View Full Version : Anyone cut hair or know bout clippers/razors

01-03-2005, 12:56 AM
Hey AO, I've been cutting MY OWN hair for the past couple of years with this "crappy" razer / clipper (really don't know what you call them). Well now it's time to upgrade, I am looking for something that will make a clean cut in one run, rather than going over and over and over a few times.

I need YOUR recommendations on some good quality built "clippers". Currently I've been using a ConAir and whenever I put on say an 8 guard, I'd have to run over the hair like 3-4 times before it's actually cut most of it to that length.

Say this isn't the clipper's fault, I want to upgrade to a better one anyways. So shoot me some recommendations!

Eatem Alive
01-03-2005, 01:28 AM
i've been cutting my own hair for 10+ years and i have used wahl, conair, sassoon, and others and i have yet to find one that cuts completely in one pass. it just depends on how much of your hair sticks up past the guard.

01-03-2005, 10:06 AM
My thing is crappy too, like you know how the clipper can adjust lenght like 1/2" or so right on the clipper, if I set it to the 1/2" it will "jam" or be slowed down significantly, than I either have to turn up the voltage or just not use it altogether.