View Full Version : Ipod New trend

01-03-2005, 04:26 PM
Well today was my first day back in school from vaca. As im walking to my locker im noticing that at least 20 kids have new ipods. Is this a New trend in just my skool or are other experencing the same thing

01-03-2005, 04:27 PM
Yeah, they all want to be like you.

01-03-2005, 04:28 PM
i dont have an ipod

01-03-2005, 04:47 PM
nope, its happening everywhere. every rich kid's gotta have one.

01-03-2005, 04:48 PM
i'd much rather get a pump for 300$.(which im doing)

01-03-2005, 04:49 PM
It's now a status symbol. Most people dont even want all that storage and all that. It's a new trend, and an expensive one at that. HP must be doing real well from them.

01-03-2005, 04:51 PM
Wave of the future...

I have one (got for christmas) because it beats hauling a backpack full of CDs wherever I go, especially the train commute in the morning/evening. Plus, it can be used as a portable hard drive to transfer big files.

I see TONS of them on my train in the morning.

01-03-2005, 04:53 PM
Ipodz are st00pid ;)

I like the RCA Lyra I got for christmas. Normally I wouldn't get one because mine only had 128 mb, but it has an expansion slot and it just so happens that my dad gave me a 1 gig sd card for my camera. :cool:
Plus I'm using the mp3pro format with it (half the size, same quality) so I can fit double the songs on there than you normally could with 1 gig and 128 mb. So that means I have a 2 1/4 gig player or something. :cool:

Now the really cool part is its tiny as hell and you get 50 hours of battery life off of a single AA :eek:

But yeah, everyone's getting ipods. All of them are breaking too, its kind of funnny :D
One of my friends sat on his and the screen cracked, the other's wont power on, and someone else's hard drive got screwed up, and those are 3 I can think of off the top of my head.


01-03-2005, 04:55 PM
Ipods Pwn all you haters out there....

I just got mine as well. i don't know how I survived without it. The ability to put EVERY SINGLE CD I OWN onto this itsy bitsy thing is phenominal!!!!

:shooting: Ipod Haters

01-03-2005, 04:59 PM
i dont hate ipod, im just say there the new trend.

01-03-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm not a rich kid but I saved my precious pennies and bought one, but accessories cost a lot :wow: But still, I recommend them, Tommorrow I am getting iPod Tattoos, Has anyone used em yet? Know how good they are?

Down to iPod Haters!
:shooting: :tard:

01-03-2005, 05:02 PM
I have an Ipod(20 gig) and honestly, I love it.

However, I use minidiscs more often. My little Sony minidisc player can hold 5 hours of music on a single minidisc and only takes about 5 minutes to make one. I usually make a mix of stuff in the morning when I wake up and listen to it through-out the day between classes and stuff. Plus, it gets like 60 hours of playback time on a single AA battery.

I use my Ipod for file storage too. I can take my entire portfolio of schoolwork, a movie or two, and a couple hundred hour of music with me on a trip and it's great.

01-03-2005, 05:17 PM
They are a new trend, because they are just so flipping useful.

Like many have said, the ability to fit your entire music library into something that can fit into the palm of your hand is truly amazing.

01-03-2005, 05:23 PM
Well today was my first day back in school from vaca. As im walking to my locker im noticing that at least 20 kids have new ipods. Is this a New trend in just my skool or are other experencing the same thing

Wow! In case you missed it, 2004 was THE YEAR of the iPod. It was by far the "gotta have" gadget. I got me one when they first came out since im an Apple nut. :D

01-03-2005, 05:31 PM
I got me one when they first came out since im an Apple nut. :D

Ditto. I had the original first run Ipod from November of 2001. Only 5 gigs or storage, but still enough for most of my music.

That was before they worked with windows and only Apple people could use them

01-03-2005, 05:59 PM
The accessories are a ripoff.

I went to look for something to get my little sister for xmas, and they had little colored socks that you could put the ipod mini into. The box of four socks coast $30?!!?!?!!??!


I'd like an ipod, but at the price they are at, it's not worth it. Good interface design. But so much money.

01-03-2005, 06:03 PM
I have the Creative Labs version and took it to practice a little while before Christmas and a kid goes "is that the fake Ipod? My mom asked me if I wanted one for Christmas but I said no I want an Ipod." I said "why?" and all he said was that they were better. The only real advantage I saw with the Ipod was that it is smaller. But I dont really care about that. My "fake Ipod" can still fit in my pocket without any problems and it does the same thing as an Ipod and it was $100 less than the Ipod. Which, I reinvested in paintball with.

red robot
01-03-2005, 06:13 PM
AGH! I've had an ipod for about a year and a half now. EVERYONE calls me a yuppie for having it. "I HAD IT BEFORE YOU KNEW WHAT ONE WAS, AAAAAG!"

