View Full Version : got to try out new gear today!!!

12-27-2004, 04:24 AM
so yeah today was a first for many things and i thought i would share my joy with you all.
first was my new paintball junkies pants (the jt ripoffs) which were awesome but due to a lack of a back pocket very annoying!! but that is by far the only complaing i love the soft netting on the insides and the knees are thick enough to help prevent major scraping. next are the raven sliding pads and while the knee padding is amazingly large they worked great my knee isnt even red, which is a rarity.

now for the big one my favorite and the only one on the list that i didnt recieve for christmas was the x-power mod! i decided that the reloader b board should be more than strong enough to take the 12 volts i guessed that the warp plug put out so thats what i plugged in! For setup i got lazy and used the splice instead of soldering because i didnt want to chance it and this gives me an easier way of removal. i then ran the wires up inside the gripframe pinching them out the top and these wires are thick so it was not an issue. sadly i had to use some electrical tape to attach the wire to the feedneck to help prevent shifting of the splicer and possible loss of power to the hopper. and ofcoarse i didnt plan on using it today so i didnt have the battery door moddified to make room for the wires so i just tapped the door to the hopper.

all in all the kit worked great and i love how the switch on my xmag now shuts off the hopper as well! the weight advantage of not have 6 AAs on the top of my gun was amazing and helped so much! battery drain was negligible as i put 1500 rounds through my xmag and only had issues with the crappy field paint jamming the loader! when the loader would jam and shut off it used to be that i would have to remove the battery then reattach them, and then the reloader b would work now since i have a power cut off i just shut off my gun and then turn it back on and it reboots itself making so i can use the loader again good as new!! ofcoarse i will have pics up as soon as i can gank my little brothers digi from him! so check back over the next couple days!! next on list is warp and warp module and my setup will be rocking big time!!

almost forgot to thank thecavemankev for the awesome x-power kit it worked great thanks a bunch man!!!

12-27-2004, 05:59 PM

12-27-2004, 10:46 PM
removeing all those AA bateries was nice made the hopper light as can be. i no i held the gun.

12-27-2004, 11:16 PM
Dude your gun is insanely light compared to my gun

01-20-2005, 05:34 PM
thread resurrection for pics!!
the last one shows how i got lazy and didnt want to solder onto the board.. i also run some tape around the feedneck to keep the wire from getting snagged!

01-21-2005, 09:32 AM
Very cool, but what does that do to your battery life?

01-21-2005, 05:14 PM
Very cool, but what does that do to your battery life?

What he said.
I shoot 3000+ balls on a typical practice.. You think it would hold up for those 4 or so hours?

01-26-2005, 06:01 PM
oopps sorry i didnt get back to you!! i havent seen any detrement to the battery life at worst i see it maybe cutting it down to less than half wich is still 10000 shots!!