View Full Version : I Need Some Half-Life 2 Help ASAP!!!

12-26-2004, 06:09 PM
Ok, i installed the and everything went great but when i click on play Half-Life 2 this damn steam thing pops up. It says i need to make an account so im like ok w/e and click next and make an account name and put in a password and all i ever get is an error that says operation can not be completed when steam is in offline mode (what in the world is offline or online mode?). I tried logging onto the internet and then making an account but then that steam screen doesnt pop up when i click on play half-life 2 but rather some update steam thing pops up and starts updating something. I thought this was normal untill i noticed all it does is go to 100% and then starts over and over again. Im getting really frusturated right now and i really need some help. All i wanna do is play the friggin thing. What ever happend to just installing and clicking on play? What the $*!@#$%$%$%$#$%@#$^# is steam and how do i make a friggin account?!?!?!?!?! All i want is for the to work and im about to throw the comp out the window.

12-26-2004, 06:11 PM
haha, well it took me about 3 hours to install half-life 2. I fell asleep and then went back and it was still installing.

But i dunno, that really sucks :( I wish i was a computer wizz, then i'd be able to help. Good luck dude

12-26-2004, 06:14 PM
Yeah it took me a lil while to install it as well. 5 disks is a lot for one lol. if anyone else knows what the heck is going on some help would be greatly appreciated.

12-26-2004, 06:25 PM
You have to be online to start up Half Life 2, make sure you let steam finish updating.
It may complete one update, and then have to do another, and this may be why it "started over"

And after you get an account sign in, and you should be good to go.

12-26-2004, 06:29 PM
I let the friggin thing reach 100% 2 times and that took forever. My mom has a VERY slow dial up connection so im really irritated. How do i just set up a dang account and stuff. The update thing is insanly slow with a dial up connection. How do i get an account sign in?

12-26-2004, 06:39 PM
Have you gotten steam installed yet?

It can take a really long time. If for some reason you can't get it installed normaily, download it from here.


You may have to let it update numerous times.

12-26-2004, 06:40 PM
stupid dialup, causes so many problems :( i used to have it and when it came to gaming it was probably the worst thing for it, and now we have high speed and its just dandy. i used to have problems like that, when a download would get intense or too big or something the dialup would just disconnect, i have no idea why. i guess you just have to get it on a good day on a good connection, but if thats not it then i have no clue what it could be.

12-26-2004, 06:43 PM
Dial up is very annoying. I have high speed internet on my comp but im at my moms at the moment. Why the heck would anyone make something where an internet connection is needed when im not even playing anything online? Anyway, i thought steam was installed when you install half-life 2, isnt it?

12-26-2004, 06:50 PM
Dial up is very annoying. I have high speed internet on my comp but im at my moms at the moment. Why the heck would anyone make something where an internet connection is needed when im not even playing anything online? Anyway, i thought steam was installed when you install half-life 2, isnt it?

you wont even be able to play with dial up. i would wait till you get back to some cable to play. and you have an easer problem then i do. when i go to play it gives me some error that said it cant "read" part of the memory. i read about it and just uninstalled it and going to exchange it for something else b/c its pissing me off

12-26-2004, 06:52 PM
I wont even be able to play with dial up, WTF?! Im ed off, im not even playing anything online and i need a friggin high speed connection, im very ed.

12-26-2004, 06:56 PM
it has to verify your steam id through the internet and with dial up it might take a long time. when i loaded the 5 cd's it only took about 10-15 mins for all 5 to load. then i go to play and it gives me this error. i dont need to play hl2 that bad so i just uninstalled that *******. what are the specs on your comp?

12-26-2004, 07:04 PM
You will be able to play half life 2.

But any multiplayer is going to be so slow.

12-26-2004, 07:26 PM
Ive tried just to play the and all it does is keep updating and wont ever let me play. I guess ill just wait till i get to my place and then ill play it.

12-26-2004, 07:45 PM
contact the support on steampowered.com, the'll reach you within 24 hours. also is recommended to attach any question with a msinfo32 file. go start>run>msinfo32>
then after it loads up go file>save> and save it to your desktop and attach that file to your question with steam. hope this helps.

12-26-2004, 07:53 PM
Ive tried just to play the and all it does is keep updating and wont ever let me play. I guess ill just wait till i get to my place and then ill play it.

Ya with dial up it is going to take you a long time to get situated.

12-26-2004, 09:22 PM
It's not reseting, it just takes forever. It's dowloading patches and other small fixes but it does that about 6 times before it's done.

Just be patient. :rolleyes:

12-27-2004, 01:34 AM
Is there any way you can play hl2 without the craptacular, tempermental steam? Worst feature about hl2 by far........

