View Full Version : GOTM Ideas?

01-05-2005, 09:57 PM
Ok well post a way. Give me your idea on how I should run Gotm. I may or may not use your idea. No i will not give it up.
Thanks dj

01-05-2005, 09:58 PM
figure out a way to pull it out of the crapper. this month has what, 9 entries? thats pitiful

01-05-2005, 10:00 PM
link to december winners???


01-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Gotm (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=163289)

01-05-2005, 10:07 PM
I suggest a new owner

01-05-2005, 10:13 PM
Less judges, maybe two.
Judges should be somebody that everybody respects like Tunaman or the like
Don't be a judge yourself, no offence. Just co-ordinate it

01-05-2005, 10:14 PM
Keep them coming.........

01-05-2005, 10:24 PM
quit it

01-05-2005, 10:25 PM
not every month
eventually you will run outta guns to show because of the limited number of people. spread it out, it gives people more time to take pics and post them.

maybe 3-5 judges, makes decisions faster and easier to contact.

next month will be my month, or maybe this month if my pics get posted soon enough :mad:

01-05-2005, 11:53 PM
Less and broader categories, let's not go down "the best looking trigger", "the best looking gun with a drop", just like 3 category winners, no one cares about runner ups either.

Less judges, less threads, maybe every 3 months. One a month gets repetitive, usually we only end up seeing the entries that lost from the previous months, no fun!

And a new owner. We don't want to the winners to be opinionated by a 14 yr old.

01-06-2005, 12:12 AM
Less and broader categories, let's not go down "the best looking trigger", "the best looking gun with a drop", just like 3 category winners, no one cares about runner ups either.

Less judges, less threads, maybe every 3 months. One a month gets repetitive, usually we only end up seeing the entries that lost from the previous months, no fun!

And a new owner. We don't want to the winners to be opinionated by a 14 yr old.

all that + keep it stickied 5 or so judges not kids ie 17~+

i dont think its so much the owner....but no oen realy can cantrol talking ex when it ahs to eb upd.

i think the judges are a big part of the problem. as he said if u dont like the results vote

01-06-2005, 08:17 AM
prizes...(especially cuz I won for decemeber) ;)

01-06-2005, 11:15 AM
well it is called GUN of the month...not guns. So have one place, best of show and that is it. if you want to toss a couple honerable mentions up just for fun then fine, but most unique, most bling etc is just cheapening the whole experiance.

I also think changing it to every three months (quarterly) is a good idea. Before too long and this is what is currently happening, you are running out of good guns to post. Plus if you do it quarterly, you can post the thread at the start of the quarter and let it run for 3 months. That way you have a great deal of entries.

Also, if you ask nicely perhaps Cphil will sticky it for you. However i sugguest you only ask him if your going to the quarterly format.

one way to judge it would be to go through after the competition is closed and pic out 10-15 of the ones that truely are in the running for best of show and start a new thread with a public pole (you could let the sponsors pic the ones they feel are competetive). then let the pole run for two weeks and that way AO can decide who they feel deserves it. that way the results are completely public and all can see and vote.

If you go the route of having sponsors for a prize or prizes, give the sponsors more than just a mention. let them put a ad banner at the start of the thread. This will give them more incentive to sponsor the event.

01-06-2005, 01:10 PM
My ideas:

Only two catorgies: overall winner and most unique

Only one gun per ao'er per time period (monthly or quaterly)

Why cant everyone be a judge? Have all the guns emailed to GOTM owner, and then the GOTM "owner" can post all of the guns in one giant vote thread per catagory.

Guarnteed prize, at a minium, buy GOTM/AO die cut hopper stickers. The GOTM owner can pony up 15-20 bucks to get the stickers made. I have an idea for some other products the owner could buy and give to the winners but I will leave that to myself.

It would also be cool to have some kind of sig image that can be placed into all of the winners sigs. It would have the names of all the previous winners. Only winners are aloud to have it in thier sig.

just some thoughts..... :headbang:

01-06-2005, 01:41 PM
Ok you want ideas..here is a radical one ...though I think you might have done this at the beginning..

