View Full Version : Had the most amazing conversation

12-27-2004, 03:30 PM
I do service work. As a side benefit of this type of work I regularly get to meet new people from all walks of life. My partner and I were at a house the other day where the homeowner was a child in Germany during WW2.

She was 6 when the war broke out and lived in a city , I can't remember the name. She talked about Hitler coming to power , and the plight of the Jews. She remembered for us the condiditons after the air raids started. She said that a few years after the war started , Germany began to get raids. She said that it ws impossible to sleep because every few hours in the day and constantly at night the sirens would go off. Her family was lucky enough to own land in the country so they went there to get away from the air raids.

She was recounting how the only men around were either babies , really old , or severly injured. Every man of age had to serve in the Army , or could be put to death or sent to the camps. So everything was done by the women. They worked in all the factories making war materials.

She said that after the war had been going a while that money had completly lost its value. You couldn't buy an egg for a million dollars. The lines at stores were incredibly long , and there was nothing there to buy anyway. She said that lots of things you take for granted are completly gone. Eggs , panty hose , sugar , flour , etc. were totally unavailable. That people had gotten down to boiling wallpaper to get the glue(which contains sugar)off in a tea.

Since they had moved to the farm , they actually had a good deal of these staples. Many of their neighbors and friends came and gave them family heirlooms , watches , gold , jewelry of considerable value , just for a loaf of bread , or piece of salt pork.

By the end of the war , the fighting was all around the farm they lived on. She said that they had a silo on the farm that was high enough to be a good scouting position , so it wasn't unusual for troops to be there. A few weeks before the war was over all the German troops were down to rags and starving. It was common knowledge that the war was lost , but these men just continued trying to fight. They were all starving so the biggest reason they kept going was to find food. No one would help the German soldiers out of fear of the Americans finding out.

A few days before the Americans arrived a small unit of German infantry had come to the door of her farmhouse. The whole family was frightened , because at this point there was no order at all. Looting and worse were commonplace. She was the only one brave enough to go to the door. She said when she opened it that tears instantly came to her eyes from the condition of these boys. She said that they were lucky if the oldest of them was 15. No weapons , no gear , just beat up , starving boys. Against the wishes of the family she let them in and fed them. She said they were so war weary that just dropping a plate or piece of silverware would make them jump. They were constatly shaking and would just start crying out of the blue. Their eyes , she said , were those of people who had seen too much.

They ended up staying for a few days before an American unit started crossing the farm. The German soldiers tried to run , but didn't escape. The American unit was just about to kill them when she ran out to the Americans and begged for their lives , as they were only boys. Because of her they lived , and funny enough she met several of them years later in the States.

She said that there were many goings on that the papers didn't tell you about the American soldiers. The army was moving so fast across Germany that they had gotten way ahead of their supply lines. In turn the soldiers went into people's homes and took all the food they had. In addition , she said they didn't leave anything of value behind. They stole all they could carry , and worse. She said the time in between , waiting for the surrender of Germany was the hardest. The Americans had taken all the food , and wouldn't let the people go out. Many people had the hardest time then , waiting for relief.

We sat and listened to her for hours. I could have listened for days. She went on to marry an American soldier who was stationed in Germany. Made her way here to the states and loves everything American , in spite of the memories. It was so amazing to actually get to hear a part of living history.

12-27-2004, 03:50 PM
nothing i havent heard before, but i also find WWII era very interesting.

12-27-2004, 03:52 PM
The stories about the American soldiers just taking things has been told to me many times, but by those American soldiers doing it. They took what they needed, and to be honest, what would they leave behind? Most of them had very little with them. I think it was wrong, but at the same time, they were there trying to liberate the people, risking their lives doing so. War is nasty, and even the good guys do bad things, but in the end, Germany became a pretty nice country...too bad it took 40 years before the wall came down.

