View Full Version : trillian all chat programs in one!!

01-08-2005, 09:01 PM

i had trillan for a while you can have aim icq msn yahoo and irc messagers in one!! i love it. easy to use.

i had the old one for a while and it was a little to basic now theres a new one soo update or start!!

theres no new sigh in names jest type in your user name and password and it will automaticly update you list and go!!!

enjoy !!!

01-08-2005, 09:13 PM
Trillian has been around for quite some time.

I've been a user for a while, actually since before there was a free and a paid version.

I donated money to them back then, and I renewed my subscription when version 3 came out.

I'm more than happy with the purchase.

Their URL (instead of an IP based link) is http://www.trillian.cc or http://www.ceruleanstudios.com

01-08-2005, 09:31 PM
Trillian has been around for quite some time.

I've been a user for a while, actually since before there was a free and a paid version.

I donated money to them back then, and I renewed my subscription when version 3 came out.

I'm more than happy with the purchase.

Their URL (instead of an IP based link) is http://www.trillian.cc or http://www.ceruleanstudios.com

is the pro one worth buying ??

whats the difference if you have it to the basic??

01-08-2005, 09:35 PM
I think so.

Plugins- (weather, pop3 mail notification, gmail notification, etc)
Webcam support
better history and logging

that's a few.

I think it's worth it, once you have a license, it's good for a year for all updates including major version releases, and lifetime for patches to your current version

01-08-2005, 09:39 PM
I think so.

Plugins- (weather, pop3 mail notification, gmail notification, etc)
Webcam support
better history and logging

that's a few.

I think it's worth it, once you have a license, it's good for a year for all updates including major version releases, and lifetime for patches to your current version

nice i was tring out the voice chat with a buddy and its being weired cuse somtimes when you send an invite for a voice chat thing i clicked on the audio thing in the chat window and my buddy dosent get anything that says accept??

but we got it to work once and then we were tring to send sounds though it and i though that ill send him a funny song. he was playing songs then when i tryed to send a song it didnt work and he tryed and his didnt work eather ?

i think they are still working on it

but i think that ill look in the pro

01-08-2005, 09:40 PM
always been a fan of trillian

although file transfers do sometimes get all jacked up

01-08-2005, 09:50 PM
always been a fan of trillian

although file transfers do sometimes get all jacked up

yup same here everyone is like accept direct connection and i cant cuse i dont see anything same problem with the voice chat problem i said the last post :confused: hmmm somthing fishy :ninja:

01-08-2005, 10:19 PM
ive had trillian for a few days and yesterday i tried to sign a friend on on my computer and now i have all of his contacts and every like thirty seconds it disconnects and its pissing me off does anyone know whats going on?

01-08-2005, 10:24 PM
that post looked a little hurried so sorry for the bad grammar i dont really know how to fix it(i suck at english)

01-09-2005, 12:39 AM
Also a user,been for a while as well. Haven't upgraded to 3 yet tho. As a Chat program,it's not perfect but has steadily gotten better over time. It's reasonably stable now. I've actually had pretty good luck until very recently when I got the update notification...then it got a tad buggy.

Coincidence? ;)

Maybe but I guess I'll upgrade anyway.

FYI, I typically run at least 3 types of chat at one time and it is pretty nice to have that ability.

01-09-2005, 12:52 AM
is it worth getting even if i just use one type of chatting software?

01-09-2005, 01:07 AM

And probably not Specialblend, if you just use one, then you dont' need

01-09-2005, 01:13 AM

And probably not Specialblend, if you just use one, then you dont' need

What gAIM never herd of it.

01-09-2005, 01:20 AM
Dave, dont you mean gAYIM? I used linux for a while, and that was one of the few AIM clients.. It sucks. :)
I use AIM with an adhack. It > everything else. Trillian annoys me.

01-09-2005, 08:05 AM
is it worth getting even if i just use one type of chatting software?

I think so. Mainly cause it's a tiny,completely non intrusive and simple program.

Unlike AIM and Yahoo which load a dozen 'bonus' programs and functions which eventually try and take over your PC if you don't pay attention. :)

01-09-2005, 03:39 PM
yup same here everyone is like accept direct connection and i cant cuse i dont see anything same problem with the voice chat problem i said the last post :confused: hmmm somthing fishy :ninja:

You have to go to settings on aim and select , Accept transfers from people on my list

01-09-2005, 06:17 PM
where do i get the online contacts with trillian? il look in trillian and every one will be offline but il check using messenger and il have like 5 people online and when i connect to trillian it disconnects and reconects randomly?

01-09-2005, 09:22 PM
If you only use AIM I suggest looking at dead AIM. I've been using that for a while now and I like it. It looks just like AIM cept no ads. I mainly use it because it can tab all your chat windows into one.

01-09-2005, 09:30 PM

I also like gaim great program that tabs all of your messages into one(like firefox) so you dont have 5 windows open