View Full Version : History of Paintball Project

Big Weapons
12-28-2004, 10:38 PM
Alright guys, I'm going to write an 8 page report on paintball for history. Mind you, this is an AP class and it's worth 10% of my grade. I need cited sources, and I'm going to have to look around for some books on paintball (if you guys have any recommendations, please tell me). I'll need graphs, timelines, maps, etc [all outlined below]. I'll definately need help from you guys, and any information or sources you can provide would be great.

Date Due: 1/14

a. Origins
b. Timeline
c. Present Day
d. How it affected society AND how society has affected it

a. Charts
b. Graphs
c. Pictures
d. Maps

That's basically what the 8 pages are going to be. I'll also need pictures, especially maps. I was thinking a diffusion of paintball map or something.

I know there is a LOT of information on AO, especially if Tom comes around and blesses me with his godly information. Thanks guys :)

12-28-2004, 11:05 PM
First, find the issue of Sports illustrated that had the article from IAO. This issue has the Red Sox on the cover I think.

Pick up a copy of The Complete Guide to Paintball. That will be a good start. Also try to find some back issues of APG or other old magazines.

I am not sure what kind of maps you are going to find on paintball.

Edit: If you want to write a good paper on paintball, why don't you do some reasearch on the leagal wars currently going on and write a paper on that.

12-28-2004, 11:12 PM
I know you're looking more for overall sport history, but for what it's worth here's a great history of markers:

Big Weapons
12-28-2004, 11:17 PM
Edit: If you want to write a good paper on paintball, why don't you do some reasearch on the leagal wars currently going on and write a paper on that.

That'd be great if I was doing a comparison essay, but this is a history essay.

ty for the link drg.

12-28-2004, 11:24 PM
Here's another, but without references, sorry:

can'tthink of1
12-29-2004, 04:29 AM
Go out to the feild for interview, just use it as an excuse to play too :P

You could ask feild owners about stuff too. What, I dunno :P

Big Weapons
12-30-2004, 12:21 AM
Maybe I'll interview the air guy at my field. [Everyone hates him lol]

12-30-2004, 12:38 AM
Check out February 2005 issue of AGP...it is so amazing for the history. There is a interview of the origional guy (hayes??? or is that the other guy? whatevert...i cant rmemeber). And he tells how it started. It has a article of the guns of 1990...and it has some other stuff...its a very good issue in my opinion.

12-30-2004, 01:12 AM
Really not sure about how much Email Bill Mills answers anymore, but WARPIG.com is a very good source of info. If you have a few questions about things at a later point in the report, try dropping them a line. They should be able to help you out. Great for refining details or getting big chunks of info.

Paintball.net has a few maps on it, concerning playing fields. See if that might do okay.

paintball.about.com has some good info, especially safety.

I agree with picking up a copy of The Complete Guide to Paintball. A bit outdated, but has interviews with Haynes Noel and Charles Gains (I think they are the fellows), the first two players, and descriptions of the first games. It also covers the evolution of the sport to what it is today. Most large bookstores like Barnes&Noble or Borders have a copy.

Hope that helps.

12-30-2004, 07:12 PM
Just wait for the next issue of PB2X. You'll have all the info you need, and then some. Trust me.

Big Weapons
12-30-2004, 09:27 PM
Think any of you could hook me up with your used magazines? :D

12-30-2004, 11:57 PM
How about this.
Freakin A.
Theres been like, four in the past month.

12-31-2004, 12:11 AM

Short and sweet about what happened in the beginning. :argh:

Big Weapons
12-31-2004, 05:19 AM
How about this.
Freakin A.
Theres been like, four in the past month.

Or you could've just ignored the thread. Don't need to flame about it.

Alright so far I've completed the timeline and graphs, but I still don't have enough solid information to write a decent informative essay.

12-31-2004, 01:13 PM
this would be a great place to get as much info on paintball as possible... because every once and awhile you'll see a thread pop up asking for help with a school report...

might even be a good idea to make it a stickey if it turns into something... :)

12-31-2004, 07:51 PM
Here is a link to some paintball tid bits.


Big Weapons
01-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Wow, thanks for all the help guys. Project's coming along well. I have about 5 pages now, without pics.

01-07-2005, 10:02 AM
if you need pictures then go to warpig.com and do some searching around there. It's one of the oldest paintball websites so it should have some great stuff for you.