View Full Version : Warp feed and rain

01-07-2005, 07:43 PM
Will a warp feed be damaged by rain, or are they sealed pretty well?

01-07-2005, 07:47 PM
fried , just like any non waterproof electerical device ;)

01-07-2005, 07:51 PM
Probley not, but it isn't anything a nice layer of ducktape wouldn't fix :D

01-07-2005, 08:08 PM
minimag 03 took the words right out of my mou... well off the keyboard. use ducttape to seal it up.

01-07-2005, 08:11 PM
Use plastic wrap first. It won't leave a gummy residue on your gun cause you tape it to itself, not the metal. It works for grip frames and barrel ports, too.

01-07-2005, 08:49 PM
ive used mine in rain wet conditions with no problems

unles rain somehow got into the batt tray and filled it up i dont see it as a problem.

like said above if u are concerned use some tape or ceran wrap(spl)

01-07-2005, 10:35 PM
I've used one in the snow, and rain. No biggie here.

01-07-2005, 10:45 PM
i've used mine in rain and no prob here

01-07-2005, 10:58 PM
fried , just like any non waterproof electerical device ;)

...wrong, you do know that plenty of tournies have been played in the rain, with 95% electro markers

01-07-2005, 11:05 PM
...wrong, you do know that plenty of tournies have been played in the rain, with 95% electro markers
yeah , it decreases the life span on the electronics and if the water gets in with the board 80% of the time its toasted ;)

01-07-2005, 11:10 PM
I've used my bushy in the rain a few times, I just put some ducttape over the grips and everywhere else the water might get in and it didnt leave any sticky residue on the gun

01-07-2005, 11:12 PM
yeah , it decreases the life span on the electronics and if the water gets in with the board 80% of the time its toasted ;)
No it doesnt decrease the life span on electronics... they dont even have a life span to begin with. It either breaks or it doesnt, played several times in the rain with a warp. Never had a problem.

01-08-2005, 12:12 AM
yeah , it decreases the life span on the electronics and if the water gets in with the board 80% of the time its toasted ;)

are you dumb or just retarded? there is no lifespan of electronics, most electros can be held under water and cycled. keyboards can be put in the dishwasher then dried off and work. god i hate stupid people

01-08-2005, 12:15 AM
i used to think the same way when i had my old one!! god do i miss it well anyway it can work if its wet out but it could mess up the sensor witch are a B to replace i did befor and never want to again soo if ill you dont play in the wet the dampness will still get to it

01-08-2005, 01:04 AM
are you dumb or just retarded? there is no lifespan of electronics, most electros can be held under water and cycled. keyboards can be put in the dishwasher then dried off and work. god i hate stupid people

yeah i was trying to figure the same thing out, since when do electronics have a life span

01-08-2005, 01:20 AM
I saw my friends shoebox shocker with a warp fall into a huge puddle and water got on the electronics of the gun and only a little got into the warp. He took them both apart and dried everything really good and everything worked fine. My warp gets finicky in moist weather for some reason even with no water present inside. It just won't run sometimes.

01-08-2005, 01:35 PM
Ive played in the rain, and when i was done i just took it apart and let it air dry. What I would be more concerned about is your paint getting what and then you wont be able to hit anything.

01-08-2005, 08:02 PM
ceran wrap(spl)

Spelled correctly =P

01-08-2005, 08:06 PM
yeah , it decreases the life span on the electronics and if the water gets in with the board 80% of the time its toasted ;)

Stop posting. Just stop.