:

12-23-2004, 05:00 PM
pedophile :cry:Isn't she 18 now? ...oh, oh wait, YOU'RE the jailbait!! :p :p :p

And: "Little Nicky"? DEVILCAT!!!!!!! :eek:

12-23-2004, 05:17 PM
no no no
He said he wanted to make a clone of her.
Contrary to Sci-Fi, you cant just 'clone' a person and make them have the same age same characteristics etc. You have to grow them from an egg..
Therefore it wouldn't be so instant, more like 18 years..
Instant sex slave would be a little fetus :cry: :cry: :(

12-23-2004, 06:42 PM
so that cat is the son of the devil? this is kind of over my head

12-24-2004, 11:06 AM
50k for a cat?!?!?! A fool and his money are soon parted....

12-24-2004, 03:01 PM
whats funny about that is its not the same cat and she spent 50g on it and it probibly gunna run away and get eaten buy cyoties

12-25-2004, 12:10 AM
Imagine if her $50,000 cat was hit by a car :)

Id hit it.

12-25-2004, 05:43 PM
it would be even funnier if right when she gets home, it runs away some kids grab it fill it up with fire crackers let it lose it runs into the street blows up right in front of a car the buzzards and cyoties fight over the remains. omg i bet thats gunna be on the simpsons