View Full Version : AGD support

01-02-2005, 02:31 AM
Why is it that if someone asks the question, "why I should buy a mag?" there is alot of replys to buy the other brand? What does this show AGD? Pretty sad when your own followers stab you in the back! Tom Kaye was/is a great man and now Dave Zupan has to fill thoughs shoes. Following Toms history and taking over a company in these trying times isn't going to be easy for him. Lets show him some support guys. Tell the perspective mag owner about what mags are and what they can do. Not what else to buy. I think in time the haydays of Emags and Xmag will be reborn. I believe something like the hAir is upon us. Be a team player! Lets stand-up for AGD! Let the paintball world tremble to the sound of are mags!

:dance: :clap: : :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

01-02-2005, 02:52 AM
i think we do that because we usually compare mutliple markers together rather than saying " JOO SHOULD BUY A MAG C4USE THEY R0X0R Y0UR B0XoRs 0FF J00 N3WB" which would be a common reply from somewhere oh i dunno like pbnation. the reason we usually compare markers is probably because people come here knowing that we're obviously biased towards mags and it would be useless to ask which gun is better, when obviously we would normally just say what we're biased towards. Now i've confused myself with what i just said and i will try to translate that to english for you. We realize that it is the user's personal preference of what marker he/she wants, so rather than just posting pointless "mag's ROCK" posts, we post helpfull posts showing comparisons between markers trying not to show any biasts.

01-02-2005, 02:55 AM

I agree

01-02-2005, 03:05 AM

I agree

01-02-2005, 03:38 AM
Maybe I'm just bias? Or maybe I choose to keep the faith. Because of the great things AGD has done or has been involved with over the years in the sport of paintball. Through customer support and quality products at realistic prices, I have never had a second thought of what brand of marker I will shoot. When people on the field or online ask me "Why" I tell them my beliefs. It's like going to a different church. One can choose to believe there own set of beliefs or adopt anothers. That is to be human. So those lost sheep are looking for a religion. So I tell them about mine. Some will leave and some will stay, but in any case I refuse to cluter there minds with doubt of where I stand, "and lead them not into temptation". "Hey that cocker is nice", "that DM4 is the bomb", is the doubt I'm talking about. I can see Tom coming down the mountain and seeing his followers worshipping the golden shocker. Well you know the rest story. Keep the faith.

01-02-2005, 03:56 AM
Well, It's only fair to introduce the ups and downs of every gun.
I cant think of many for mags, but one is effeciency. Mags are pretty bad on gas.
If someone is a back player and shoots a case a game (heh) then they probably wont want a mag because they will run out of air. That's just a (bad) example.
You just have to factor in some things, like people may like the 'feel' of other guns or want an electronic trigger or something like that.
Different guns suit different people.. if there was a 'superior' gun, we'd all be shooting it :)

01-02-2005, 03:57 AM
Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say it is a religion. I am a huge supporter of AGD and the Mag. But if the mag will not fit a person, I do not try and push it on that person. I spent 10 or so years trying to convince everyone that the mag is the gun for them. I then realized that for some people, a mag is not the answer. Does that mean I do not beleive in AGD or their products? Hell no, but I am very un-biased.

There are only a few companies that have my full support, AGD and Palmers. I am currently sitting at 30 some guns and of those guns 6 or 7 are AGD guns, 4 are Palmer guns and the rest are all over the board.

01-02-2005, 04:06 AM
Wow that sucked had a big o response & it didnt take.... Lets see it my concusion addled brain can do it again.. Here's my take on a AOrs. We love our mags no questions there. :ninja: Usually when someone asks about A vs B type marker in a thread we try to give an honest informed opinion. If a mag isnt going to fit the persons needs we say so. Most AO members are highly informed honest people. ;) Personally I watched this site for almost a year before I ever posted. I saw that most people here were honest & kept thier cool. If they ask about type A ( not a mag) VS B ( again not a mag) we give our honest opinins/experiences. Someone always asks why not a mag usually in a thread & we understand that for some people a mag just doesnt fit. We respect that. Believe me I think everyone should own a mag but they dont. I dont think that anyone here stabs Tom in the back. AO is a community of paintball players all makes & models, we try & respect each other. Thats what makes AO the best paintball forum/board on the planet. I can come here & get straight info on a viking from one of the resident aka guys to help someone local. Personally I hope Tom is proud of us... We have class for the most part, :tard: or at least we try too... believe me most mag guys try & spread the AGD religion every where we go. :headbang:

01-02-2005, 04:24 AM
I merely stated when someone asks about mags, I tell them about mags. If they inquire about something else I will tell them what I know. If they don't ask however, "how am I going to know to tell them about something else"? The media in all of it glory has given all of us the instruments to seek out truth and understanding, but it also has been tainted with lies and half-truths. That is why people come to you or I here, seeking the truth. So I simplify it. I only give them the answers they seek. In this case again, "Why Mags"?.

01-02-2005, 02:21 PM
I merely stated when someone asks about mags, I tell them about mags. If they inquire about something else I will tell them what I know. If they don't ask however, "how am I going to know to tell them about something else"? The media in all of it glory has given all of us the instruments to seek out truth and understanding, but it also has been tainted with lies and half-truths. That is why people come to you or I here, seeking the truth. So I simplify it. I only give them the answers they seek. In this case again, "Why Mags"?.

so basically you are looking for biased replies from people on this board in regards to mags and mags only ? Quite a few people on this board have numerous markers in their possesion or have been through various brands. If they prefer a Timmy or Shocker or Bushy over a mag so be it.
Ask the mods on this board what they use, it may suprise you. Yes they are strong supporters but they do dabble in other brands, is that something you consider a stab in the back.