View Full Version : e/x mag problems

12-30-2004, 11:49 PM
a friend of mine bought a shiny red emag the other day...he went to play with it and no shooty. well i took the on/off out and the balck bumper piece at the end was not attached, i dont know if it needs to beor not, i haven't done the emag on/off before.

anyways when i gas it up and degas it the on/off wont trip and i have to take it apart and manually push the on/off in until it pops in my hands (yes i am smart enough to where eye protection and wrap it in a shirt too)

so i guess my main question is, does the black bumper/ o-ring at the end of the assembly have to be secured to it or just go around the pin?

also forgot to mention when i take it apart the pin sticks out quit a bit...could it possibly have a rt pin? would it make it not fire and be too long for the sear to spring it?

thanks for all the help


01-01-2005, 02:35 PM
First off you shouldn't be gassing up that valve out side of the marker! :eek: No one whats to see you hurt. The "bumper/o-ring" you speak of is called the "quad o-ring" and is unique to the Emag. For reference the pin lenth of the Emag is .712", am/mm is .750", Classic RT .750", and RTP is .765". Inspecting the quad o-ring for damage and if she is good carefully put it back in the valve. It is not attatched to the on/off it just sits in the valve body and the on/off rides though it. The on/off housing holds it down. You can check that pin lenth maybe it has something else in it. You never know. If everything checks out, lube the on/off and the q'o-ring your brand of marker oil. Rpl the on/off into the housing. At this point I'd place the valve back in the Emag Tightening the the field strip screw snug with my fingers and try gassing it up with your high pressure air tank. See if this works for your friend.

01-01-2005, 03:37 PM
i didn't pressureize it with the valve out...i took it apart to depressurize it so it wasn't sitting there with air in it. and i think the on/off pin is too long....i'll have to find a more presise ruler to do it.


01-02-2005, 01:33 AM
i didn't pressureize it with the valve out...i took it apart to depressurize it so it wasn't sitting there with air in it. and i think the on/off pin is too long....i'll have to find a more presise ruler to do it.


Dial caliper my friend. Ruler isn't going to cut it. Well, if it is less than 3/4 inch it might be right.