View Full Version : Naughty Dogs Timmy + Morlock board

01-10-2005, 01:54 PM

01-10-2005, 02:10 PM
meh, i expect more from tadao, and the pred chip for DM4/5's looks promising, although it looks like it will up its cheating capabilities

01-10-2005, 02:14 PM
I'm pretty sure the Predator Boards are setup "Not" to cheat or allow cheating...

01-10-2005, 02:25 PM
I'm pretty sure the Predator Boards are setup "Not" to cheat or allow cheating...

umm, no lets go over a few firing modes for pred-

X-Code = First 3 shots are semi and if the trigger is held on the 4th shot you have full auto until the trigger is released.

AFA Smooth Code = The gun functions in a standard semi auto mode unless the code has been activated. This decreases the anti trigger bounce settings once your predetermined rate of fire has been reached and "ramps" the rate of fire up to the speed of your loader.

AFA Hard Code = The gun functions in a standard semi auto mode unless the code has been activated. This decreases the anti trigger bounce settings and adds shots once your predetermined rate of fire has been reached and "ramps" the rate of fire up to the speed of your loader.

LTM = Limited Rate of Fire Tournament Mode. The gun fires in semi for the first 3 shots then on the 4th shot the gun will ramp up to 15bps for as long as you are pulling the trigger. If you stop for more than 1 second the cycle begins again. You control at what rate of fire the ramping kicks in.

Die-Nasty Mode = The first shot is full auto but as soon as the trigger is pulled a second time the gun goes into standard semi based on the semi settings you have selected.

Full auto, Standard semi auto and auto-response come standard on all Predator boards.

(taken from PBN)

3 of those are clearly cheater modes, both AFA's and the die-nasty

01-10-2005, 03:16 PM
That sdetup was pretty legal, i couldn't get it to bounce.

Frankly, the difference between high end boards is miniscule...I find it ridiculous that Tadao manages to seel at all when Frenzy is so good.

When you talk to people, they say they buy tadao for the eye logic and debounce...it really isn't anything better, its all hype.

Cycle based debounce...bah. No one is making 2 legitimate pulls within 6-7ms of each other.

01-10-2005, 04:40 PM
68mag ...teh reason i dont consider the pred that much of a cheater mode .... is there arent ways to hide the mode you are in.

if i play with NXL code , the only way i can take it off is to go to setup and change it, if i turn off the gun it will still be there. Any Ref who sees you doing that will be able to get your gun to do it too.

its more like all the nifty features all the Select Fire boards had that you couldnt use but still liked to have around.

01-10-2005, 04:54 PM
68mag ...teh reason i dont consider the pred that much of a cheater mode .... is there arent ways to hide the mode you are in.

if i play with NXL code , the only way i can take it off is to go to setup and change it, if i turn off the gun it will still be there. Any Ref who sees you doing that will be able to get your gun to do it too.

its more like all the nifty features all the Select Fire boards had that you couldnt use but still liked to have around.

the die-nasty settign seems the best for cheaters to me, tehy go full auto off the break, make their bunker, then are shooting legally, hell, even i think that would be preety nifty

01-10-2005, 08:15 PM
meh, i expect more from tadao, and the pred chip for DM4/5's looks promising, although it looks like it will up its cheating capabilities

oh so dm4/5's are cheeter guns now huh? real smart you are

plus, tadao does make a difference, to whom said it didnt. the origional dye chip, made by egi, long renowned for making awesome boards (nyx matrix board etc etc) pales in comparison to the tadao. the difference was night and day btween the 2 chips in my dm4. also, the marker to player interfase is better with the tadao settings compared to dye settings

01-10-2005, 08:33 PM
what i am saying is that as soon as a ref saw .... the palyer wouldnt be able to hide it, the ref would take it and see the same ramping effect. Unlike pbAdvantage boards where you can conceal the modes

01-10-2005, 09:10 PM
oh so dm4/5's are cheeter guns now huh? real smart you are

...what in the world? i said that you can cheat with a pred board, and now i am called stupid because i called a marker a cheater gun....which i didnt? :confused:

01-10-2005, 09:12 PM
what i am saying is that as soon as a ref saw .... the palyer wouldnt be able to hide it, the ref would take it and see the same ramping effect. Unlike pbAdvantage boards where you can conceal the modes

not with the die-nasty mode, you would shoot full auto once, when the marker is first turned on (first pull, otb) but then its straight semi auto, so, off the break, you run and shoot full auto, reff comes to check it, its legal semi

01-10-2005, 10:22 PM
the Cycle starts again after your let go of the trigger for a certain amount of time.... so the ref would see it. or atleast thats my understanding of how it works.

01-11-2005, 09:13 AM
Thats the way I see it as well. Full auto on the first pull of every series of shots. Upon release of the trigger and a repull, the gun goes into true semi mode. When you release the trigger for a second, the gun reverts to full auto on the next trigger pull, and semi on subsequent pulls of the same string of shots. The sequence is the same for all shot sequences. You can't hide the ability to do this, so if it is illegal you will get caught.

01-11-2005, 04:09 PM
the way i interpret it is that its full auto for the firt shot every time the marker is activated, and legal after that, which would be near impossible to catch, if its full auto on each sequal of shots, that wouldnt really be a feisable way to cheat, meh, we will see