View Full Version : Question about patent specifics, etc.

01-11-2005, 02:42 PM
OK First- if this isn't a suitable "workshop" question then move it somewhere suitable. I know that usually this isn't the type of question usually for the workshop, but hopefully I'll get the kind of answers here that I wouldn't otherwise.

Now on to the question(s):
First off, is the traditional blowback design patented? If it is, what specifically is patented? Like the specifics of the system patented. Also, the cocker patent- what is there with that one?

I dunno. I sorta was thinking of some new designs and all and some of them kinda remind me of cockers, and some of blowbacks.

Links would be cool to the patents if you had them. I guess I'm kinda rambling here but I'm lost when it comes to patent type things. I put this in the workshop because I thought I might get more technical answers, but any answers will be better than what I have right now!
Thanks for any help

01-13-2005, 12:48 AM
Not in the workshop anymore... but kinda got shifted down, so uuuuuup to the top!

01-13-2005, 08:24 PM
Im pretty sure that the traditional blowback design isnt patented, or if it is whoever has the patent doesnt seem to want to defend it, as there are so many companies that utilize the blowback. I know that the cockers operation isnt patented, which is why wgp didnt win the lawsuits. Palmer came up with the design, bud copied him and trademarked autococker and cocker, but no one owns the rights to the cockers operation... well i guess palmer does, but id dont think he has a patent and he obviously isnt doing anything.

01-14-2005, 12:30 AM
Oh yeah, you know I was thinking of the lawsuit with I think Dragun(?) but now that you mention it that was over use of a trademark. Thanks.