View Full Version : whats a cavity

12-29-2004, 05:49 PM
do they hurt? and what is done to your tooth?

12-29-2004, 05:58 PM
I always thought of it as the inner rotting of your tooth. They will drill it out and then fill it and seal it. I think it takes like 2 visits to do. Doesnt hurt, just annoying.

12-29-2004, 05:59 PM
they asked me if i wanted a silver or white filling... what the heck !

12-29-2004, 06:00 PM

google, man... google...

I'll give you the short answer, but better answers are out there.

Your teeth have a soft fleshy center (the "pulp"), and a hard shell (the "enamel"). when you don't brush acid's build up on your teeth (mostly from bacteria that live on the sugar food leaves there as I recall). This acid starts to eat into your teeth, and makes a hole.

The dentist can do " a filling", in which he drills out the damaged tooth-substance and fills it with a dental putty. the shots hurt a bit, but once they take effect the rest is pretty painless.

if the cavity gets too deep (to the meat of the tooth) it'll start to hurt like hell, especially when eating hot/cold/sweet foods. at this point you need a "root canal", which is like a filling, but requires that all the pulp be drilled out and the tooth be filled or capped. these are pretty expensive, and the process is long. one of the novacaine shots is into the pulp of the tooth, and that hurts like a b... a... a really hurty thing.

brush your teeth, and floss, and learn to do research online. ;-)

12-29-2004, 06:01 PM
they asked me if i wanted a silver or white filling... what the heck !

pure cosmetics. the white filling costs more and blends in better. take a look at most adult's mouths, you'll see the silver fillings in there...

12-29-2004, 06:03 PM
i'm ganna go cry

12-29-2004, 06:15 PM
Don't listen to the babies it doesn't hurt.

12-29-2004, 06:18 PM
compared to braces>?

12-29-2004, 06:29 PM
Fillings take about 15 minutes and don't hurt at all.

- Goro

12-29-2004, 06:32 PM
Don't listen to the babies it doesn't hurt.

I'll just say that pain is relative to each of us, and I am sometimes a bit of a pu... small feline... when it comes to dentists.

12-29-2004, 06:33 PM

wierd this popped up... I was picking a piece of food out of between two teeth today and felt a little edge... I went to the restroom and discovered that I have a little hole on the back part of my right upper kanine... one of those areas where you cant see it from looking at yourself in the mirror (on a day to day basis)

I serously wonder what would happen if I cleaned it real good, scraped it out (with a pick) and filled it with superglue :) ?

....or would that be a no no...?

I dont currently have dental insurance... and I've alwayse wanted to do my own dentistry.... ;) :D

12-29-2004, 06:39 PM
if it's not a bearing surface of the tooth, I'd get Temparin at the supermarket. it's a temporary filling that works well if you don't chew on it.

however, most likely you'll just end up trapping something in the tooth, and end up with a root canal in a while.

or supergluing your mouth shut. ;-)

12-29-2004, 06:56 PM

wierd this popped up... I was picking a piece of food out of between two teeth today and felt a little edge... I went to the restroom and discovered that I have a little hole on the back part of my right upper kanine... one of those areas where you cant see it from looking at yourself in the mirror (on a day to day basis)

I serously wonder what would happen if I cleaned it real good, scraped it out (with a pick) and filled it with superglue :) ?

....or would that be a no no...?

I dont currently have dental insurance... and I've alwayse wanted to do my own dentistry.... ;) :D
I had a hole in one of my teeth once. They had to Root Canal it...

12-29-2004, 07:00 PM
Just mix up a small batch of JB Weld...NOT! :D Dont use super glue either. Both of these products have chemicals that are highly toxic to humans. Get to the dentist quick before it gets bigger. Use the "easy payment plan" if you cant afford it right now. :D

12-29-2004, 07:49 PM
Well first, they say "O dear...you have a cavity". Then they take a drill about 1" across and put it ij your mouth. Then, they DRILL YOUR TOOTH OUT! Now your left without a tooth. Then, They fiull in the missing tooth with "Filling" The end.

12-29-2004, 08:33 PM
Just mix up a small batch of JB Weld...NOT! :D Dont use super glue either. Both of these products have chemicals that are highly toxic to humans. Get to the dentist quick before it gets bigger. Use the "easy payment plan" if you cant afford it right now. :D

12-29-2004, 08:33 PM
compared to braces>?
omg are u crazy, braces hurt alot more then a filling, all they do really is numb your tooth or mouth, take the stuff out of the hole and fill it with the dentist crap. you barely feel it.

12-29-2004, 09:58 PM
First they'll give you a novocaine shot, which will numb the area they are going to do work in. Then sometimes you get laughing gas, which makes you feel super cool for about a half hour. Then they'll drill out the innards of the tooth and fill it with the replacement putty.

My gripe with getting fillings is because my tongue is a beast with a mind of its own, and likes to get in the way of the tools. So they have to put this clamp thing in my mouth that holds it still, really annoying.

On a side note, do not chew on anything made of tinfoil if you have a filling, it hurts like a b.

12-29-2004, 10:01 PM
First they'll give you a novocaine shot, which will numb the area they are going to do work in. Then sometimes you get laughing gas, which makes you feel super cool for about a half hour. Then they'll drill out the innards of the tooth and fill it with the replacement putty.

My gripe with getting fillings is because my tongue is a beast with a mind of its own, and likes to get in the way of the tools. So they have to put this clamp thing in my mouth that holds it still, really annoying.

On a side note, do not chew on anything made of tinfoil if you have a filling, it hurts like a b.
Liar and a baby :)