View Full Version : vertical adapters

01-08-2005, 07:02 PM
im in the process of building a mag and i have noticed that there is a lack of diversity when it comes to verticle adapters. there are lots of new bodies and rails but no new VA's. iv seen three diffrent kinds, smooth, 15*, and one with milled lines in it (dont know who makes it). would an angel or cocker VA fit a mag, and if not would anyone mill it to fit? maby some of the dealers out there should think about offering this service or making a new VA. the main purpose of this thread is to find out if the angel or maby cocker VA will fit a one hole rail, and to give AO something else to think about.

01-08-2005, 08:45 PM
im in the process of building a mag and i have noticed that there is a lack of diversity when it comes to verticle adapters. there are lots of new bodies and rails but no new VA's. iv seen three diffrent kinds, smooth, 15*, and one with milled lines in it (dont know who makes it). would an angel or cocker VA fit a mag, and if not would anyone mill it to fit? maby some of the dealers out there should think about offering this service or making a new VA. the main purpose of this thread is to find out if the angel or maby cocker VA will fit a one hole rail, and to give AO something else to think about.

if you have the V/a then any reg/gas thruw can screw into it.. otherrwise unles u can screw it into the rail then ur out of luck.

there are 15* asa, 15* asa foregrips as well as diff foregrips and bycicle grips etc etc. there alot too chose from and im sure you can find SOMETHING to suit your needs

checkout the dealer section,


also lookup coolhand and tunaman(they might have some stuff althoguh im not sure)

01-08-2005, 08:48 PM
Logic makes a nice foregrip. Rogue also makes another good one, the Stickgrip.

01-08-2005, 10:21 PM
i already have a foregrip in mind, im talking about tha thing you screw the foregrip into. there are the ones that came stock on minis, a 15* one, and one with lines milled in it. i feel there should be a little more selection in a VA. you can get an aftermarket VA for a cocker and an angel, why not a mag. and by the way, does anyone know who makes the one with the lines milled in it.

01-08-2005, 10:23 PM
ITS A VA! A TUBE! what more do you want? you really cant doo much with them, and saying as there isnt a market for them really, a dealer would be dumb to go out and make one

01-08-2005, 10:44 PM
a barrel is a tube, an asa is a tube, a foregrip is a tube, but look at the variety in those. i think there would be a good market, who else would get a new VA if there were some nicely milled ones out there.

01-09-2005, 04:15 PM
this is what im talking about.



im sure if there were more VA's out there like these, there would be a market for them.
if anybody is looking to sell one like the second, pm me.

01-09-2005, 05:05 PM
bah. there just top adapters....if u want soemthign your own use af roegrip...

btw as far as mag stuff goes 4-5 ways fo doing something is ALOT so be thankful for what you have

the lines down is one of the ao dealers i think maybe tunaman or rogue

the ones around i have no clue

if you know somone who mills they could probly do something for ya pretty easy.

01-09-2005, 05:32 PM
Unfortunatly, the only common VA's for us mag users happen to be the 15* and the plain old vert. Everything else is usually custom work - which is nice in a way because it makes the markers unique.

You could always contact luke or any of the other machinists on AO to see what options there are for having a one-off made. I can't imagine it'd cost too much money to have something interesting done.

01-09-2005, 10:17 PM
I have also seen these and been looking for them here you go hope it helps http://proteamdirect.com/bbenmilautve.html

01-09-2005, 11:42 PM
thanks, thats exactly what i was looking for.

01-10-2005, 02:45 AM
Hey that blue Mag is mine :dance: and yes it is a Benchmark F/X va. from PTP. I was looking for one that flowed with the ULE body and CP forgrip milling. I've been kicking around asking Rogue to make a run of the 15* with ball end milling, all it will take is $$. Group order anyone?

01-10-2005, 07:15 AM
I've seen someone who installed a angel VA on a mag. It will need a little work, but it can be done.

01-10-2005, 08:43 AM
i would love to put an angel va on my mag but i dont have the resorses to do the work. that benchmark will do fine though.

Creative Mayhem
01-10-2005, 09:48 AM
I have a PTP milled vert adapter on my minimag. It looks good.