View Full Version : just bought my first mag

Soopa Villain17
01-07-2005, 10:07 PM
yup , i just bought a new tac one with ult kit from Tunaman , he is a wicked good guy to deal with , my new gun should be here in a few days im so happy. If anyone reads this and you have a tac one can you tell me how you like it ? ive never owned anything other than brass eagles and my current gun a nicely modded m98 , can you tell me what to expect performance wise from this gun, and if any1 has any pics of there tac ones could you post them on here, thanks guys :bounce: :dance:

01-07-2005, 10:27 PM
You will be amazed. I just got done building my mag and i cant keep my eyes off it. They work GREAT.
Level 10-Balls NEVVERRR chop
ULT- ULTRA light trigger(very light)
Xvalve-(do i need to say more!??)

The whole paintball gun just looks great, works great, and IS great. This gun doesnt even compare to your old ones.


Whats your set up? Just a regular tac one?

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 12:12 AM
i bought just a normal tac one with the ult installed , im going to get a 114 crossfire tank and revvie hopper. doesnt the tac one come with the intelliframe ? if not what is better than the stock frame ? thanks

01-08-2005, 12:24 AM
If its double trigger, its more than likley an intelliframe. And tac ones came with it. Your tank and revvy would go great with your gun too. ;)

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 12:34 AM
sweet, im not going to be able to use the gun for a few weeks though :cry: i only had 450 now im broke , the tank and hopper is like 210 toghether so its gunna take a lil while. im also going to run a remote line from the gas thru grip to the 2:1 pack im getting. also will the whisper barrel work good with this gun , i have one on my tippmann and it works good shoots good and looks good , but they are 2 totaly different guns so one might perform better ? idk thank though :bounce:

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 01:20 AM
anyone else ?

stop whining buy a mag
01-08-2005, 08:49 AM
The mag isnt as loud as a tippy so I don't see much reason to use a whisper barrel. I personally think J&J barrels are much better and are more air effecient due to less porting. I love my Tac One. Can't say enough good things about it. It's the only gun I'll play woods with because its so rugged. If I'm playing speedball and my Micro Emag and DM4 fail me (Micro rarely ever does) I can pull out my Tac and still be a threat to the opposing team.

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 10:43 AM

Andrew Cunje
01-08-2005, 11:43 AM
i built my mag
ule main, 68 rail, xvavle, intelli nickle, lapco bigshot, 1000psi output centerflag tank 68ci 4500psi,

its about 1/2 as quite as my buddies tac-one, and his tac is quiet to begin :)

its a little more clicky than mine is also

but kep inmind that our loaders are still louder than our guns :)

highoutput tanks are ur friend, 850 is decent, 900-950 is preferable, 1000+ = sickeningly fast :dance:

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 11:54 AM
i was told 850 is perfect for a tac one ?

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 11:55 AM
oh yea , how does the higher pressure make the gun faster ?

Andrew Cunje
01-08-2005, 12:47 PM
there is more reactivity the higher u go, 850 is fine it will run lik ea dream but there is a noticiable differenace between mien and my buddies, but as u know the fastest a mag can shoot is the limit of how fast the spring can push it back :)

anyways i jsut started rambling....highpressure = more reactivity

you would only have a problem around 650 -700

with 850 you should be able to run ur tank down to around 500 before it starts crapping out :)

im running a lapco barrel btw, quiet as ever, its onyl a 12inch and dot accurate...when i play woodsball i just look for thos arms and hoppers stickign out, cause its so damn accurate...but then again mags are just by nature more accurate

have u ever used a remote?

its good for lightening the gun, but u now also will have a large target on ur back :wow: (and thats what i would aim for if i were playing ya :)

but to each his own, i hated my remote on my old 68

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 01:35 PM
thanks, any 1 else

Soopa Villain17
01-08-2005, 06:29 PM
just talked to tuna , he recie ed my payment , its either in the mail now or monday :headbang: :shooting: :dance: :bounce: :clap:

Recon by Fire
01-08-2005, 11:37 PM
I was just out today playing with my Tac-One (from Tuna) Mag. Everybody else I was playing with today were pretty impressed by the ROF. I was even asked if it was full-auto :) You can see a pic of mine down in my signature.

01-08-2005, 11:57 PM
with mags in general, you can run them over, chuck them against the wall, or take a hammer to them and they'll still run great (dont try it tho). so expect great things with your new mag. :cheers:

Soopa Villain17
01-09-2005, 12:02 AM
thanks guys, hey recon are you using a remote with your tac ?

01-09-2005, 09:03 AM
I didn't reply to your post before because I saw you were buying from Tuna and therefore you were in very good hands. I got a T1 from him a month or two back. Make sure you get an AGD quick disconnect from him, you will be very glad you did. I also got KILA magnetic detents, rogue feedneck, ULT.

