View Full Version : dye c5 jerseys

12-26-2004, 12:21 AM
well as we all know nppl had multiple problems with the c4's for massive over padding, well dye got away from that and the new c5's look to be wiper jerseys. i was looking at them at the commanders cup and they are super slick on the forearms and the chest. whats with dye making these cheater clothing...

12-26-2004, 01:08 AM
Dye makes it because people will pay that extra little bit to have that extra little advantage on the field, albeit illegal.

Somewhat related, because I do play in character alot (Lorrd Gabriel the Jacob, galiant leader of the Knights of the Old Spyder) I was thinking about orederings somethings called a Gambeson, it was worn under chain mail to keep bits of metal out of wounsd if the mail was pierced by a sword or arrow. Anyways, the problem was, when running the idea by one of my buddies, he up and accuses me of planning to cheat! sure these things have alittle bit of padding, but I am not buying it to help with bounce. I think alot of players are overly sensitive as a general rule of thumb. Dye does cross the line time and time again, but in general I also think the players like to cry wolf alittle too much. I mean, if I were to were this thing under my surcoat, it wouldnt make a difference at all! The surcoat is waaaay too loose to even think about caring about padding. Just food for thought. Do you think if I showed up to an AO event in costume I would be called for cheating?

12-26-2004, 10:44 PM
its a jersey.
buy it if you like it, dont buy it if you dont like it.
i am a dye whore, i will buy dye stuff even if it says "i cheat" on the back. if anyone thinks someone is cheating just because they wear a dye jersey needs to get reality check. if you dont break a ball on me because of my jersey you need to improve your shooting skills.

12-26-2004, 11:44 PM
Paintball is going downhill if companies intentionally make apparel to give an edge at cheating. The new Dye stuff is hideous, gets worse and worse.

12-27-2004, 03:23 AM
downhill if companies intentionally make apparel to give an edge at cheating.
The only reason the companies will make it is because the people will buy it. The reason paintball is going downhill is because the people are willing to cheat with and a lot of those people are willing to pay $15 more to help them get that cheating easier. If the people wouldn't cheat the companies wouln't make things to help them since noone would buy it. It's not the companies fault they just make what people will buy.

12-27-2004, 11:42 AM
there is little, if not equal too, more padding than last years jerseys. just on the shoulders and elbows. i guess we need to ban elbow pads and knee pads too right? lets start using jeans or bdus for all series of play. :confused:

12-27-2004, 12:46 PM
Paintball is going downhill if companies intentionally make apparel to give an edge at cheating. The new Dye stuff is hideous, gets worse and worse.

You mean my $60?? (havent checked) jersey might have some reason beyond it looks cool to buy :D

12-27-2004, 12:47 PM
there is little, if not equal too, more padding than last years jerseys. just on the shoulders and elbows. i guess we need to ban elbow pads and knee pads too right? lets start using jeans or bdus for all series of play. :confused:

Actually, though I own dye gear to be cool (yeh, so I leave it sitting by my gear :rolleyes: yeh Im :tard: ) I normally play in jeans.. and those get plenty of bounces

12-27-2004, 01:52 PM
if you dont break a ball on me because of my jersey you need to improve your shooting skills.

not entirely true, mabey 2 weeks ago, i was playing a guy with all DYE stuff (which was super padded). He had been getting bounces all day, so, i get in a bunker parallel with his (he is in his 30, i am in his 30 on the opposite side of field) from there I put ~15 balls on him, and NONE of them broke, i was shooting X ball paint that had been breaking really well, anything not breaking from that distance with that many shots is rediculious. (that dosent stop me from wearing C4 stuff ;) )

12-27-2004, 04:12 PM
i will be the first to admit you do get those lucky bounces every once in a while, but most of the time when i get shot there will be 3-4 balls placed somewhere that do break. just dont shoot the knee pads, or elbow pads. :confused:

12-27-2004, 10:11 PM
im not talking about bounce im talking about the super slick and absorbant nature of the material they use on the biceps and chest

12-27-2004, 10:15 PM
I prefer to just spray my jersey with PAM.

It is cheaper than buying a C5 and just as effective.

12-28-2004, 10:24 AM
the jersey is made a a smooth mesh material just like any other sports jersey. it is not absorbant at all, but it is slick. it is just as easy to wipe as anything else i am assuming. wiping is stupid anyways, but tha is another arguement.

12-29-2004, 03:08 AM
scotch guard is better than pam.... and the material on the arms and chest is slicker than any material that i have ever seen and im at every nppl event so i think ive seen um all

12-29-2004, 03:11 AM
In ACES (local series) c5's are banned.

