View Full Version : have you got a bad paintball story?

01-11-2005, 11:39 PM
i know there are other story threads, but the most recent one i could find ended in 2003; and they are all about good storys. not bad ones.

lets switch this up. go ahead and post your bad paintball storys.

i was playing at paintball jungle in vallejo, california. its a very nice field and most people are willing to help you and pair up with you in games.
well it was in the middle of the game after lunch when my "incident" happened. i was crouching and walking through the brush, trying to be very sneaky, and my brother was following me. we came upon a guy on our team that was stalking the other team, and he told us to be very very quiet cuz they were right there. like 100 feet infront of us. and all of a sudden, my brother got popped in the butt. and so he was startled and i turned around to see someone not even 10 feet away with his gun pointed at my head, and i pointed my gun at his. he came from the direction where my whole team was, so i dunno if he used his :ninja: skillz or wut to get where he was. but he was there, and i didn't know if he was on my team or not, cuz i couldn't see his armband. and i have no clue how much time went past but it seemed sloooow. eventually he fired a few shots, but lucky for me they broke in the barrel and only 1 or 2 made it out, and they missed. and, well, i had just installed a really light switch in my gun :shooting: , and i'll just say he looked like a christmas tree. but i guess he thought cheating was alright and he tried to make a run for it while shooting at me. i dont stop shooting until people signal that they are out, and so i shot back. he crouched behind a bush and was trying to shoot me through the bush, but didn't hit me. i conclude he has really bad aim. and so i shot him in the top of the head a few times. while this was all happening, a few colorful words came out of my mouth really loud. me "what the *bad word* are you doing?!?!?!?!". i probably had enough time to say it maybe 5 times, before i was scared. i saw him charging at me. and thats the last i remember until i rolled over to see my hopper off of my gun, and my mask nowhere in sight and my brother telling me he tackled me. and this big ugly *bad word + something* standing there like he couldn't care less. i yelled at him to find me my mask, cuz i had my arm over my eyes, and yelling blind man also. when my brother finally found it, cuz the other guy wouldn't even try, i put it on and looked at my hopper. upon closer examination i noticed that the feedneck was attached to it, and there was also no feedneck on my gun. now this is where i started to :cuss: . boy was i steamed. i got up, gave the guy an :mad: look. and walked off the field. while walking off, all the reffs in the whole place were trying to find this fight going on, everybody in the whole 50 acre place heard me yelling at this guy, and saw me and pretty much asked me every darn question you could possibly ask about what happened. they escorted me back to the staging area, and i gave my gun to the guy at the proshop, where he put on a nasty lookin feedneck off an old dragun rental gun. and we were both asked our views of the situation, and that guy was kicked out of the place.i was happy, even though i think he should be banned from there. i got my gun back, with the nasty lookin feedneck, and got to play for the rest of the day. i was being flooded with questions by all 90 something people there and i just wanted to play ball and :shooting: some :bounce: .
that about sums up my story :headbang: . now yours

01-12-2005, 12:17 AM
This isnt really a bad story but i guess it could have been bad, so i think it qualifies.

Mine also occured at the jungle which is a terrible place i wouldnt go back there if i was you. This occured a couple years ago when i first started with my spyder. So at the jungle i was laying down in some really short bushes, and some guy runs into one of the tree lanes, like an orchard kind of a lane. He seems me and shoots at me, i was laying down with my legs pointing in his direction. So he shoots a ball and i saw this one coming right at me, in the direction of the family jewels, and swear to god i closed my legs on it and then i looked down and it dropped out from between my legs. Prolly my greatest paintball story that involves some crazy incident like that. Like i said it could have turned out terrible.

PS: Dont go to the jungle, its bad.


