View Full Version : ReTro Valve and new NPPL rulings

11-11-2001, 12:35 AM
Just curious, since i know the AFC or FCC or whatever it is just voted, will the Retrovalve still be NPPL and tourniment legal? I know they outlawed all electronic full auto and burst modes, but i dont know how they stated it. If they stated all 'assisted fire' modes, which it sounded like they did, wouldn't the retro valve be an assisted fire since the trigger bounces back and you can turn the pressure and hold your finger in one spot and have the gun go full auto? Just curious on whats going on with that.

Oh and thanks for the stickers AGD (I was complainin that i didn't recieve any when i sent in an envelope for the plastic nubbins, so agd sent me some sticks!)

Oh, and you guys wanna know something really amuzing? I was listening in on a conversation from a dealer to shocktech, not using names, but the guy wont let his 'factory' team or whatever it is, use modular emags since they arnt american made and they can only use american made things. SOooo he's getting shocktech to sponsor them to use SFL emags, since they're american or something like that. Do you find that amuzing or is it just me? (btw thats the way i interpreted the convo, i was just listening in so who knows what was really going on, maybe they were secretly planning on bombing illinois on an attempt assasination on Tom Kaye)

11-11-2001, 01:43 AM
AGD rules i just order my intelli fram and ask for stickers and they'll ship them with it the retro valve cost 599$$ for me so i'll have to wait a bit befor i spend the money on it when its 1500$$ for a emag or 599$$ for a retro valve i think i would get eh Emag i love MAGS

11-11-2001, 07:18 AM
I don't know who the AFC or NCC are, but the NPPL rules haven't allowed anything other than semi-auto mode for the last two seasons, that's not a new rule change. And... ReTro valves have been allowed.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

11-11-2001, 09:47 AM
so the retro valves arent tourney leagal???

11-11-2001, 10:04 AM
Jah871, retro valves are legal.

11-11-2001, 10:08 AM
I don't know who the AFC or NCC are, but the NPPL rules haven't allowed anything other than semi-auto mode for the last two seasons, that's not a new rule change. And... ReTro valves have been allowed.
Well he said that retro valves have not been allowed.

11-11-2001, 10:14 AM
no, he said that they are allowed.

11-11-2001, 10:32 AM
ohh sorry i must have been reading it wrong.

11-11-2001, 02:24 PM
NPPL rules are changing so that any gun with burst or full auto modes are illegal. For the past seasons, you had to use semi, but your gun could still have different modes on it.

11-11-2001, 02:57 PM
So Angel = Illegal?

11-11-2001, 03:07 PM
Angel is illegal unless it has a different board in it, one that will only allow semi auto fire. WDP will hook you up if you need it, but I am not sure on the cost of the new semi only board.


11-12-2001, 07:29 AM
OK, again to further clarify.....

For the last two years, semi auto is the only mode that has been allowed in the NPPL. During this time period paintguns that had other modes (like turbo on the Shocker and burst in the Angel LCD) were allowed, so long as they were locked into semi auto mode in a way that the player could not change them on the field.

Automags with ReTro valves and Automag RTs have never been "banned" from the NPPL, nor does it look like they ever will be. The present NPPL rules require that a trigger must pull must require both an application and release of force by the user.

This means that if any paintgun with a reactive trigger is tuned so reactive that it goes into "runaway mode" as NPPL rules committee chairman calls it, it will not be allowed. That means you can't tune a reactive trigger to the point that holding pressure on the trigger fires multiple shots as the trigger wiggles back and forth due to the reactivity. This is a pretty grey area, up to the referees to determine what is "runaway" and what isn't.

So for an RT, it is perfectly legal in stock form. If youu are grinding down the on/off, and running an overly high input pressure to it, in order to give it a runaway trigger, you may be modifying it into a condition that is no longer legal.

While it was announced earlier this year that the league was planning to disallow paintguns *capable* of modes other than semi-auto in 2002, this has not been written yet as a rule, and I believe it is looking less likely to happen. We will of course see. If this rule is put into effect, owners of multi-mode electronic paintguns (like the Angel LCD, E-Mag, etc.) will need to have their electronics upgraded (or downgraded as the case may be) in order to be legal. As to what the costs of such upgrades will be, that will depend on the manufacturer, some will likely pass the charges to their customers while others will likely offer it as a low cost or free support upgrade.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills