View Full Version : NPPL Robot...build your own?

01-02-2005, 09:15 PM
So I went on a trip to Iowa last week, and as I was staring out at cornfields ad infinitum, I was thinking about how many cheater guns you see now. And most of it isn't ramping, or crazy autoresponse cheats, but simple bouncing. Most of this is caught by the NPPL robot, which we all know of.

So, what if one could duplicate the action of the robot, cheaply enough for fields to afford it? A large number of gun violations would result, and cheating might be less rampant... So, for around $15, I'm think you could do the following:

Wind a solenoid...Copper wire and a bit of steel, anything, really.

Hook up a pair of breakbeam eyes at the tip of the barrel, the ~$1 WAS set from digikey would do nicely.

Now, get a 555 astable to input a set rate of BPS to the trigger. Also link the output of this to a 555 monostable at a given output. Link the eyes to an identical monostable circuit, so that each tiem a ball passes by, the same time/voltage pulse that resulted from a trigger pull is generated from the eyes.

From there, its just a matter of filtering the 2 inputs via capacitors, comparing them via an op-amp comparitor circuit, and having it trigger a red LED or Jeopardy style buzzer noise when the eyes' signal is greater than that of the trigger's. (Read: when more balls than pulls)

What do you think? Shouldn't be more than $15 or so with digikey involved.

01-02-2005, 10:43 PM
that would be really cool. if u make one and it works and gets some vids of it i would buy one. you should try to make like a gun stande or something and set up the sytem to that so you can set the gun up to that.

01-02-2005, 10:59 PM
would probably be a awsome seller for fields, but this would be useful if you didnt want any bounce what so ever, something i havent been able to achieve on my matrix

01-02-2005, 11:23 PM
The real nppl robot is very expensive. I can't remember the chrono they use, but it is very expensive.