Your T1 instructions will tell you how to fine tune your marker if you can adjust the input pressure from the tank. But it will work fine on a preset tank also. The 114 is very big, do you need to carry that much air? I use a 45/4500 and have never run out of air during a game, but I also focus on accuracy not volume.

I like the ricochet much better than the revvy, better profile, looks better on the T1 if you care about that. Contact : [email protected] for a GREAT deal on a ricochet.

I have a Stiffi barrel kit, amazingly quiet but really pricey. If I didn't have the Stiffi I would get a J&J ceramic. A friend has one on a M98 and it's quiet and accurate (note: ball/barrel match was very good). I may get one anyway just for kicks.

How does one shoot (accurately) in the off hand if you have a remote? They constantly tug at me and I don't like anything pulling on the back of my marker when I'm shooting...

I recently switched to the automag and since then I also bought a used 68 classic to use as a pistol. I have a tricked out A5, a tricked out 98 custom, a LP 98 custom and a basic 98 custom. And two PT extremes. Know anyone who wants any of them? I can dust them off for you. I like collecting automags MUCH better.

My only complaint is finding an ASA/drop that I like. I must have bought 6 different ones to find one I like.

Looks like I need to sell some stuff on eBay. :)

Soopa Villain17
01-09-2005, 11:02 AM
i already ordered it, so i might have ti get that stuff later when i get more money , but what is a agd quick dissconnect ? i did get the ult. i might get a 45/4500 , im a pretty big kid so the 114 tank isnt that big but you right i think the hose might get in the way a little. how many shots do you get with your 45 tank ? and what brand is it and waht output is it putting out 850 ? ive seen alot of different 45/4500 tanks out there and they all say something different lke 500 shots with 850 output , 800 with 850, 800 with 800output and so on so i dont know what is the best tank , thanks :) , oh yea what is the name of the trigger pull kit ? ule ? or ult ? i keep hearing everyone refer to it as those to names , im confused :confused:

01-09-2005, 02:30 PM
The agd quick dissconnect is stainless steel, not cheap nickel plated. I put a kapp swivel elbow into the x-valve and then the male end of the QD goes into the elbow (the female end attaches to the hose). This way you can easily take your valve out and take your marker apart. Which you will definitely want to do so you can clean your marker from time to time, if nothing else. Tuna forgot to install my ULT, so I had to do it (takes 2 minutes, no big deal) and then test it and install more shims. So I've taken my new Tac apart like a dozen times already, sometimes just for fun. It will save you lots of headaches. Write to him, he will add it and you can send him the extra money. Black shrink wrap on the hoses is also worth the extra dollars, since you have such a nice marker.

I just got a Nitro Duck X-stream adjustable, and I also have a preset nitro duck 45/4500 and a crossfire 68/4500. But I have not used them enough to give you good info about them. Read your mag manual and you'll know if what input pressure will suit your style of play. From there you can decide what tank you need.

Personally I believe that you should only carry the air and paint you will need for the goal you want to achieve. Beyond that it's just extra weight and a bigger target.

Have you ever filled a bunch of pods, loaded your hopper, and then got hit before you got a shot off? Makes you feel like a fool, coming back to base with all that paint.

Technically I think it's a "ULE (ultra light engineered) trigger pull kit" but its ULT for short.

I'm thinking of selling the 68/4500 with thread and nipple caps, dye rhino cover (the best) and an elastic camo cover. Perfect shape with many years left before the hydo test. Probably $160 + shipping, I'll have to check and see if that is a fair price.

Soopa Villain17
01-09-2005, 02:51 PM
people have told me that 850psi is perfect for this marker. i play rec ball but i shoot alot i want a tank that i can at least get 1000 shots from. well i told tuna i wanted a tac one with ule installed and he said he would tune it and stuff to his best ability , so i dont think he will forget to put mine in. he said the kit is a on/off , what the heck is a on/off and how does it take 2 pounds of the trigger pull ? hopefull ill have my gun tuesday or wednesday , i cant wait . :dance:

01-09-2005, 03:03 PM
850 is probably perfect for most, but you've stepped up to a new level of paintball marker now and you have options. You can tune your mag for better peformance as "full assault" or as "sniper", or anywhere in between.

The on/off is how your automag will fire. It operates much differently than other markers. Read the manual, give the marker seals time to wear in/seat themselves, and search AO for answers. You'll find most of your questions have usually been asked at least once by someone who wants to do exactly what you do.

Tuna is great with service, he answers my questions within a few hours if not instantly.

If I had more posts I would say "Patience, grasshopper", but I'm new to AO also. :cheers:

Soopa Villain17
01-09-2005, 03:22 PM

Soopa Villain17
01-09-2005, 07:47 PM
anyone else have anything to say about the tac one ? if anyone has pics or videos i would apreciate it thanks