View Full Version : RT for a backplayer

01-11-2005, 09:08 AM
Hey Everybody,
I am looking for some info concerning using a RT mag and playing back. Is a RT mag a good choice for someone who is playing back/mid? If I was to get an RT mag what sort of upgrades should I put on it? Any advice would be great.


01-11-2005, 09:14 AM
No. Not for a tourney-bound backman. Too slow.

01-11-2005, 09:16 AM
i would say yes,i played back with my RT..never had a problem,and i was never really outgunned,i could hold about 13 on my RT without super bounce.

01-11-2005, 09:21 AM
On mine I can shoot about 16 bps with RT. Level 10 upgrade bolt, good reg., good barrel like a freak or evil pipe, and drop forward and a body. And make sure you at least an egg or halo depending on who does the RT.

01-11-2005, 09:22 AM
Or you can go with eathier Bob long, Cocker( make sure that you either have tweeked trigger or Eblade), or Shocker or matrix or dm4

01-11-2005, 09:26 AM
On mine I can shoot about 16 bps with RT. Level 10 upgrade bolt, good reg., good barrel like a freak or evil pipe, and drop forward and a body. And make sure you at least an egg or halo depending on who does the RT.
your not suppose to/shouldnt put a reg on a mag,it starves the valve,and not all people like drop forwards,and all RT triggers do the same thing,it does not matter who sets them up,unless you mess with the sear pin,which i would highly reccomend NOT doing.

Creative Mayhem
01-11-2005, 09:41 AM
No. Not for a tourney-bound backman. Too slow.

Not entirely true... If you are a good snapshooter, and have a decent ROF, you can use ant RT for back no problem. I love how everyone thinks you need to shoot 50bps in order to play back. I'm not going to say that a high ROF is bad but, all you need to do is place your shots where needed.

This past year at IAO my team played in the Owner's Group Div and I am back/mid, my xmag battery decided to drain itself somehow, and left me hanging with no power, so I played in manual all day and got a fair number of elims. Now, would a higher ROF helped? Sure it would, but its not the end all be all.

01-11-2005, 09:43 AM
I play the majority of back position in local tourny's with a stock RT pro plus a Z-Grip. I have never had a problem or felt outgunned. National tourny's may be a different story, but I play against all types of electros.

01-11-2005, 09:51 AM
All good points and I am leaning towards to RT. I would definately want the Lvl 10 and a ULT, probaly the ULE also so I could use cocker barrels. I played back/mid last season with a vision impulse and the only time I would shoot a string of paint was off the break anyway. then I would mostly snap shoot from my bunker. any other opinons are more then welcome, and thanks for all the quick replies. :clap:

01-11-2005, 12:49 PM
Not entirely true... If you are a good snapshooter, and have a decent ROF, you can use ant RT for back no problem. I love how everyone thinks you need to shoot 50bps in order to play back. I'm not going to say that a high ROF is bad but, all you need to do is place your shots where needed.

This past year at IAO my team played in the Owner's Group Div and I am back/mid, my xmag battery decided to drain itself somehow, and left me hanging with no power, so I played in manual all day and got a fair number of elims. Now, would a higher ROF helped? Sure it would, but its not the end all be all.

Unless paintball is rediculously different outside of the East Coast [we'll forget DVDs and such..], backmen aren't doing too much snapping. As a backman myself, I lane.. and lane.. and lane. Elims don't mean anything to me, that's not my job. My job is to suppress the other team so I can tell my fronts where/who to shoot, and let them put paint on bodies.

01-11-2005, 12:51 PM
On mine I can shoot about 16 bps with RT. Level 10 upgrade bolt, good reg., good barrel like a freak or evil pipe, and drop forward and a body. And make sure you at least an egg or halo depending on who does the RT.

Chances are, you're not legally doing 16. Reg, barrel, drop forward [I won't even comment here..], body.. none of those affect your ROF at all.

And before you come back and say "YEAH I DO 16 BPS ON MY RT ALL THE TIME NO BOUNCE OR NOTHING," I say "prove it."

01-11-2005, 01:55 PM
Chances are, you're not legally doing 16. Reg, barrel, drop forward [I won't even comment here..], body.. none of those affect your ROF at all.

And before you come back and say "YEAH I DO 16 BPS ON MY RT ALL THE TIME NO BOUNCE OR NOTHING," I say "prove it."

Yeah, I ws thinking the same thing.

