View Full Version : Bad press in Boston

01-07-2005, 06:04 PM
:cuss: makes me mad..

BOSTON -- Vandals armed with paintball and air guns are targeting windows in cars and houses in three towns south of Boston, police said Friday.

NewsCenter 5's Pam Cross reported that police have received dozens of complaints from residents in Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and Brockton.

Police believe that the incidents are random acts of violence.

"It's extremely frustrating. It makes you feel unsafe," said Bridgewater, Mass., resident Robert Korvitz.

Two nights ago, something was fired at his family room.

"You can see where it hit, and again, we were lucky that it didn't break the window and it wasn't earlier because that is where the family room is and there are people usually in there," Korvitz said.

About 15 houses and cars have been hit with air gun blasts since New Year's Day in Bridgewater. In West Bridgewater, paintball guns are the weapons of choice, where at least 15 homes have been hit.

Resident Robert Smith took pictures of the blue splatters left on the front of his house.

"They were hard enough so that they shook the wall of the house when they hit. It is amazing that one of them, that hit glass, didn’t break the glass," Smith said.

"There are no suspects. We received information about a possible vehicle, but it is conflicting from the different people we hear from. The surrounding towns all seem to be having the same problem. It's localized to a particular area of our community," West Bridgewater Police Department Lt. Raymund Rogers said.

There have been no injuries in any of the incidents.

01-07-2005, 06:45 PM
Its things like this that are going to cause paintball guns to treated as real firearms

01-07-2005, 06:54 PM
I love the exaggeration about the impact velocity of the ball, maybe if you live in a cardboard box the whole wall would shake when it was hit.

01-07-2005, 07:02 PM
i know, but a brick wall?!? ive shot my house accidentally and my brother was on the other side and he didn't feel annything, and has annyone measured how fast the average paintball needs to be going to break a window from 15 feet away?

stop whining buy a mag
01-07-2005, 07:13 PM
I have no clue how fast they need to be going to break glass but my friend put over 15 rounds into a windshield with his RT from a few feet away(These were junk cars we were allowed to shoot) and the glass did not even crack.

01-07-2005, 08:08 PM
I have no clue how fast they need to be going to break glass but my friend put over 15 rounds into a windshield with his RT from a few feet away(These were junk cars we were allowed to shoot) and the glass did not even crack.
car glass is a lot different than the glass they use for windows on houses.

01-07-2005, 08:14 PM
i shot my house while my dad was in the room that i was shooting at (brick) and he didnt even realize i shot at the house. no way in hell a single paintball will make the whole wall shake.

01-07-2005, 09:02 PM
I remeber one time when me and some friends were playing paintball and a car window broke. But that was because the owner locked his keys in his car and broke in himself.
My freinds shot at a houe of cards and that caused the whole place to fall down. :D

01-07-2005, 09:24 PM
Looks like someone got a paintball gun for Christmas.

Eric Cartman
01-08-2005, 12:11 AM
No one's going to make a Robert Smith wisecrack? :ninja:

01-08-2005, 12:27 AM
i know, but a brick wall?!? ive shot my house accidentally and my brother was on the other side and he didn't feel annything, and has annyone measured how fast the average paintball needs to be going to break a window from 15 feet away?

ive shot a barrel cleaner through my wall :rolleyes: but i would think its very very hard to break a window, expecially because even it did go at a high velocity, the window would bend concavely(or convex, i believe concave) to absorb the impact

Sneezing~ +100 mph
Paintballs~ 200 mph

so if you sneezed a paintball out your nose twice as hard, itll shake the wall?


01-08-2005, 01:14 AM
Lovely. Leave it to all the kids who got PB guns for Christmas to go and do something STUPID. Brockton and Bridgewater though, can't say I'm really surprised.

01-08-2005, 01:27 AM
Kids just seem to be getting more dumb as the years pass. If me and my friends wanted to do something like that when we were kids, we would never use our paintball guns. We would just throw eggs. Still vandalism, but at least we left paintball out of the equation.

01-08-2005, 03:32 AM
How could a paintball shake a wall, even shooting at speeds FAR beyond a marker can handle?

My friend and I shot marbles out of a talon (which eventually broke the talon, I may add) at a brick, and it took quite a few marbles to break the brick. :rofl:

01-08-2005, 11:12 AM
:cuss: if this at all affects paintball in mass...

paintball guns are the weapons of choice, where at least 15 homes have been hit.
:mad: :cuss:

Kids just seem to be getting more dumb as the years pass. If me and my friends wanted to do something like that when we were kids, we would never use our paintball guns. We would just throw eggs. Still vandalism, but at least we left paintball out of the equation.
because they dont give a $%#@ about paintball. they dont play. they just vandalize :mad:

01-08-2005, 11:52 AM
Thanks BE and Walmart for starting the aggressive marketing of paintball and introducing it to thousands of minors incapable of handling responsibility.

Oh how I long for the old days when paintball was lurking on the edge of the underground and there were no such things as $60 plastic paintguns.
