View Full Version : q loader hidden facts

01-02-2005, 06:23 PM
i am getting a q loader and was wondering if there are any secrets/ hidden facts/ do not do this etc.. kinna stuff about the q loader.

01-02-2005, 06:24 PM
DOnt know if its true but i heard that the pods don't fit in alot of packs.

01-02-2005, 06:26 PM
the pods fit both of my packs fine, i have proto and redz pack.

01-02-2005, 06:28 PM
I heard somewhere that if you go into a bathroom stall and say 'snuffalufugus' into the q loader pod then a genie will come out and grant you three wishes :wow:

01-02-2005, 06:30 PM
alot of people get rid of them because they are a hassel. i figure they would be bad for speedball, but it would be fun to try with woodsball or somthing.

01-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Find somebody with a q-loader and borrow a pod to try in your pack, or buy the q-loader podpack - your podpack won't necessarily work with the q-pods.

read the manual before doing anything with the system. In fact, read it twice - it's well done and has pictures and instructions.

spend a day mounting the thing to different parts of your marker, but don't attach the feed hose. use empty pods in your pack and practice changing the pods and coming out of bunkers, etc. You do not want to be learning how to use the thing on a speedball field - you'll just look like an idiot.

keep a pencil or pen in your gearbag so that you can take apart the pods easily. When you go to pull the cap off a q-pod, pull it off a little bit, stick the pencil in the end and unwind the pod that way. Once the spring tension is let out, then pull the cap off slowly and make sure the spring doesn't eject the black cap on the end of it.

always preload the feed tube with paint before inserting a q-pod. If you don't and your q-pods are wound up a lot, you'll blow up paint in the breech/feedtube/q-pod, which will make that pod's paint useless, and force you to clean your marker out.

I know it's instinct on a speedball field to chuck your pods once you've dumped the paint out of them, but break yourself of this habit ASAP. Set your pods down next to the bunker, or roll them behind you, or something. You don't want to break any of the q-pods.

Watch your paint level. I know most people like to just shoot and shoot and shoot until your marker runs dry, then dump paint in your loader, but that will get you eliminated in a hurry. Once you get down to 5 or 10 balls in your q-pod, start watching the feedtube. As soon as you see a gap, yank the pod and put in another. There's two reasons for this. 1) If you shoot the whole feedtube empty you increase your chances of blowing up paint in it when you put the next pod in. 2) If you don't shoot a gap in the feedtube, you increase your chances of cutting a ball apart when you twist the pod out. If you get the spacing right with your feedtube this can never happen, but being aware of it will save you some hassle.

And finally, cancel your order if you...
... like to play as a backman. It'll cost you a lot to bring enough paint out to satisfy your half case per game habit, and you'll be changing pods more than you'll be shooting.

... have an electro with a bouncy trigger. You'll empty the pod too quickly.

... get pinned down in your bunker frequently. If you can't snapshoot your way out of most bunkers on the field, a q-loader isn't going to help you. You can't make up for a lack of accuracy by increasing volume, like most people in the paintball world do.

... don't clean your equipment. Don't clean the q-pods and you won't be shooting straight. It's like leaving goo in your halo's cone.

... abuse your equipment. The q-loader system isn't fragile, but you shouldn't drop it in the mud or superman onto it regardless.

01-02-2005, 10:53 PM
^^^wow thanks^^^

i shouldn't have any of thoes problems, mostly i play hopperball and take care of my stuff and have an awesome mech mag. i also always read the manual. thanks for all the info dude.

01-03-2005, 04:15 AM
I have a q-loader and love it but I'm going to sell it and get a warp. The is no established field in my town and the way we have it set up the team captains have to ref any game they're not playing in so I just don't have time to reload between reffing and playing. The only other thing didn't consider before I got it was I wouldn't be able to borrow paint if I run out on the field. If you decide to get one pm me, mines still up for sale.

01-03-2005, 04:47 AM
I just installed my friends Q loader onto my Viking a few hours ago. He is away in the navy and cant use it for the next few months so I am taking care of it for him.

Personally I love the Q loader. I also have a warp feed and I feel that the Q loader is easier to use. My complaint with Warp is that it eats batteries and I experianced inconsistant feeding. Its not a problem on a guy with eyes but my angel would just chop all the time.

I used the Q loader on the angel and never chopped. It feeds fast from any angle. Shooting upside down scares people. One day I had everyone calling it a vacume feed system, I guess science is no longer a priority in the schools. I had fun shooting from the bottom corners of sup air bunkers where people wouldnt expect you to be shooting from. I also liked turning my gun so it was parallel to the ground and shooting that way. I did best as a mid/front player. I just used the small profile to avoid getting hit and snap shoot players. My personal best was taking out 7 players in a 10 man. I felt like a pimp.

I did have problems with the springs sticking if I left the pods alone for two weeks. I found its best to take them apart the day before you are going to play and clean them. It lets the spring move some and got rid of my problems with it sticking. I can take apart a pod and put it together in around 3-4 miniutes now. Once you learn how the system works its easy to deal with and as long as you clean it you shouldnt have any problems. Just make sure you dont cut the hose too short. If you do you may end up with a sharp curve where the hose connects to the 90 degree fitting which will cause the balls to hang up. I also had the stock pod holder break on me, the little plastic pin that lets spring tension move the balls snapped off. I didnt care because I had the custom mounting bracket which is well worth the money. The new ones have a warrenty so that wouldnt matter anyway.

shatter_storm said everything else that I wanted to, so read his post again. You wont be able to swap paint with friends but I found this to be a good thing. Loading time isnt a big deal either. Its pretty close to what it takes to fill a normal pod if you do it right. When people try to bum paint off you on the field you can tell them sorry you cant. The Q loader is wonderful but not for stupid or inept people. Ive had many people at the field tell me they think q loader sucks but none of them had ever used one before.

01-03-2005, 09:54 AM
The only complaint I have/had about mine is the useless loading silo. If you have a spare loader, you can adapt it to work with the loading socket, so loading Q-Pods becomes a 1 person job, and real quick (I modded a clear vertical elbow for this purpose, so I wouldn't have to modify the socket or my spare Revy).