View Full Version : moving up the ladder

01-11-2005, 08:21 PM
Long time lurker on these pages...

I currently own a Classic mag and a 03 Cocker. I really like both of these guns...however there are too many DM4s, impulses, and shockers floating around my field (mostly scenario style ball.) I want to have the ability to shoot a little more paint than my guns can give me.
I am quite leery of the electros...they all have their issues mainly that it seems like most of them need upgrades before they function well. I am tempted to get a RT Custom direct from AGD. I have searched several posts and it seems like it may fit the bill. I mainly want to know about increasing the rate of fire without getting caught by the refs. It seems to me that the ramping boards basically do the same thing but people get away with it. It appears that there are 2 schools on this...either shorten the on/off pin or get and adj. tank. Am I expecting too much out of the RT by comparing it with the high end electros? Thanks for any help.

01-11-2005, 08:33 PM
if you get a dm4-5 and leave the stock chip in you will be fine. people replace the chip int he frame in order to get ramping. if you want to keep up with those guns you will have to get one, or if you want a mag that is that fast get a devilmag. good luck

01-11-2005, 08:34 PM
i just picked up an rt custom from agd and it rocks. i still need to tune the lx and ult a ilttle more, but once you get those diled in its easy to rip 10bps or more, depending how itchy your trigger finger is. with my mag stock i can keep up with all the electros out there with no problem. imps, timmys, eblades, and bushys all fall to the wrath of my stock mag. if you truly dont think you can keep up, slap an eblade on your cocker and mow the field with that beast.

01-11-2005, 08:39 PM
or the other option if you want an RT is just to turn the input pressure up. The Rt can bounce alot when you do this though. However if your feild doesnt really check, you can get away with it.
You deside to go electro, you dont have to get a dm4-5, just look into something like b2k5 or simalir. or even an eblade

01-11-2005, 08:43 PM
with my mag stock i can keep up with all the electros out there with no problem. imps, timmys, eblades, and bushys all fall to the wrath of my stock mag.


alot of peopel seem to be saying the new b2k5 is good, and it is priced nicely. I have yet to see a mech mag keep up with any timmy-eblade-dm4/5. you might be able to paly against them, but speed wise they do have the edge. this leads to the age old arguement of you do not need a fast gun to play paintball ;)

if you lie the rts get one. if you want speed comparable to the dm4/5-timmy you gotta pay for that. and its going to cost alot :shooting:

01-11-2005, 08:47 PM
mainly my concerns with the electros are that I see too many of them with issues....the shockers seem decent for the money but alot of them have shootdown and spend time off the field....Impulses from what I gather need about $200 worth of parts to work right...e-blade cockers have lots of issues. And most of the other guns...break. I never see the Angels working right at all. Half the time...my cocker stays in my truck and I take the old classic mag on the field. Never broke once. I want that but with more speed. I would like to use my std. PMI nitro tank if possible though.

Mr. Mouse
01-11-2005, 08:58 PM
if you like mags and you want a electro get the new devil mag, you cant go wrong with that when the bps cap is 42 and has the reliability of a mag :) might cost ya a bit tho thats the only thing

01-11-2005, 09:12 PM
I would go with the devil mag, in fact that is exactly what i'm going to do.

01-11-2005, 09:20 PM
I would say devil mag but I have yet to shoot one. You maybe a perfect cannidate for an emag. I loved my bko, chopping aside, so b2k5 w/ pds would be sweet.

If i wanted a full blown balls to the wall tourney face ripper, that looks killer, i'd go with an empire timmy.

01-11-2005, 09:56 PM
welcome to AO!

where in florida are you?

01-11-2005, 10:12 PM
Well I live in Vero Beach....but mainly play at the county field in Palm Bay...its actually a pretty good field. You are on the west coast, right? We were the lucky ones who got hit with Hurricanes twice last year in the same spot! At least I saved my boat though.

01-11-2005, 10:15 PM
By turning up your tank to the point that your RT will be bouncing. You will cause sear damage to the RT, not due to the tank, but due to the actual firing of the gun.

01-11-2005, 11:23 PM
I mainly want to know about increasing the rate of fire without getting caught by the refs.

I can't believe nobody keyed on this. That's what paintball is all about.
:clap: welcome brother, to the fraternity of cheaters. Welcome to Paintball.

01-11-2005, 11:38 PM
well I checked out Zakvetters site. I mean that is a stock RT right??? I dont think he filed the pin or anything. That is pretty much what I would like to approximate. However, I dont want some ref to grab my gun and have the thing go crazy. I want to moderately hose people for as little money as possible. If I have to get an adj. tank, then so be it. I'd rather not get it if it is not truly necessary.

01-12-2005, 12:06 AM
If you file your pin, you can't adjust your marker to be back in tune and legit when you play tournaments and events where you need a fair marker. AGD and it's techs look down upon the practice of modifying the on/off pin or trigger rod length anyways - it's not safe or smart to do.

If you really really want to hose people with paint like all the other people then get an adjustable output tank - one of the four that Zak Vetter lists on his page. They do the job and they do it well. A ref will still be able to snag your marker and sweetspot it, no getting around that. When you need your marker to not two-shot or sweetspot, you can grab some tools, turn down the pressure and be fine.

If you want to spew paint *AND* be covert about it so nobody can catch you, your only hope is to buy the newest fangled electro marker and put a cheater board/chip in it. If you're thinking about going that route, though, you should sell all your gear and do something else. People who cheat to make up for their lack of skill don't deserve to play the game.

If you actually want to shoot decently fast with a reliable, mech marker, get the RT. Get an adjustable tank, put the pressure up so the trigger is snappy but not "sweetspot"-able, get trigger stops installed, and learn to use the trigger properly. Buying a ULT can help, but get it in addition to the stock on/off - you may not like the feeling of the ULT if you arn't used to it. A properly tuned 'mag trigger is easy to fire fast and fire well. If you absolutely must hose down an area, you've still got the adjustable tank, you can turn the pressure up and bounce on the trigger to your hearts content.