12-29-2004, 03:51 AM
they should make all teams wear C5 jerseys, just like all baseball players and olympians use steroids. It aint cheating if everyone uses it. :rolleyes:

12-29-2004, 07:37 AM
on a side note, why do you guys care? does everyone that wears c5s cheat? that is new to me :confused: Hell, I thought I bought a quality, nice looking, jersey and pants. i forgot that it automatically lumped me into the group of cheaters.
if an event bans them, that is fine. if you do not like them, fine. but constant complaining is useless, the jerseys will be made regardless of what i, or anyone else, thinks.

12-29-2004, 07:42 AM
[QUOTE=elpimpowhats with dye making these cheater clothing...[/QUOTE]
Its clearly AGG :rolleyes:

12-29-2004, 11:13 AM
well as we all know nppl had multiple problems with the c4's for massive over padding, well dye got away from that and the new c5's look to be wiper jerseys. i was looking at them at the commanders cup and they are super slick on the forearms and the chest. whats with dye making these cheater clothing...\

cause daves a cheater ;) :nono:

he knows players and what they want..and usualy what he cang et away with(like other companies)

if itl help and is allowed the players will buy it.

12-29-2004, 03:57 PM
im an nppl ref so i look at this crap and i was just curious what ao's thoughts were

12-29-2004, 07:19 PM
I own a pair of c4 pants. I'm fat and they fit very nice. Many others don't. I simply got them because of that. I find that they deflect balls, "sometimes". I tell you what though, I took 3 paintballs to the "kill zone", if you know what I mean. It could've been really bad for me! Suprisingly it never hurt me and I played on because they bounced. Worth there weight in gold I'll tell ya. ;)

12-29-2004, 09:13 PM
Of the people whining, how many where profilers, or flex - the harder masks protect better (I've had my profilers flex in on me and felt contact when balls hit) but don't give any bounces. Yeh some of this Dye gear is getting touchy, but so are some of the masks that are drooled over

12-29-2004, 09:52 PM
I'm with REDRT, I'm a big guy and Dye's stuff has always fit well. The padding and material are just added bonuses. To me the elbow padding is no different then wearing pads under your jersey. The padding on the shoulders MAY add an occasional bounce but i havent really noticed any increase.

12-30-2004, 01:45 PM
Talking about padding is getting away from the original point that these new C5's apparrently have material on the commonly hit areas that is designed to make wiping a hit easier. Even more shady than all the padding but they'll sell like hot cakes.

12-30-2004, 02:32 PM
All the whining has helped me decide that my team will be sporting C5 jerseys this year - hey Tuna, want to make me a good deal on a bulk purchase?

12-30-2004, 08:44 PM
Of the people whining, how many where profilers, or flex - the harder masks protect better (I've had my profilers flex in on me and felt contact when balls hit) but don't give any bounces. Yeh some of this Dye gear is getting touchy, but so are some of the masks that are drooled over
very true. I have a profiler and just playing a couple days ago i got pelted in the face with evil and none of it broke. the other guy was furious but he was wearing a profiler too. :ninja: I will say though that if im taking alot of bounces id rather have one break than have the guy keep shooting me.

12-30-2004, 09:35 PM
In response to how easy it is to wipe with the material...
I just got my C5 jersey today and after looking at it and feeling it I have to say that it's a rougher material then my older JT jersey and actually only looks like its really smooth. Get an up close look at the jersey and feel it, you will see that its not as slick as it looks. Plus the material just looks plain cool and I think thats why Dye did it, not for wiping.
But overall Dye has done a nice job of adding everything they can think of to make paintball jerseys and pants better and I think thats really cool rather then just making a plain regular jersey with print on it.

01-05-2005, 11:29 AM
i just got a c5 jersey and gloves and there awsome. theres not that much padding compare to c4 buy one and get the gloves and pants to :headbang: :shooting: :dance:

01-05-2005, 04:49 PM
i use to rock everything Dye , but now i mostly just use their protective gear, ( pads, gloves)
i felt a little to much like everyone else.
still good quality though

01-05-2005, 06:20 PM
Dye makes good stuff. The padding isnt going to make that much of a difference .

01-05-2005, 07:53 PM
how about the c5 forearm/elboiw pads? could someone legally were them under his or her jersey?

01-05-2005, 09:40 PM
if you want to complain about that then you would have to ban all forearm-elbow pads. wether they were built into teh jersey or worn seperately

01-05-2005, 09:48 PM
if you want to complain about that then you would have to ban all forearm-elbow pads. wether they were built into teh jersey or worn seperately

I wasnt complaining, i was looking in to getting a pair. I just wanted to know if they were legal. I have found out since posting, that yes they are. So...


01-05-2005, 11:04 PM
that was not directed solely at you. other people have asked. and sorry if you think it was direceted at you, should have posted that you were asking about it for yourself ;)

01-06-2005, 12:29 AM
All the whining has helped me decide that my team will be sporting C5 jerseys this year - hey Tuna, want to make me a good deal on a bulk purchase?Why sure. I'd be glad to do it. Email me. ;)

01-06-2005, 01:47 PM
All I know is I love my Dye stuff and have no reason to go with any other company. :D