View Full Version : Star wars

12-30-2004, 03:28 PM
I just bought the starwars trilogy and spent oh like 9 hrs watching them all. I love these movies though they lack the special affects we are used to today. But anyway i think these are much better than the new ones that just came out

Eatem Alive
12-30-2004, 03:52 PM

'nuf said.

12-30-2004, 03:56 PM
StarWars > StarTrek and every other space themed futuristic movie/book.

/me goes back to reuploading his whole entire frigging MP3 playlist

12-30-2004, 03:56 PM
/me is a huge star wars geek. Have been since I was little.


12-30-2004, 03:57 PM
the original star wars movies rocked hard. I'm still happy I bought them on VHS in their pure form, before he released the "enhanced" dvd's.

Now if you want a marathon movie experience, I watched the extended Lord Of The Rings over the past couple days. Return Of The King is something like 4-4.5 hours long now! (and that's without watching any of the 8 cd's of interviews and production notes...)

12-30-2004, 04:23 PM
I also have the unaltered original vhs editions. I was a little bit irked by some of the cg robots that were floating around in the dvd versions but all in all still great movies.

12-30-2004, 04:24 PM
Episodes IV-VI are the best. I'm not too happy with the enhanced versions either. The CGI stuff should have been better it looks thrown together.

12-30-2004, 05:18 PM
Episodes IV-VI are the best. I'm not too happy with the enhanced versions either. The CGI stuff should have been better it looks thrown together.

I thought the big problem wasn't that it looked thrown together, it just looked so good it was out of place in the 1970's era movie...

the sound irked me as well. you'd watch a normal stereo dogfight, and all of a sudden there would be a tremendous THX explosion, then back to stereo...

ep. 5 is still one of the best movies ever...

12-30-2004, 05:26 PM
han shoots... simaltaneously :confused:

ESB is teh bestest. The parts with the Emperor and Luke and great in ROTJ, but Lucas managed to make it worse than it already was.

/can't love if you don't hate. can't hate if you don't love

12-30-2004, 05:49 PM
I love Star Wars. I own dozens of copies of the movies on VHS. All the different versions that were released in every format they were released in and also in the majority of languages they were released in.

I own Star Wars in Itallian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and a bunch of other languages (including French but that wasn't my fault).

And the third new one looks like it might not suck!

Mighty Mike
12-30-2004, 05:53 PM
I have to go out and buy the Star Wars trilogy myself. I think it's going for $39.99 at Best Buy right now and its definitely a must have for every house. It's sad but i've never watched Empire Strikes Back. Hmmm....come to think of it, i've never watched Episode 1 or 2 either. :tard:

Looks like i've got a lot of catching up to do.

12-30-2004, 06:05 PM
I own Star Wars in Itallian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and a bunch of other languages (including French but that wasn't my fault).

And the third new one looks like it might not suck!

Vous n'aimez pas les francais?

Why all the international versions?

And yes, on opening night for ep3, I'll be there with the worst case of butterflies evar. If he pulls off ep3, I will officially renounce much of my anger about ep1-2.

12-30-2004, 06:44 PM
If anyones willing to help, I could transfer the original-original VHS movies onto DVD and then "sell" them for the cost of DVD + Shipping.

Problem : Dont have the originals. :tard:

12-30-2004, 07:09 PM
problem 2: MPAA and copyright law

12-30-2004, 07:14 PM
I love Star Wars. I own dozens of copies of the movies on VHS. All the different versions that were released in every format they were released in and also in the majority of languages they were released in.

I own Star Wars in Itallian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and a bunch of other languages (including French but that wasn't my fault).

And the third new one looks like it might not suck!

Hey lets go to Lok and kill us some Snorbals, I just got some new Kryat weapons. :)

Eatem Alive
12-30-2004, 07:29 PM
If he pulls off ep3, I will officially renounce much of my anger about ep1-2.

what?? episode 1 was good. darth maul was a bonafide pimp, until his "split" personality cut it's way in. episode 2 was a bit mushy

"...at last we shall have our revenge" - darth maul

12-30-2004, 07:52 PM
what?? episode 1 was good. darth maul was a bonafide pimp, until his "split" personality cut it's way in. episode 2 was a bit mushy

They were good, but not up to par with all the older ones. As a stand alone movie, not too bad. But he just did not make of a good as a movie as he did in the 70's.

12-31-2004, 12:32 AM
i love star wars. in fact i just watched the dvd's literally minutes before i got on here. ha. maybe i'm the only one who noticed.. but the music in the ewok party scene is like.. a remix. i think i actually like the new music better. i agree on the CGI stuff. way out of place. and i was wondering... the original VHS and the enhanced DVD's are practically the same time. How?? I thought they stuck in a lot of stuff on the enhanced... did they take stuff out?? The CGI of the cities at the end was totally new. and probably some other stuff. i wasn't totally with it (kinda have a headache), so they may not have added anything else. it just seemed weird.

12-31-2004, 01:32 PM
I think the biggest problem older people have with the new movies is that there is no longer a sense of wonderment. When episode IV came out it was nothing like we had ever seen before. The entire package was incredible. I know I was amazed at the whole story and being amazed at the spaceships and battle scenes. In a sense you could say we were innocent.

Now we are spoiled by all of the effects and the CGI so the story no longer captures us like the old movies do. We have lost that innocence we had when we were younger. I enjoy all of the movies. Its easy to pick them apart and have arguments of old vs. new. There are definitely things in all of them I don't enjoy but I try to take them all in their context as the complete story that Lucas is try tell. Most of all i'm going to enjoy watching them with my son when he gets a little older.

12-31-2004, 03:01 PM
problem 2: MPAA and copyright law

Yes so we can pay for their coke addictions.....

Ill see if my friend has them so you can xfer them.

12-31-2004, 03:02 PM
I bought the dvd trilogy for my father for Christmas.... I watched all three of em the day after, hehe.

12-31-2004, 05:05 PM
I think the biggest problem older people have with the new movies is that there is no longer a sense of wonderment. When episode IV came out it was nothing like we had ever seen before. The entire package was incredible. I know I was amazed at the whole story and being amazed at the spaceships and battle scenes. In a sense you could say we were innocent.

Now we are spoiled by all of the effects and the CGI so the story no longer captures us like the old movies do. We have lost that innocence we had when we were younger. I enjoy all of the movies. Its easy to pick them apart and have arguments of old vs. new. There are definitely things in all of them I don't enjoy but I try to take them all in their context as the complete story that Lucas is try tell. Most of all i'm going to enjoy watching them with my son when he gets a little older.


To me, the original SW movies were so great because the technology (in society() was there, but it wasnt overly done; some of the scenes seem like places you could find in realm life. The new movies practically shove technology down your thorat, it detracts from the story. The old saying "Less is more" really couldnt be any more correct.

01-01-2005, 12:45 AM
i'm still wondndering how on starwars battlefront that the droid's jetpack can last longer than the empire's jetpack when the droid's is supposed to be about 40 year older technology.


01-01-2005, 12:47 AM
i'm still wondndering how on starwars battlefront that the droid's jetpack can last longer than the empire's jetpack when the droid's is supposed to be about 40 year older technology.


Stop pointing out glaring mistakes and laugh at Jar jar