View Full Version : I must know more about the smart-parts box dealie

11-10-2001, 01:25 PM
Yes....i must....

I think that it hasn't been concluded if that smart-parts box dealie(i forget the name....the one that's supposed to equal the cocker in it's supposed almighty accuracy and distance)

Anyways any help would be very welcomed...

Thanks....sorry if i wasn't accurate in my description.

heheheh thanks:confused:

11-10-2001, 01:48 PM
If you talking about that low pressure valve thing... don't get it... it doesn't do anything. All quality guns shoot with the same accuracy and distance, BTW.

11-10-2001, 02:25 PM
It lowers the operating pressure of the gun by 50psi. That's about it. They have to drill a hole in your valve, hack a slot in the mainbody to accomodate the new hole and then you get a black box sticking out the side of your gun. For not doing anything in terms of performance other than making it less efficient, it does a lot of modifications that you can't undo once you figure out it was a waste of $120.

11-10-2001, 02:43 PM
I want to know if anyone will still modify the dump chamer volume... put inserts into it to make it smaller... i'd like a "high pressure" mag...

11-11-2001, 01:14 PM
Ok, that's what i thought.....thanks for the input.