View Full Version : uh oh - Tips for a field captain ?

11-08-2001, 09:51 PM
First off I would like to apologize for my enablity to use the search function on these boards. My crappy campus connection times out which makes it impossible.

Recently, I was elected Field Captain, for my college tourny team here at Kansas State University. I'm quite shocked by this as Ive never captained before.

I'm looking for any advice that you would be willing to give. Links to articles on this subject would be great.

Specifically, field drills - what to do, how to do it, running practices effeciently, keeping people motivated, and how to observe and help players improve.

This is the best place for info I know of, thanks in advance for any advice.


11-08-2001, 11:37 PM
Make sure that you make your decisions fair. Be open take everyones suggestions into consideration.

Temo Vryce
11-09-2001, 07:30 AM
Hears some of the best advice I can give you.

1. Keep your players from getting mad. No matter happens don't let them get upset.

2. Always be polite when talking to the officals. Even if you're upset with them over a bad call. Yelling at a Ref never changes his mind.

3. You are the only person on your team who should be taking a bad call to the Head ref. Be polite when talking to the Head ref and thank him for his time when you're done even if the call still doesn't go your way.

4. If you have players sitting games out ask them to watch your team and find out what you guys need to do to improve. Never get mad at a player for doing something wrong. Tell them what they did wrong and suggest something different that they could have done.

5. No matter how the day goes just try and have fun.

These are some simple rules that myself and my team mates follow. Remember to communicate with your team on the field. Learn to play like a team and not a bunch of idividuals on the field and everything else will come to you.

I hope this helps you out.

11-09-2001, 11:32 AM
yeah, let me play where ever i want, and stop breaking paint in your emag, BAHAHA
anyways bryan Im here for ya 100% so if u need me to do anything email me or whatever
lets see what we can do this year, cause iowa state is all braggin on us since they got first last year.

i also have to admit that i am a member of AOG (angel owners group) and this seems to be a better forum type place, HOWEVER i would encourage everyone that reads this to join PBC (paintballcity.com)
there are a trillion users and mucho information on just the one site.

well later bryan see ya at practice
Ripper angel lcd
(no mag)

11-09-2001, 04:05 PM
well before ya do all that, ya have to know your players, know how they play, think and there best position.

ya need to be there and walk each feild, look for shooting lanes, hot zones, and try and find anyhthing that'll give your team an advantage.(sun at your direction, rocks, mud...
and what everybody said