Shut off date for the entries.
Clearly defined catagories

Once the cut off date is reached post the entries (for each catagory) together with a poll...that way the users themselves get to vote...you will get some post rigging but that will be quickly routed out. This way everything is visible and clear for all to see. So you could have a 2 week entry period and a 2 week voting period...result is instant...judges will only be required in the case of a draw and then they will only be looking at the markers that are tied not all the others even if one of the obvious losers would have got their vote.

01-06-2005, 01:57 PM
I havent been in the competition yet, but I will after I re-annoed the X.

But as a bystander I can say my thoughts on it.

All this crap about get a new "owner" and such makes this eminent forum look like pbnation all over it. We dont need that. Kids that rant bout how they didnt "won" this kinda a funny competition is just so silly.
Shut up and volontair to be a judge instead! ... you act like your life is depending on the ruling.

Now... I have to agree on previous posetr that running this every month is lil to often, you will run out of "customized" markers, wich this is all bout, not the regular stock ones.

Sorry for some hard attitude, but the thread bout changing the GOTM ownership made me shiver ...

01-06-2005, 01:57 PM
I'll agree with this. That way it'll always be a "popular vote" and no one can complain that votes are not being taken into consideration.

Nice and simple.

Ok you want ideas..here is a radical one ...though I think you might have done this at the beginning..

Shut off date for the entries.
Clearly defined catagories

Once the cut off date is reached post the entries (for each catagory) together with a poll...that way the users themselves get to vote...you will get some post rigging but that will be quickly routed out. This way everything is visible and clear for all to see. So you could have a 2 week entry period and a 2 week voting period...result is instant...judges will only be required in the case of a draw and then they will only be looking at the markers that are tied not all the others even if one of the obvious losers would have got their vote.

01-06-2005, 02:45 PM
ummm Ok well I like MarkMs idea and some others but keep it coming.

01-06-2005, 03:20 PM
MarkM and GT both have some of the best idea's yet.
Keep the judges over the age of 14. Please.

01-06-2005, 03:38 PM
How bout results before the next contest! :eek:

01-06-2005, 04:12 PM
I like MarkM's idea, a poll open to all users would cut down on complaing of unfair voting and stuff. I also think that limiting the amount of catagories would help A LOT.

01-07-2005, 07:42 PM
I like MarkM's idea also and I'm going steal a couple of others :)

If it's monthly:
Entry Period - First of the month to the 15th
Voting Period - 16th to the end of the month
Winner declared at XX:XX EST time. DJ should pick the time, whatever works best for him, hopefully after 8PM though.
I love the GOTM/AO Winner hopper sticker, talk with Load SM5 about getting the stickers or surf the web.
And I like the banner idea also.
Keep the owner.
Get rid of the judges.
Make it a popular vote.
Make it quarterly. That should make for more entries.
If you make it quarterly, change:
Entry Period - First month through the 1st of the last month. Make a new thread with Top 10 (chosen by sponsors)
Voting Period - 16th to the end of the month
The longer Entry Period allows more entries. And it allows you two weeks to post the Top 10 thread.

01-07-2005, 08:36 PM
i go with GT.

01-08-2005, 06:56 AM
Since we are talking about voting I thought I'd throw my vote out there. Here are the ideas I most like:

- Contest held every 3 months
- AO Poll voting for the top 10 or 5 guns
- Prizes
- Less Catagories (just best in show and honorable mention)
- Some kind of sig or sticker so show GOTM pride like the state sigs

Ok and now some of my ideas

- No chatting in the thread, only pictures of guns
- Gun must be currently owned by the person posting and not for sale or pending
- Have the winner of the last GOTM donate the prize for the next winner
- Sticky it if the mods allow
- Make it more professional and a real honor to win

I can help design some winner logos or I'm sure there are others willing to donate some time to help make this a real honor to win and not just a free-for-all.

Oh and thanks for spear-heading all this. I know it must be a hassel at times, but thanks for doing it dj89.