View Full Version : Sorry to the PEV guys!

11-09-2001, 04:05 PM
I walk in the store, get my tank filled, walk around, then leave! Without paying! Sorry guys! I will have the money next time I go there, possibly when I pick up the brand spankin new Retro Valve Rob is gonna order for me! Oh yeah! Again, very very sorry!


11-09-2001, 04:33 PM
I applaud and respect you for your honesty. Good man. :)

11-09-2001, 08:11 PM
I did that once at a store. Walked in, picked up some dullcote (a clear matte spray paint stuff for models and such), and then talked to the guy about liquid plastic cement for about 10 minutes. He was talking about how they stopped selling that kind because kids bought it to get high off of (damn them, its the best stuff for gluing plastic models).

Anyway, I just walked out with the dullcote. It was like $5, and I would have paid next time I went in, but the store closed down like 2 weeks later. I went there like once a month for supplies.

Oh well, it happens. If you did it with an EMag, I think it might be worse. I'm sure Rob will appreciate your $4 next time, though :)

11-09-2001, 08:22 PM
They charge you? For air?

Honesty is always the best way out. Unless you can blame it on somebody else with a valid reason.

11-09-2001, 10:05 PM
Dave I didnt charge you because I didnt :)

DOnt sweet it. Its something I for every person that buys a mag from my store I tell them to try and shoot 2 full tanks of air before shooting paint to get use to the trigger.

If you check your recipts You didnt get charged the last time you were in ( If I rang you up )

So dont worry be happy !


11-09-2001, 10:45 PM
wow, I didn't know I was supposed to do that! I guess I better start now!

as other people said, when the dishes need drying, and the furniture needs dusting, bust out the mag! Improving my trigger fingers as well as doing the chores...I like it.:)

By the way Rob, thanks for the free fills...I didn't even know you were doing that!

Also...hehehe...I put one of those nice big white PEV'S stickers on my revvvy, especially for this weekend!:)

I think it is a good idea for Tom to talk to Check-It. They need to get the facts straight. They might possibly start selling mags again if they realized all the good things about them...which is just about everything!


11-10-2001, 10:52 PM

when are you going to start a store down here???????


11-10-2001, 11:26 PM
AGD come to the aid of Texas!!!!!!!
We have 2 stores around here one is a really good store, Professional Paintball. one is a store that jips you on ne thing and every thing they possible can. I never got my money for my $60 spyder barrel :mad: . But the good store Pro P-Ball has one mag barrel :( , and 2 mags. (they are mainly free flow cocker stuff) but you gotta hook us up :D . We are crying for really good stores
(with mag stuff) :D