Speaking of...Which reg do you use..I've been having FSDO problems, and shootodown issues.... ;)

01-11-2005, 02:15 PM
i used my rt as well as aclassic rt for a backman gun.

laying paint is fun and all but some of us dont have $ to do that. so we use what skills we have to place good shots where they should be.

if my backman cant get anyone out roisnt trying to i DONT want him as my backman

we all ahve diff ways of playing and an rt mag is easily capabale of ahnging with w/e is out there. albeit(spl) its not as fast a as timmy or dm4

Carbon Blue
01-11-2005, 02:29 PM
Not entirely true... If you are a good snapshooter, and have a decent ROF, you can use ant RT for back no problem. I love how everyone thinks you need to shoot 50bps in order to play back. I'm not going to say that a high ROF is bad but, all you need to do is place your shots where needed.

This past year at IAO my team played in the Owner's Group Div and I am back/mid, my xmag battery decided to drain itself somehow, and left me hanging with no power, so I played in manual all day and got a fair number of elims. Now, would a higher ROF helped? Sure it would, but its not the end all be all.

what he said.

01-11-2005, 02:37 PM
I would get an electro. Using an RT gives you no advantage, and in fact puts you at a bit of a disadvantage, considering everyone in the tourney world shoots an electro these days. And speed is especially important for a back player.

01-11-2005, 03:09 PM
i used my rt as well as aclassic rt for a backman gun.

laying paint is fun and all but some of us dont have $ to do that. so we use what skills we have to place good shots where they should be.

if my backman cant get anyone out roisnt trying to i DONT want him as my backman

we all ahve diff ways of playing and an rt mag is easily capabale of ahnging with w/e is out there. albeit(spl) its not as fast a as timmy or dm4

You obviously don't grasp the concept of tournament paintball if you feel it's the backman's job to shoot out bad guys.

Let me break it down a bit for you [assume 5/7/10man, not Xball]:

Backmen: Serve to lay paint into where people are going to/would like to go. Also known as laning. By doing so, he protects the fronts/mids, since if an opponent can't come out of his bunker, he can't shoot out one of your guys. Also serve as the eyes of the team, as they generally have the best view of the field. Do not serve primarily to get eliminations.

Frontmen: Exist to take out the opponent's backmen. Without backmen, the team is cut off at the knees. Hence, since fronts are closest to the opponents backmen, their primary job is to shoot out the opponents backmen. Of course, if someone is preventing them from doing so, they're not told to not shoot them out.

Mids: A little of both. Will lane if necessary, will shoot out opponents as necessary. Also known as "fill," since they generally can play either back or front and fill in positions where a teammate has been shot out.

And whoever said that not all backmen can afford to lay paint.. well, then you can't afford to be a backman.

01-11-2005, 04:05 PM
You obviously don't grasp the concept of tournament paintball if you feel it's the backman's job to shoot out bad guys.

Let me break it down a bit for you [assume 5/7/10man, not Xball]:

Backmen: Serve to lay paint into where people are going to/would like to go. Also known as laning. By doing so, he protects the fronts/mids, since if an opponent can't come out of his bunker, he can't shoot out one of your guys. Also serve as the eyes of the team, as they generally have the best view of the field. Do not serve primarily to get eliminations.

Frontmen: Exist to take out the opponent's backmen. Without backmen, the team is cut off at the knees. Hence, since fronts are closest to the opponents backmen, their primary job is to shoot out the opponents backmen. Of course, if someone is preventing them from doing so, they're not told to not shoot them out.

Mids: A little of both. Will lane if necessary, will shoot out opponents as necessary. Also known as "fill," since they generally can play either back or front and fill in positions where a teammate has been shot out.

And whoever said that not all backmen can afford to lay paint.. well, then you can't afford to be a backman.

pretty much beat me to it :D

i believe the backmen shouldnt be taking time to aim at specific players, i think thats the mid's job, i belive the back should be trying to pressure the other team into staying in their bunkers, because as soon as the backman starts focusing on only one guy, theres the chance that the others will find a clear lane.

then again, ive played a few tournies, hated it, so its just my theory

01-11-2005, 04:39 PM
And whoever said that not all backmen can afford to lay paint.. well, then you can't afford to be a backman.

there you go, problem solved.
yes you can use a rt, but if you play back your ideal gun is not a rt.

01-11-2005, 04:50 PM
you want an electro!!! or if you play small tourneys rts will do!! but for the big leagues you need something more.. rts are great for fronts as the are small and decently fast fronts snap backs lane!! fronts dont need 25bps backs need more than 15 bps. look into maybe devil mag or another high end gun matrix is the best cheapiest solution ive seen so far though look around you will find something you would like!!

