View Full Version : Hey Army (or any other gun nut) . . . is this for real?!?

01-09-2005, 10:51 PM
So I'm just minding my buisness on the internet when I come across this story

SGT gets shot in face. . . and survives!!!! (http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=311098)

Is this what ya'll were complaining about when you said that 9mm has not power?? :D

01-09-2005, 11:04 PM
that's just cool.

01-09-2005, 11:15 PM
well there have been luckyer people in life, but not many. that guy must be glad he took floride as a kid and kept those teeth healthy cause thats what saved him.

and yes the 9mm is underpowered. if you know why we switched from the .38 to the 45 your see that going to the 9 was a step backwards

but that was probibly a bad bullet

01-09-2005, 11:27 PM
I'm sorry, but all I can think of after reading that is Holy **** Batman. Nothing more, nothing less.

01-09-2005, 11:39 PM
I think Snopes.com has something on that.

Heir Uwer
01-10-2005, 12:11 AM
im glad i brush my teeth wow what a lucky SOB but i want to know what that terrorist thought LMFAO. I would **** my pants if i shot someone in the face and they didnt even act like it hit them man o man. :clap: americans are truely heros. :headbang:

01-10-2005, 06:30 AM
While a standard 9mm would have indeed run through his melon at near contact range, I have seen enough corroded and corrupted ammo in the locals' firearms to believe this round was decrepit at best. Nothing much more than a squib.

But, that don't make him any less lucky!