01-12-2005, 12:19 AM
My 3rd game I played it was at a friends house and I had just gotten my first gun an E-99. I was all excited and had the fastest trigger finger of all my friends (I shot at like 10 bps) and I was sportin my new shiny gun. Well I had never been very brave at games since but today I felt like making a statement this game! A couple of my friends had been reffing at fields for a while so they stepped up to ref us for the day.
So anyway the game got underway and we got into position and the game went along as usual we'd both taken a man down so it was 4 on 4. I got the guts and I ran all the way to the back of field to bunker one person (who'm I'd never met) I got around him and put about 5-6 balls onto him and he sprinted off away with me shooting after him. He duck behind a bunker for about 5 secs, got his team after me and I took the worst pelting ever... Afterwards I counted like 32 welts on myself. I couldn't play the next round. Well now this kid no longer plays with us or around us because the refs saw what happend but didn't get there in time to call him out...
There you have it my worst experience ( as choppily written as it is)

01-12-2005, 12:50 AM
sound'n good so far. why dont u like the jungle? i saw ur website and it looks like u r a die hard speedballer. thats probably why. if u like woodsball, the jungle is great, their speedball field isn't all the special though

01-12-2005, 01:25 AM
I do play speedball often but if you want a good woodsball go to www.venturegamespaintball.com i ref and hang out up there pretty often, definetly if you want a good woodsball venture is the place to go.


01-12-2005, 01:42 AM
this is paintball wtf? there's never a bad story when you play paintball!

01-12-2005, 03:11 AM
I've got a couple, they are pretty short so I'll share them all.

1. Marker starts chopping balls, left and right (e99 avant, with empire reloader, turns out I was outshooting my hopper which was low on batteries). No accuracy and the guns a mess. This is the first game of the night on a small indoor speedball areana. The next game I slip and fall off the break and twist my leg, but I was not hit so I played the rest of that game, chopping balls. Third game starts out with me limping to the nearest bunker, trying to lane but just chopping balls, ugg. Turns out my leg was sore for 3 weeks.

2. This time my marker is shooting great, adjusted the trigger so I would fire so fast, and had fresh batteries in my hopper. The only thing is the migrane, so here I am playing with the colledge club and the local paintpall pro-shop. We were playing some warmup games and I was opposed to the owner of said paintball pro-shop (who is a really cool guy all around) and every game he eliminates me... by shooting me in the head. Another night cut short, I did not look forward to the drive home.

01-12-2005, 08:07 AM
Here's one I believe I posted before, but always pays to reinterate when someone pulls a really, really stupid & brutal move:

We dropped into a local tourney that had a mechanical division, just to see what it was like. Most of the guys were pretty ok (despite some camo wisecracks, though our play made that go away pretty quick). In the electric division there were a bunch of teams & one in particular was getting a talking to about ramping boards in their markers (the rules specifically stated only one shot per pull).

Well, as the day went on this same three-man team got pulled twice for ramping & each time promised to either disconnect the boards or whatever else you'd do to stop it. So, the semi-finals come around & its this same team vs. one of the local field's teams. Right from the start, everyone behind the netting can tell the ramping boards are back in effect.

Before anything can be done about it, a ref pulls a guy from the other team from behind the dorito, not seeing this, one of the ramping guys runs around the dorito & starts shooting the out guy, starting at his waist, all the way up to his head. Now, since he was being pulled, his back was facing the ramping guy & his head was down - so when the shots got to his head, he ended up with 5 - 7 shots right into his ear (and I mean direct hits).

The shot guy folded right into the ground holding his head like it was going to come off. It was all the ref's could do to keep the other two teammates from tackling the ramping guy. Come to find out, the shot guy can't hear out of that ear & has to go to the emergency room. The Tourney officials just about call the cops on the ramping team, but settles for cussing them out (once again) and banning them.

It was a bad scene all around - this was just a local tourney with no cash prizes, got to wonder why they thought it was worth it....

01-12-2005, 08:30 AM
The worst time I ever had was when I playing in a scenerio and I had 8 dye pods I had used all of them and about 15 to 20 people rushed in on me because all of the team had to go to the base aand then come back.So I got like six of them and they ran up ad littered me in paint b/c i was ,after loosing my paint, just shooting air at them. And I had about balls hit me in like one place. And man it was funny but it hurt

01-12-2005, 03:49 PM
Getting shot in the twig and giggleberries after already shooting the out.