01-11-2005, 05:33 PM
Too slow

01-11-2005, 06:22 PM
Thanks for all the responses. I currently play on a 3 man team in local tourneys were Impulses seem to rule. I could always get an impulse but I like to be different. I might pick up a B2K or something then instead of the RT. Thanks again.

01-11-2005, 06:30 PM
Definatly a B2K5 or a Freestyle. I wish I was in the market for a new gun, I just got a B2k4 and then they drop the tray and milled it like crazy. If it was my choice I'd get the B2k5.

01-11-2005, 06:47 PM
The backmans primary function is to cover the lanes. I play backman and I strongly felt like I wasn't fast enough for the team with my Classic RT. Beginner/newbie small tournaments ok, but higher end rookie/novice touraments no. I soon switched to a Emag. Liking that alot. The RT makes for a better mid to front marker or a wicked rec ball marker. Just my 2 cents

01-11-2005, 06:48 PM
Thanks for all the responses. I currently play on a 3 man team in local tourneys were Impulses seem to rule. I could always get an impulse but I like to be different. I might pick up a B2K or something then instead of the RT. Thanks again.

I havent tried the B2k5, but you should look into it. good luck at your tournys! :cool:

01-11-2005, 07:15 PM
Teufelnunden has the role of backman in speedball nailed down. you need a fast, easy shooting gun. if your going to get a high end gun go with a devil mag, it has everything you could get with other guns with mag ease of maintaince,relibility.

01-11-2005, 07:56 PM
As a front man i would want you to have something like a matrix or something just for the rof.

01-11-2005, 08:07 PM
You want me to prove it? how do you want me to do that miricle myself to you with my gun and say hey dummy look? I am begining to think that paintball is all you guys think about. Do you have a life?

01-11-2005, 08:46 PM
You want me to prove it? how do you want me to do that miricle myself to you with my gun and say hey dummy look? I am begining to think that paintball is all you guys think about. Do you have a life?

yes, paintball is all we think about
no, we do not have a life
welcome to ao, have a nice ride :shooting:

01-11-2005, 08:48 PM
Wow someone is angry because they lied to make themselves feel better and now everyone found out they lied....nice

01-11-2005, 08:55 PM
You want me to prove it? how do you want me to do that miricle myself to you with my gun and say hey dummy look? I am begining to think that paintball is all you guys think about. Do you have a life?

It's easy. Find someone with a digital video camera, and have them film you. Upload it or send it to someone. We'll goldwave it, and call your BS.

And no, most of us actually have lives, except for this one team on here..

01-11-2005, 09:37 PM
Unless paintball is rediculously different outside of the East Coast [we'll forget DVDs and such..], backmen aren't doing too much snapping. As a backman myself, I lane.. and lane.. and lane. Elims don't mean anything to me, that's not my job. My job is to suppress the other team so I can tell my fronts where/who to shoot, and let them put paint on bodies.

I want my backman lanning and directing traffic not playing snapy, snap while the front men get bunkered.

01-11-2005, 11:57 PM
frontmen are blind to the action a lot of the game... its up to the back guys to let them know whats out there. If the back cannot control the lanes, then new players can move into the bunkers that leave your frontmen exposed... RTs are too slow legally to provide lane-clogging fire. this said, you're better off with an e-mag (has the RT style valve) or any other electro that can top 10 bps... yes, even at a measly 10bps, the time that one can spend in a lane is minute at best. but that is enough to get the job dont... MOST of the time... i play tape an mid a lot, and when i do i use a mech marker... but if i'm called on to play back, its all about the ICD freestyle, cause you HAVE to be able to shoot ropes.


01-12-2005, 02:18 PM
As a backman, you'll need more than an RT Custom to do the job. I recommend an electro with eyes. If you want to be different than the Impulse-owners, I suggest an Intimidators. They're simple to maintain, and easy to use, not to mention extremely fast.

Hit me up with either an email or an IM, and I can hook you up with an Intimidator for a great price.

email = JL3318@hws
AIM = Kugleman

01-12-2005, 02:33 PM
If you want to be different than the Impulse-owners, I suggest an Intimidators.


01-12-2005, 10:27 PM
talk to can_opener about playing backman with an RT. me him and 2 of our friends took 3rd in a 3-man tourney this weekend with him using an RT the entire time.i play front and never felt like there wasnt enough paint flying over my head to protect me. ive had him give me better cover fire than some dm4's and timmys. it takes some practice, but you can shoot fast with an rt. www.zakvetter.com has videos, etc about how to shoot fast legally with an rt. i use the same technique when i shoot my rt.

EDIT: note: i have found that both me and can_opener are faster without the ult, but with the stock on/off because when fired correctly you can use the force of the trigger to your advantage.