View Full Version : my classic RT is sick....need a cure

12-30-2004, 07:27 PM
I just got a used classic RT and i shot a hopper through it and it shot perfect, but i chopped a few because of the 12v and no LvLX well when i took the gun apart to clean it....and gassed it back up. it seemed normal, but now it leaks like a mad man down the barrel when i pull the trigger......so i reset the bolt....and shot again and the samething happened over and over....does anybody know anything i can do?

Carbon Blue
12-30-2004, 08:00 PM
does the leak stop when you pull on the trigger?? if so then it is an on/off problem. Pull the assembly out and make sure everything is in the right place and the orings are okay. Remember mags love oil so make sure you oil the on/off real real and a few drops down the powertube. When you say you reset the bolt, did you mean when you pulled the trigger the bolt moved forward and did not go back?? more information would be better.

12-30-2004, 08:46 PM
You reset the bolt? Maybe you tightened the banjo bolt too tight causing the bolt to drag and not reset completely. Also if you get a piece of piantball hull wedged in there it could happen to. Mine did that alot before the level10.

12-30-2004, 11:39 PM
no it leaks when i hold the trigger. the gun was cleaned very thouroughly, and by reseting the bolt i means pushed it back into place after it stuck forward

12-31-2004, 03:51 AM
Really it sounds like you didn't have the problem before you took it apart to clean it. You pull the trigger, the sear opening the on/off valve releasing the bolt. The bolt is pushed forward releasing the the charge of air, pushing the paintball out. The spring now pushes the bolt back, but it gets stuck before it returns to the sear reseting the on/off valve. Thus it leaks air. Still think you might have the banjo bolt too tight or not tight enough. Air it up and play with it (banjo bolt) back and forth. You should fine the spot. Let us know.

01-01-2005, 12:58 AM
ive also read elsewhere about the banjo bolt being very temperamental....so i think i will try that soon as i get some more air....my tank is empty but i will try that and oiling it to see how that works

01-01-2005, 07:22 PM
Also double check your power tube o-ring and spacer!!!make sure everything is clean, well oiled and put together in the correct order!!!