12-27-2004, 03:55 PM
The stories about the American soldiers just taking things has been told to me many times, but by those American soldiers doing it. They took what they needed, and to be honest, what would they leave behind? Most of them had very little with them. I think it was wrong, but at the same time, they were there trying to liberate the people, risking their lives doing so. War is nasty, and even the good guys do bad things, but in the end, Germany became a pretty nice country...too bad it took 40 years before the wall came down.

Oh by no means did I recount it as trying to make them look bad. War is nasty , and bad things are required to happen to make things right again.

You have to remember the POV of the person who's memories these were....

12-27-2004, 03:59 PM
I've had a strong hate / dislike for war, I just watched Band of Brothers the other day, and that made me angry and sad b/c of what goes on in wars. We need world peace :cry:

12-27-2004, 04:11 PM
Im from Poland...my great grandfather died in a concentration camp, I know all the horrible stories of war. And also all the good ones.

12-27-2004, 08:34 PM
World peace is a pipe dream, atleast from judging what people are like today. Although humanity could be vastly different a century from now. Or worse. We don't know, so I'll stick to the theory humanity will be the same, however unlikely or implausible.

If one thinks about it, war has solved many things. It has also set us back.

War gave us our independence. It was the only way to get it. Negotiations would not work.

The Civil War divided us as a nation, although it also helped to unify us in the end. It also was a bold step forward with the Emancipation Proclamation(one of the many things coming from it) for equality. Although, up until recently in the grand scheme of things, it was nothing near it. it still isn't.

War also set humanity back over 800 years, both physically and mentally. When the Germans defeated the Romans, a new reign was unleashed. Science and the arts were frowned upon for well over 800 years. Until the dawn of religion, the Catholic Church mainly, it remained that way. Many feel that had it not been for this "hiccup" we would most likely be colonizing space by now, with travel approaching the speed of light, however, not past it(it's an impossibilty. When you get closer to it, time speeds up. At, and above it, time goes in reverse in a nutshelll).

War does many things. Good AND bad.

Lets look at the World Wars however. It is a great probability that WWII never would have happened had it not been for the economic low that was present in Germany.

Adolf Hitler gained power because he manipulated that situation, and using his education over those without, was able to gain power. Many theorize that had the Wilson Plan been adopted, this never would have occured. It was outlined after WWI to rebuild and create a rebound of the European economies. Why did it fail though?

The man reason is simply because the United States outlined it. We weren't the ones whose soil was directly touched by the war, and did not suffer nearly as much as the other countries. The other countires who were directly affected by the war, on their own turf, did not support the liberal viewpoint of the plan.

However, I'm getting too deep here. Not the right time or place. Sorry for rambling on.

It would have been an amazing conversation to have been a part of. You're lucky to get a first person viewpoint, in real life. Today, few do.

I will say this. There are many attrocities that were committed. I have a photo album, taken by my grandfather, that have some quite gruesome photographs.

One an American GI is holding a Japanese head(disembodied)up.

Note : I will NOT post that, or any other of those photographs.

12-28-2004, 06:17 PM
Kind of off topic a little:

Everyone makes it appear as though Abraham Lincoln had this grand idea to free the slaves from the outset of the civil war. He had no intention of doing this, the only reason we went to war was to reunify the union, it just happened to be the issue of slavery that split us. The emancipation proclamation actually excluded several "border" states that supported slavery but also supported the Union in the war. By doing this Lincoln was able to keep those states from seceding, but was able to grandfather the policy over them when the states were reunified at the end of the war.

To recount: Slavery's end was a byproduct of the civil war, not the goal of it.

Back to the topic:

That is a awesome you got to speak with this woman and get the actual account from her perspective (as the propaganda machine in wartimes can paint a false representation of what is actually occuring), if you want to see some of the most racist and terrible misrepresenations of people based on stereotypes, look at some early 1900s and WWII propaganda, it is some of the most terrible stereotyping I have ever seen. Although the situation is very similar to misrepresentations of Middle Eastern peoples that is occuring because of 9/11 and the current war in Iraq.