01-12-2005, 04:06 PM
Playing at a small indoor field one night. Saw my teamate from about 15 feet away. I tell him "I'm on your team, i'm on your team" he notices me and nods his head. I crawl around this bunker and shoot the other team in the feet. I duck back behind the bunker and was happy that I just won the game for my team. Then the same teamate that I said "i'm on your team" decides to light me up. I was :mad: to say the least. I went to the fields owner, complained about what happened and said if he plays my group won't play. The owner banned him and his friend perm from the field.

Now before people go off thinking I was pissed over this one instance, that isn't the case, we had to deal with 3 hours of the guys playing this way. Thinking it was fun and funny to eliminate their own team.

01-12-2005, 04:42 PM
last week i was playing at a small indoor field and of the break i was shot litteraly less than a foot away in the back of the head by my TEAMATE. I felt like i was going to black out, but i just kept running to the next bunker. i checked it in the bathroon and it was bleeding pretty bad and hert alot. I kept playing but my head was throbbing and i had the worst headache for te rest of the day :mad: .

01-12-2005, 04:43 PM
i posted my story in a thread like this a few months ago and im too lazy to type it again. so to sum it up: 2 ppl came out of the brush and my friend and i were behind the same tree watchin them, my friend jumps out and shoots them and gets lit up w/o a kill, so i pop out and unload on them both and i didnt have a break on them but i was shot about 120 times and NONE of them broke so they kept shootin and then one finally hits my drop and breaks. i counted a total of 348 or so welts, none of them were breaks

01-12-2005, 05:09 PM
Here's a bad story:

I was playing at the local indoor field, a LONG time ago, before I got really addicted to paintball. I'd say maybe 7-8 years ago, I was using my classic mag. I remember being behind a barrel in the corner when this punk came up behind me and offered a surrender, I took it, i'm not stupid. Well after surrendering, he puts his gun to the back of my head and pulled the trigger. I snapped and whooped the kids *** right there in the corner. That shot hurt so farking bad! :mad:

Other than that, the only bad stories I have are all stupid, mainly my gun going down on me in the middle of a tournament game or right before.

01-13-2005, 01:54 AM
At SCP in San Jose I watched as the "regulars" advanced players shot at beginner and intermediate players over the net, through the net, and through the gaps where the nets meet in the center. It disappointed me to see the supposed role models of paintball doing that. Thats my story.

01-13-2005, 11:00 PM
prox9. thats crazy. i hope to hell it wasn't one of them that shot me when i played there one of the times i'v gone there. i got hit in a place where it wasn't possible to be hit from anybody else playing on the field. i was confused, but did what any good baller would have done; walk to the dead box, and wait for the next game

or maybe it was a stealthy ninja in the shadows next to the field :ninja:

01-13-2005, 11:02 PM
At SCP in San Jose I watched as the "regulars" advanced players shot at beginner and intermediate players over the net, through the net, and through the gaps where the nets meet in the center. It disappointed me to see the supposed role models of paintball doing that. Thats my story.

yeah that is def sad, this one guy just came out of his bunker charged me shooting away after i clearly shot him out with atleast 3 balls, it left a nasty welt on my jaw and neck =(

01-13-2005, 11:13 PM
SCP in san jose? where is that?

01-13-2005, 11:22 PM
i have 2 both happened to same guy

we just got done playing a game and he was running his mouth so the other kid lifted his gun from like 5 feet away and popped him in his nuts the guy said he had a green vein down his leg that week

then he stuck his hand in hot grass when we were playing and started hollering a snake bit me (that was funny) had to be their

01-13-2005, 11:59 PM
My worst story has to be the first time I played. It was back in April of 94. I had just come home on leave from Marine Corps boot camp. My brother had been playing for several months already and wanted me to try it out. Thinking it sounded like fun, I went. I can't remember the name of the field off hand but it was a nice outdoor with lots of woods. I rented a Tippman what ever for the day and played. I didn't do very well. In fact I kinda sucked. The rental was so detuned I couldn't get anyone at longer distances. So I went to plan B. The next game I crawled through the tall grass up on the right tape line to flank the other team. Out of now where from the right side I getting pelted by these guys with something called an Autococker from head to toe. Though I was yelling, "I'm out" they kept on firing. They fired on me even after I stood up and ran with my gun up and away from them! I was only 20 feet or less from them at the first hit. They heard me just fine, but kept up firing. I was black and blue from the neck down, front and back. Back in the dead box I was :mad: and some one told me to beat them cockers you should use mag. I left for the day after that and didn't play until I got out of the service. As soon as I could I bought a mag. Looking back they cheated, sportsmanship was out the window and crappy refing. Things like that don't happen today. I tell you to this day and it might be silly. I know it was them players that day, but I hate cockers with a passion.

01-14-2005, 01:08 AM
Almost got in a fist fight with this one moron at a team practice. We were practicing a team better then us. We sent 2 50, me being one, the other kid on my team ran right thru the kid on the other team stepped out of his bunker. The 50 was 4 big rectangles all angles at a center can


Like that you could run thru it. He stepped out the back on the bunker move, I shot him in the back and pack numerous times and then he turns around, shoots me 5 or so times. I clearly hit him first.

I wipe the hit on my goggles and keep playing. He starts standing next to me and complaining, I keep playing. Then a kid on there team comes thru and bunkers me but we shot eachother at the same time. The kid on their team keeps running and shoots 2 more kids on our team. The kid was still next to me *****ing. I said I shot him 3 times in the back before he shot me. He wouldn't shut the hell up to realize I shot him before he shot me. He was just shouting at me for so long. I eventually just told him he was a moron and left. Not worth getting in a fight and losing sponsors. So many morons.

01-14-2005, 01:52 AM
I wish I could play, even if it was BAD. I haven't played since october 2004, and it doesn't look like I will be playing until at least feb 2005. My life sucks. (jk) I am having big time paintball withdrawals. Does this qualify as a BAD PAINTBALL STORY? I mean, not playing surely is the worst case scenario!

01-14-2005, 07:51 AM
Not being able to play is always a "Bad" paintball story!

01-14-2005, 09:01 AM
I remmember playing with Exodus a while back. It was my third time speed balling.. and its hard to play with people that are 100x better than you, and you suck.

First game... Hit in the hopper.
Second game.. Hit in the hopper.
Third game... Lit up.
Fourth game... Mask.
Fifth game.. we won :)

That was around a year ago. Now ive got my new mag. :shooting: I believe that Exodus is going to be playing NPPL, or is right now. I learned a lot from them, and wish i could play with them again sometime.

Recently at a tournament... (Virtual Magics BFG in Wisconsin) I saw someone walk by with a big Exodus sticker on there hopper. Does anyone know them?

(We got 14th out of like 40 or something.. ...~TEAM ECLIPSE~... (http://www.hazardx.com/pb))

01-14-2005, 11:58 PM
not playing is definately the worst. i get major withdrawl after like a month, and i go crazy and get sad and feel like destroying things. thats where all my money goes, paintball, its worse than drugs. lol :tard:

01-15-2005, 01:12 PM
I remmember playing with Exodus a while back. It was my third time speed balling.. and its hard to play with people that are 100x better than you, and you suck.

First game... Hit in the hopper.
Second game.. Hit in the hopper.
Third game... Lit up.
Fourth game... Mask.
Fifth game.. we won :)

That was around a year ago. Now ive got my new mag. :shooting: I believe that Exodus is going to be playing NPPL, or is right now. I learned a lot from them, and wish i could play with them again sometime.

Recently at a tournament... (Virtual Magics BFG in Wisconsin) I saw someone walk by with a big Exodus sticker on there hopper. Does anyone know them?

(We got 14th out of like 40 or something.. ...~TEAM ECLIPSE~... (http://www.hazardx.com/pb))

Ive heard of them...never seen them though.

I wish I could play, even if it was BAD. I haven't played since october 2004, and it doesn't look like I will be playing until at least feb 2005. My life sucks. (jk) I am having big time paintball withdrawals. Does this qualify as a BAD PAINTBALL STORY? I mean, not playing surely is the worst case scenario!

I know exactly how you feel...i havnt gone paintballing since right after school started (september). And it wasnt that fun. I am going through major paintball withdrawl...but i have found a way to cope...i trade away my guns for new ones...but now I have a mag (have gone through 2 cockers). But now im finally going paintballing in one week...AO WI!!!!