View Full Version : West Palm Beach to Ft.Lauderdale

01-10-2005, 01:43 PM
Hey guys...

If you are around the Palm Beach to Broward area and 18 and over, I'd like to speak with you. Don't worry..I am not going to solicit you for anything...though I am sure at least one of you hoped for that...you sick bastard.

Anyhow...me and some fellow co-workers and friends have what I would consider THE best non-commercial field around. It is on private property and we have the run of the place with the owners permission.

I'd like to invite people out but we have all agreed to limit it to those who meet the following criteria...

1: Your mature and of age...sorry young bloods...minor exceptions will be made on occassion.

2: You like a variety of gameplay and could do without spending a day behind inflatable bunkers getting shot at by 12 year olds with markers that cost as much as your Volvo and shoot faster then it drives.

3: You don't mind a little elbow grease now and then to help keep the place upkept, or you may have things like weed eaters or brooms or trashbags that can be brought out to help contribute.

A little info..

The property has a house, as well as 4 smaller buildings. It has cleared land in the back of the property where we have setup a small speedball type field for fast play. We play different game types and utlize all the buildings as well.

We have a chrono on site..we have air and paint not even 10 minutes away...food/gas/etc all within 5-10 minutes.

We are in the process of locating empty drums or pipes to setup the field even more.

We are all mature, friendly types..mostly in our 20's and early 30's. We play every Saturday and let me tell you...we PLAY.

If you are interested...let me know. You can IM me; slaveindustries or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]

Sorry for the cross posting. I want to make sure everyone in the area see's this.

John "slave"

01-10-2005, 07:49 PM