View Full Version : A5 velocity and RT adjustment?

01-10-2005, 12:52 AM
Friend of mine just purchased a used A-5. I have no clue about these markers. His problem is the velocity screw is loose and when you shoot the gun it works its way out. Also it dosen't seem to adjust the velocity in anyway. If I turn the screw all the way in it will not stop and come off the threads and fall in the gun. Any idea what is happening and how to fix this problem? Also how do you adjust the RT trigger? Gun is going full auto.

Thank you

01-10-2005, 03:17 AM
he played with the velocity screw too much and needs the aluminum piece in the power tube. you shouldn't turn the velocity screw too much in or out as it screws up the threads and doesn't allow for further adjustment.

sorry for sentence structure as i'm a bit intoxicated.

01-10-2005, 05:06 PM
put a dot of locktite on the screw. The point of the r/t trigger is to make the trigger full auto, but if you want to make the trigger less reactive there is a flat headed screw on the left side of the gun, right above the grip frame and tword the back of the marker. Turn that screw enough right or left and the trigger should be less reactive.

01-13-2005, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the replies.

01-13-2005, 06:02 PM
Or you could just get tippman to send you a new screw. Best damn warranty ever.

01-13-2005, 10:53 PM
my bro just got a RT for his 98 custom. he had probs with it too. first off, u have to put in the heavyer sear spring that comes with the kit. install all the parts. and play with the screw on the back right of the gun that is on the RT kit. my bro's screw did nothing, and it wouldn't budge, and the trigger was seriously like a 15 pound pull. then we took apart the tiny little screw thing, lubed it up with the same kinda lube that is inside the RT cylinder, and now it works fine.
we have it set to where if you pull the bottom part of the double trigger, it shoots normally. but if you pull the top part, its a more sensitive part of the trigger pull because its like a lever, it gets the trigger in the exact spot where the cylinder starts doing its work.

hope this helps ya fix the gun