View Full Version : Not necessarily hot...

11-09-2001, 10:12 PM
Actually, I have personally shot through someones Rev on two occasions. Both times I was shooting at 280 fps +/- 5. Sometimes the plastic is either brittle or thin in spots due to production and/or material irregularities. The first time I was coming over the top on someone, so the shot was from only 3 feet away. We thought that was why.

However, about 2 months later I shot a guy in the hopper from about 25 feet away. I literally saw the ball break right through the flat, front portion of his Rev shell. Went right through and broke INSIDE his hopper. Made a mess of his paint. Left a nice little 1" hole in the front. He wasn't too happy.

Anyway, both times I walked directly from the field to the chrono. Under 290 both times.

11-09-2001, 10:13 PM
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to the post about someone having a hole shot in their warp. Guess I should read the buttons before I hit them.

11-10-2001, 08:10 AM
That is so wacky though, I never thought that would be possible. Very interesting! :p

11-10-2001, 08:46 AM
When I was playing my sister, I saw her hoppper shot it and it WENT THROUGH! completly did not bust or anything, i chronoed it was at 270-280, Shocker on Co2

11-10-2001, 12:08 PM
The NEW Revy shells are polycarbonate, not that brittle plastic stuff, so hopefully they will prove more durable.

11-10-2001, 01:18 PM
My friend has his broken, not split down the seam or anything just a big hunk out of the side. It was by my other friends mag and he wasn't shooting hot. Same day I was damn lucky I got shot in the mask/forehead and I had spyder cracks all over my goggles, out the window they went and in came my Glacier Blue Ice IZE Flex 7's, they're nice:D

11-10-2001, 02:00 PM
i am using a minimag with hpa and i shoot 260.
i shot my friends hopper from about 30 feet away and broke rightt hough the shell.
and ruined 130 paintballs.

11-10-2001, 06:53 PM
my friend matt and i were playing sniper ball(a senario game we made up, i have it in a different thread if you wanna find out more) and we each had 10 round tubes cause you have to go into the game with a VERY limited number of balls... anyways i was hiding in a tree about 15 feet above the ground and the objective was to essentaly hunt me down and shoot me with out being shot. he came crawling up under some brush but didnt see me. i took aim and made sure the shot would count cause i would only get 2 before he usualy sees me. i shot and my aim was dead on. he heard the shot and sort of did that finch/duck that most people do when they hear a paintball gun fire. well his 10 round tube went in front of his mask and got nailed by the ball. the tube snapped right in 2. its not a revvy but it was funny