01-03-2005, 06:24 PM
compared to the dell dj, i personally like the feel of the dj. Just because it isn't laminated in plastic and it can actually take abuse unlike the ipod, plus its 50 dollars cheaper.

01-03-2005, 06:28 PM
I bought one when 4G iPods first came out (ones with the click wheel). I've always wanted an iPod before the majority of my friends knew what an mP3 player was. When the 4G's came out and were a little cheaper I went ahead and dropped 300 bucks for it (which is A LOT of money for me). Now that Christmas is over everyone has an iPod, it kind of sucks because I liked being one of the kids that had one. The majority of the people can't get theres to work because iTunes+Windows is kind of hit and miss (mine works flawlessly).

Rant - the iPod IS a status thing, most of the people that got iPods for Christmas couldn't even fill a gigs worth of music and I feel like the majority of my friends owning iPods is a waste.

01-03-2005, 07:46 PM
Yeah, iPods are the cool thing now. Everybody's gotta have one, and they all wear the little white earbuds.

Course, I'm one to talk. I still use the white earbuds too. Except I tuck my 'pod in my pocket and use the remote like it's supposed to be used. :P

01-03-2005, 07:54 PM
the earbuds are no good, but you can sell them on ebay for like 50 bucks for some reason. My friend sold one sealed pack of just the foam pieces for like 15 bucks.

ipods are cool but their file storing system is completely retarded and not being able to take music off them is also dumb. (unless i just don't know how)

01-03-2005, 08:35 PM
Ipods Pwn all you haters out there....

I just got mine as well. i don't know how I survived without it. The ability to put EVERY SINGLE CD I OWN onto this itsy bitsy thing is phenominal!!!!

:shooting: Ipod Haters
Agreed. As someone who listens to a ridiculous amount of music, this little thing is God. I bought a 20 gb and it's already half full. It's nice not having to carry around hundreds of CDs in a massive book and a cumebrsome CD player that skips.

And why did I choose the iPod over a Dell DJ or the other available players? Because it works. I'm not saying the others don't, but I know plenty of people with iPods and no complaints. In short, I knew what I was buying and I went for it. I have a job so I know my spending limit, and I fealt it was worth it.

Skoad, do you mean remove songs from the iPod or transfer them to your computer from the iPod? Because it's quite easy to remove them.

01-03-2005, 08:45 PM
Everyone Got An Ipod

01-03-2005, 08:53 PM
I still use my bulky Creative Labs Nomad2c.. holds maybe 32 songs with a 64MB storage card in the expansion slot.. so yea.

w00t for lo-tech.


01-03-2005, 09:02 PM
Well, I got mine for Christmas too. I have about 10 gigs of music on there. I took it to school today and uploaded some....errr....games :) Onto a computer at school, and a friend of mine downloaded them right after. Cool to not have to burn cds anymore. But, at first, it wouldn't power on after being fully charged, and the screen I think leaked some ink or something. Because if you look at it at an angle in the sun, the screen looks wierd. I'm worried that if I abuse it much more, that it will break. The screen doesn't seem very thick, and I bet it could break easily. I ordered a nice leather case for it though, hopefully it will be more protected :)

Some kids today saw that I had it, and 5, yes 5 (all rich and decked out in abercrombie), asked me if I could help them set theirs up over the phone tonight. Pathetic, really pathetic.

01-03-2005, 09:03 PM
Anyone else love there Hi-MD minidisc player? :clap:

01-03-2005, 09:36 PM
This is a trend:


Ipods are not, sort-of. Think of it logically. It may seem that a lot of people have Ipods because they are a trend, but then you have to realise Ipods cost a lot of money, and Christmas was a couple weeks ago. A lot of people, including myself, would never buy an Ipod themselves, but would be just fine getting it as a gift (which I did not). Also, the reason a lot of people have Ipods now in schools is because they are so damn easy to conceal and carry around. carrying around a cd player in school for most people just isn't feasible.

The only way I could see it being a trend is if a lot of people that aren't obsessed with music, ie most people that have them, have the 40 gig Ipods, which is completely overkill unless you listen to music 24/7. Most students can do just fine with a Mini or a smaller storage Ipod.

I was thinking about getting an Ipod for Christmas, until I realised how much they are and that I only listen to the same 5 cd's in a rotation every couple of days.

01-03-2005, 09:41 PM
Yes but did i fail to mention that 90% of these kids are rich, Listen to rap, and generaly piss me off and other things.

01-03-2005, 09:49 PM
compared to the dell dj, i personally like the feel of the dj. Just because it isn't laminated in plastic and it can actually take abuse unlike the ipod, plus its 50 dollars cheaper.

My Dell DJ can take a beating.

01-03-2005, 10:50 PM
Yes but did i fail to mention that 90% of these kids are rich, Listen to rap, and generaly piss me off and other things.

So everything rich kids that listen to rap have is a trend?

Have you ever thought that what you wear is a trend, since probably about half a million kids in the US dress in the same style as you?

01-03-2005, 11:41 PM
I have no need for an ipod right now. I'd like to have one, but the majority of the time I'm at school this year as opposed to last year, I'm either studying or doing homework. After school, I only listen to music while on the computer. I would like the listen to it while going to sleep since I don't have a tv, but I'll live. Once I get a job and can afford paintball+other things I can't afford now, maybe I'll buy one.

01-04-2005, 01:18 AM
Yeah, they all want to be like you.


I got one for Christmas. I bought it mainly for snowboarding.

01-04-2005, 01:40 AM
I've wanted one since I first saw one (We own 3 Gen1's in our family, One Mini, and then mine, most recent 40 gig)

It pisses me off seeing all of these kids owning 40 gig ipods, and putting a gig of music on it... using it occasionally or busting it out to show off. There are hundreds in my school (of nearly 2000) all with ipods, when before it was rare to see 2 in one day. (Rich neighborhood too...)

So far I've only filled 1 gig up with music, but I plan to go to the art institute of seattle soon, and having a portable harddrive for modelling and video work will be quite helpful as I've been told from my friend who just graduated, he said he could have really used an ipod or portable HD.

I also picked up an itrip, which ****ing rocks! It works perfect if you get it in the right spot, otherwise it's pretty staticy, but for 35 bucks I can't complain... wireless ipod music in your car? Pwnage.

Music just sounds so much better and so much clearer on an ipod, it sounds so good, just pisses me off that these kids ask for it for christmas, use it once or twice, putting "puff daddy" and lots of modest mouse (who I do like, but some listen to it because it's popular around here... being a local band contributes too).

Anyways, end of my rant... I've wanted an ipod since they first came out, and finally I got one, but for some reason this holiday everyone else got one too, so now I don't feel special :(

Chris at Tech
01-04-2005, 02:18 PM
There are other MP3 players that are just as good, if not better for cheaper. The only advantage the iPod has on those is the availability of accessories. I love my 20 GB Rio Karma...

01-04-2005, 02:32 PM
I have a theory

When i was in school, if you brought a cd player, walkman(tapes, remember those?), cell phone(never when i was there), or playing cards, it was confiscated and given back at the end of the year!!!
I think kids get Ipods because confiscating that expensive little bit of hardware is like grand larceny! The schools are afraid!

Just a thought


01-04-2005, 03:38 PM
i hate how recently they've became like a "status symbol" for the lower classmen in my school

lets keep off the stereotyping, because thatll only get ugly :D

01-04-2005, 07:34 PM
i love my ipod too. not really a new trend, been around for a lil while........jus alot of ppl get em for xmas

01-04-2005, 07:35 PM
i'd much rather get a pump for 300$.(which im doing)
I bought a pump for 100(PGP) and then bought an ipod anyway

01-04-2005, 09:02 PM
tell me 2 usefull things the ipod can do that the dj can't, besides break.

01-04-2005, 10:39 PM
tell me 2 usefull things the ipod can do that the dj can't, besides break.
More readily available gadgets, and I personally find the little wheel to be more user friendly. I know plenty of people who've never had problems with their iPod, including me. If there were an equal number of Dell DJs out there, I'm sure you'd hear about them having problems as well.

01-04-2005, 10:54 PM
what else do u need other then the ipod, head phones, a cord that plugs into your car, and ears? the dj is just as easy to use. and 50 dollars cheaper

01-04-2005, 11:38 PM
I've never had problems with my Ipods.

The reason I don't want a Dell is simply because it's a dell.

yeah, it's bullheaded of me....but do I care? no :p

01-05-2005, 12:24 AM
It pisses me off seeing all of these kids owning 40 gig ipods, and putting a gig of music on it... using it occasionally or busting it out to show off. There are hundreds in my school (of nearly 2000) all with ipods, when before it was rare to see 2 in one day. (Rich neighborhood too...)

So far I've only filled 1 gig up with music....

I know that you're going to use it as a portable hard drive, but I just found that ironic. I put around 17 gigs of music on my 40...I'll probably never fill up the total 40, but what they hey. They should make the software so you could link 2 ipods together and transfer music from one to another. That would rule.