12-27-2004, 02:06 AM
nope no way

12-27-2004, 10:57 AM
Is there any way you can play hl2 without the craptacular, tempermental steam? Worst feature about hl2 by far........

Agreed lol, ill try and wait and see if it works today cus i dont have anything else better to do but it is annoying as hell.

12-28-2004, 12:53 AM

12-28-2004, 09:08 AM
you have dial up?? Oh man thats goona take about 10 years to update. I would wait for the cable line.

12-28-2004, 10:17 AM
I'm playing it through for the 2nd time. This really is the best FPS ever made.

12-28-2004, 10:23 AM
I'm playing it through for the 2nd time. This really is the best FPS ever made.
Agreed I love hl2. My wife bought me halo2 for christmas, so I've been on a halo2 kick for a few days.

12-28-2004, 12:55 PM
I got it to work and stuff and before this dang comp froze (it cant really support the game lol) it looked amazing. Well, at least i know the game works lmao.

12-28-2004, 01:01 PM
Ok, don't scream at me, but why is hl2 so great? I lpayed hl 1 at a friends house a couple years ago, and didn't think it was too great, compared to ghost recon 1. I mean, is it the story that's great? the weapons? the controls? what makes this game so spectacular?

*and im not really sceptical, im just curious, since ive never seen it being played before.

12-28-2004, 01:03 PM
I guess you just have to like the game for your own reasons. I liked it simply because it was fun to play but im kinda lookin forward to the graphics, AI, and environment interaction in this one. Ghost Recon is kinda a different type of game so you may not see it as that great cus your interested in different types of games. Ghost recon is a cool game though.

12-28-2004, 02:07 PM
Half Life was revolutionary when it came out. It changed first person shooters forever. It immediately raised the bar to a new height.

IMO, HL1 sped up the progress of FPS's immensely because all of a sudden the status quo wasn't good enough. Everyone was playing catch-up. No one cared about other games because HL had everything they had plus so much more. If you didn't play HL when it came out, you simply can't understand how huge a game it was. There is a reason it was one of the best selling games ever, and why it is still played today. Name another game that still has thousands of players playing every day almost 8 years after it was released. You can't, because such a game doesn't exist. The only game that comes close is Starcraft.

HL2, while it is easily the best FPS thats been released to date, doesn't quite raise the bar as much as HL1 did. It combines a lot of amazing features in one package, but nothing that hasn't been seen in other games. The graphics are rivaled by FarCry, which was released before HL2. The physics engine has been done in (Max Payne 2 I believe?), which was released before HL2. But Valve put together a complete package which is still revolutionary.

Going from a pre-HL1 FPS to HL1 was like going from a Commodore 64 to a Pentium III. It was ridiculous.

12-28-2004, 03:27 PM
You put that extremelly well Thordic, Kudos man! By the way, how is Far Cry? Ive never played it before but it looks aight.

12-28-2004, 03:32 PM
Half Life was revolutionary when it came out. It changed first person shooters forever. It immediately raised the bar to a new height.

IMO, HL1 sped up the progress of FPS's immensely because all of a sudden the status quo wasn't good enough. Everyone was playing catch-up. No one cared about other games because HL had everything they had plus so much more. If you didn't play HL when it came out, you simply can't understand how huge a game it was. There is a reason it was one of the best selling games ever, and why it is still played today. Name another game that still has thousands of players playing every day almost 8 years after it was released. You can't, because such a game doesn't exist. The only game that comes close is Starcraft.

HL2, while it is easily the best FPS thats been released to date, doesn't quite raise the bar as much as HL1 did. It combines a lot of amazing features in one package, but nothing that hasn't been seen in other games. The graphics are rivaled by FarCry, which was released before HL2. The physics engine has been done in (Max Payne 2 I believe?), which was released before HL2. But Valve put together a complete package which is still revolutionary.

Going from a pre-HL1 FPS to HL1 was like going from a Commodore 64 to a Pentium III. It was ridiculous.

Great post Thordic
/agree 100%

Far Cry is a great game--Im surprised it hasnt got much attention.

12-28-2004, 08:17 PM
Name another game that still has thousands of players playing every day almost 8 years after it was released.

I appologize for the smartbutt comment.. but it only feels appropriate. I too agree, HL is an amazing game, love it and still play it every day. But millions still play Pacman every day. How old is that one? :confused:

12-28-2004, 11:41 PM
You just enforced his point pretty much. The point is that its a good enough game that people are playing it long after it was released as pacman is. Well, as pacman is with some people lol.