View Full Version : warp feed?!?!?!?!?!?

01-10-2005, 08:06 PM
Wow of been seeing a lot of pics with warp feeds these days... but im not sure if its all that great. i mean... apart from not have the loader to your face y would u take a warp feed instead of a halo or any other fast loader. Doesnt the warp feed screw up the comfort because the weight suddently shifts on on side of the gun? from what i see... it doesn't look like the greatest invention :confused: but im willing to hear u guys tell me teh goods and bads of this accessery. I thank u for your attention and response :)

01-10-2005, 08:15 PM
try one you pretty much like it or you dont.

the lower profiles more thana dvantage enough nto to mention the low profile on both sides as well as upside down shooting.

the weight diff is negligable unles u are unbeleiveably weak.

if you are thinking about a q-loader or warp i would say warp is the way to go.

01-10-2005, 08:43 PM
it is everybodys own preference. I like it because of the profile and iam able to shoot at least 4-5 Ball upside down. On the last Game there was a Guy staying at a Door. He couldtake out a couple of Guys. I thought ill go around and there was an opening under the wall, just big enough for a Barrel and the Marker had to be sidewards. I tooked him out with two Balls. It was just great. And i dont care about the weight.

I like it.


01-10-2005, 08:54 PM
I use mine on and off with my emag. About every month i change it out just cause im looking for a different setup

Recon by Fire
01-11-2005, 12:01 AM
I use a Halo B on my warp, it is absolutely a wonderful set up on my x-mag. I love when players complain when they can only see a little bit of barrel sticking out for their target :) Plus it is pretty sweet when your marker will shoot while sideways or even upside down. I find it completely comfortable and in fact, when I play with a hopper on top of a marker now it feels so awkward I almost cannot stand it.

01-11-2005, 12:21 AM
1. I love mine. Wouln't ever sell it. The balance issue is not a big one, you end up holding it by the warp anyway, cause it puts the foregrip way hidden in the back. Much lower profile too, the weight is negligible.
2. Welcome to AO!
3. When you post, try to make the topic more descriptive, like "Opinions on Warp feeds" or something. Nothing against you- but you will get more and better replies with a more descriptive topic.
4. Welcome to AO!


01-18-2005, 09:35 PM
thanks a lot for the info guys and for the advice(scatterplot ill pay attention to the next post thanx a lot

01-18-2005, 10:36 PM
i liek my q loader, if you find a good comfortable spot on your gun it is really easy, i got the hang of it in a couple of days. so now i play speedball and ROCK with my q loader.

Duck Hunt
01-18-2005, 10:56 PM
I'm sick of people saying this: "It puts all the weight on the side of the gun and makes it off balance."

PICTURE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

You have a skinny gun such as a Spyder or Timmy, put a HALO on the top, now you've got the weight of the HALO on the TOP of your gun, altering you center of gravity.

Put a warp and Halo on the side of said gun, now you've widened your center of gravity.

It ADDS more weight, makes it MORE BALANCED.

I never passed sophomore year in High School and I understand simple psychics.


01-18-2005, 11:08 PM
I'm sick of people saying this: "It puts all the weight on the side of the gun and makes it off balance."

PICTURE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

You have a skinny gun such as a Spyder or Timmy, put a HALO on the top, now you've got the weight of the HALO on the TOP of your gun, altering you center of gravity.

Put a warp and Halo on the side of said gun, now you've widened your center of gravity.

It ADDS more weight, makes it MORE BALANCED.

I never passed sophomore year in High School and I understand simple psychics.


yeah i know, most people don't understand that, but it would be cool it you could have half and half too.

01-18-2005, 11:27 PM
I just started using a warp on my mag. I've had it for a while, but just started playing with it in the last two weeks. I really dont have any problems with the balancing it. Like most people that use them, I have the warp angled towards the marker so i can fit my fore-arm comfortably on the side of it giving me more stability. The first time I used it, it was more weight, but i got used to it fast. I also agree that tilting a marker with a halo full of paint causes more akward balance issues then tilting a marker with a warp.

01-19-2005, 12:00 AM
Personal Preference etc. repeat what everyone else has said...

My comment...

If you take care of pods, don't lose them, don't mind the upkeep/winding pods, and don't need to reload often use a q-loader, but I like the warp because it holds more and dumping a pod into an Egg is preferable to me rather than attaching a new pod. Plus I am too lazy and too bad with pods to afford paying for a $20 one.

01-19-2005, 01:00 AM
Love Mine.................... :headbang: :shooting:

01-19-2005, 08:14 AM
I just got a 12v Warp with an intelli feed cable for my xmag. I still gotta get used to the set up, but I have it so that the Warp is at the same angle as my right arm while its holding the front of the xmag. Its actually pretty comfortable. Im just thrilled to be able to see over the top of my gun, old school style.

01-19-2005, 08:19 AM
I'm sick of people saying this: "It puts all the weight on the side of the gun and makes it off balance."

PICTURE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

You have a skinny gun such as a Spyder or Timmy, put a HALO on the top, now you've got the weight of the HALO on the TOP of your gun, altering you center of gravity.

Put a warp and Halo on the side of said gun, now you've widened your center of gravity.

It ADDS more weight, makes it MORE BALANCED.

I never passed sophomore year in High School and I understand simple psychics.


So let me get this straight, you are holding a marker by the center of gravity (centerline of the marker) and added a coupe pounds to one side and not the other makes it more balanced :rolleyes:

Well I will agree that the hopper on top my change how a marker balances, a warp setup most certainly does as well, and yes I have used them.

Creative Mayhem
01-19-2005, 08:22 AM
I have warps on both my minimag and my xmag, and I love them!!! I think I would actually have trouble playing well without it now. :tard: For some reason the xmag/warp combo is much more comfortable than the minimag/warp combo, I havent figured it out yet. Either way, I love mah warps!

01-19-2005, 12:22 PM

i'll have no idea about it making more weight, i just built a gun and put it on there, i wont notice a difference in weight.

01-19-2005, 01:11 PM
lol @ that guage ^^ nice.. :cheers:

01-19-2005, 04:14 PM
One of my setups is a warped mini/rt pro. The warpfeed sits to the left and the tank is mounted on a benchmark offset drop to the right, evens out the weight. Try this, take a one foot stick and put a weight on it, hold the end of the stick with the weight up, then hold it with the weight down. Which is more stable? A little exaggerated but the same concept. As far as adding weight to the marker,,,, go to the gym.

Eric Cartman
01-19-2005, 04:19 PM
... Um you know it's homicidal right? Or was there something you were trying to tell us?

Sorry couldn't resist.

Might want to ask a mod to change that for ya?


01-19-2005, 05:34 PM
thanx again for the responses guys ;). sorry sean didnt mean to piss u off. i didn't know there was such a fuss about the weight on one side because from what it looks, thats wat it seems to be doing. But from ur responses i think a warp feed is a great accesory to put on. :cheers:


p.s. Hail to The Mags :hail:

01-19-2005, 06:38 PM
i personly didnt even feel the difference of it being unbalanced.

01-19-2005, 07:56 PM
When I tried a friend's warp out I really noticed the weight and the offcenter balance. Neither of those things bothered me though, the reason I didn't start using one then was because his sensor was shot and it would rarely feed.
I'm contemplating picking up a warp to use in a project marker. From the way I've adapted to my q-loader, I know a warp feed won't be too much of a stretch.
I'm pretty sure the only thing I'm going to miss is being able to spray paint while upside-down. :rofl: :shooting: :rofl: