View Full Version : Second AO team for IAO

01-12-2005, 12:21 PM
Ok, the season is upon us again. It is time to start planning for IAO again. Why so early, you ask? Well, sometimes it is hard to recruit online, and get the money in on time. For those of you who have never attended an IAO, they are great fun. You get to meet all kinds of people, hang out with some of us from here on AO...and ball!!!
Last year, a new division opened up at IAO, called the Owners Group Division. Our very own Kevmaster got this up off the ground. Last year, it went fairly smoothly, and we all did have fun. This year, with some minor changes, it'll be great, guaranteed! The problem is, he is pressuring me (there you go, kev) to get TWO AO teams together. I already captain one; AFTICA (dont ask what it means, just go with it). I am calling on AO to field another team. Last year several Owners Groups had two teams in the division; this year, it would be nice to have AO field a second team. I am handing this off to you, our members, to start a second team. It is an open tournament; the only rule regarding this division is that players cant have played together regularly on a team. So, pretty much everyone meets or knows each other from their respective forums, gets a team together while online, then plays in the OG. Pm Kevmaster for more info on that part.
The official website for IAO is here: IAO site (http://www.teameffortevents.com) The website for the Owners group is here: Owners Group info (http://www.theIAO.com)
Check there regularly for updates regarding IAO.
This is your chance to meet and play with some of your brethren here on AO. Dont let us all down!!!

01-12-2005, 01:10 PM
Thanks Bill!

The OGD will be back in action this year and is sure to amaze. If you thought or heard that last year was good...you will be shocked at how good this year will be.

I'd love to have two AO teams. if we can get our numbers to 15 or 16 teams we can really have an impact and can have a great tournament.

So come on AO, show me what you're made of. Someone step up and take the role of cap-i-tan. I'm looking at YOU!

01-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Thanks Bill!

The OGD will be back in action this year and is sure to amaze. If you thought or heard that last year was good...you will be shocked at how good this year will be.

I'd love to have two AO teams. if we can get our numbers to 15 or 16 teams we can really have an impact and can have a great tournament.

So come on AO, show me what you're made of. Someone step up and take the role of cap-i-tan. I'm looking at YOU!

Eh... 98% sure I'll be there ready to play for AO.

01-12-2005, 01:58 PM
I've already talked to Bill about it as well.

01-12-2005, 02:59 PM
I want in on this, confirm me a spot on the team, tell me when to be there so I can take off work, and I will be there :D . I am a utility player, and will do what I'm told.

01-12-2005, 03:09 PM
Their site isn't updated. It's still the IAO 2004 one. Is the 2005 IAO going to be in July as well? If so I would love to drive down with some buds and join in! Looks like a fun time.

Creative Mayhem
01-12-2005, 03:11 PM
I want in on this, .... and will do what I'm told.


Don't ever say that around Thordic when he's drinking.... seriously;) LOL

Everyone needs to come out and try the OGD, even with the other owner's groups involved it like one BIG online meet. We had a blast last year, and I guarantee that you will too. BUT ONLY IF YOU GO!!!!

01-12-2005, 03:21 PM
There's a chance I may be going to IAO. Playing for AO would be great fun.

01-12-2005, 03:30 PM

Don't ever say that around Thordic when he's drinking.... seriously;) LOL

Everyone needs to come out and try the OGD, even with the other owner's groups involved it like one BIG online meet. We had a blast last year, and I guarantee that you will too. BUT ONLY IF YOU GO!!!!

mayhem.. os.. still pregaming at Skyball? ;)

01-12-2005, 03:49 PM
:wow: Don't ever say that around Thordic when he's drinking.... seriously;) LOL

Depends how much I've been drinking :eek: :D

01-12-2005, 03:51 PM
This is intresting....I'll be at IAO but dont know if i'll be on a team or not. If the AO Team wants a 17 year old with a Karta Emag I'll do it :D

Target Practice
01-12-2005, 03:53 PM
I WAS gonna try and play on the OG, but I sold the Emag. So, unless I can get my hands on something AGD before then (or borrow one... ;) ), I might just be going to shmooze.

01-12-2005, 03:55 PM
Tbe purpose of this is for you guys to start a team...Mayhem and I already have one, and our roster is full. One of you guys take the helm on this second team.
And, yeah, I know the IAO site isnt updated yet...they are slow with that. Just keep checking back...

Creative Mayhem
01-12-2005, 04:28 PM
mayhem.. os.. still pregaming at Skyball? ;)

that's up to knee-hi PI... he is your ride to Toronto afterall. Of course I'm game. :D

01-12-2005, 04:46 PM
I think i be in,just need pricing etc

01-12-2005, 04:54 PM
OS - Our roster is full? We lost Nelson and possibly Chris. Who did we pick up? Just curious.

01-12-2005, 05:29 PM
where is this?

01-12-2005, 05:29 PM
It's at the Big Butler Fairgrounds. It's about an hour north of Pittsburgh, PA

01-12-2005, 05:31 PM
Might I suggest that you guys (both teams) work together in the organization. This is what POG did and it worked out great. Just make sure you have a captain and co-captain for each team. But if you work together organizing it, it might be easier to work out.

01-12-2005, 05:33 PM
specific dates?

01-12-2005, 06:13 PM
We got RKjunior, and Q. I have no contact with Chris at all, so, unless you do, I am counting him out. The rest of the roster is the same as last year.

01-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Yeah, POG did it with just one person coordinating it all...it worked well.

Its the 27th-30th of July this year in Pittsburgh, PA

01-12-2005, 08:02 PM
I may but I got to go to summer school so i'll see

01-12-2005, 09:27 PM
I should be at IAO, but I've got no tournament experience and certainly no captaining experience. I was planning on sticking to the scenario game, but if you guys need some players I could try my hand on a team, assuming someone forms the second one.

This is intresting....I'll be at IAO but dont know if i'll be on a team or not. If the AO Team wants a 17 year old with a Karta Emag I'll do it :D

hey hey, wait a minute. there's no way you can make it from now until the end of july and still have the same marker. :P Are you driving or flying out? I think I'm going to get a caravan of rogue guys to head down, couple of 'em are deadset on going to shatnerball and IAO.

01-12-2005, 10:40 PM
well if we have the agd booth at iao this yr ,im sure zupe would let me play with the ao team if u all need a player,iv played with the agd kids, brimstone smoke,just to name a few,,just let me know.

01-12-2005, 10:46 PM
hey hey, wait a minute. there's no way you can make it from now until the end of july and still have the same marker. :P Are you driving or flying out? I think I'm going to get a caravan of rogue guys to head down, couple of 'em are deadset on going to shatnerball and IAO.

Who are you again? And yes i'll still have the Emag. I plan on keeping this puppy. I'll have to Mcjob it the rest of the school year to afford my IAO plans(Dealers always have great prices there). I'm going to get there by car. I goto my dads in the summer and its just 2 hours away. :p

01-13-2005, 01:08 AM
Aftica Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-13-2005, 08:17 AM
Who are you again? And yes i'll still have the Emag. I plan on keeping this puppy. I'll have to Mcjob it the rest of the school year to afford my IAO plans(Dealers always have great prices there). I'm going to get there by car. I goto my dads in the summer and its just 2 hours away. :p

ah, I'm just making a little fun. It just seems like every time I see one of your posts, your sig has changed with another marker in it. :)
I'm one of the regulars at rogue paintball. Name's seth, I shoot a funky dallara mag.

Maine to PA and back is one heck of a drive, you're lucky that you live so close during the summer.

01-13-2005, 08:57 AM
Aftica Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Novak, you're whole family is going down.

01-13-2005, 09:06 AM
Ok... get me the information and I will captain this thing

01-13-2005, 09:36 AM
Ok... get me the information and I will captain this thing


shoot me a buzz: [email protected]

Creative Mayhem
01-13-2005, 10:11 AM
Novak, you're whole family is going down.


Good ol' nelson... going the way of Magman... just waiting for him to say "Im AFTICA for Life" :rolleyes:

As far as the OG, keep these basic rules in mind,

you need to be part of an Internet owners group(eg AO, TOG, MOG, etc.) as well as you MUST own and play with that manufacturer's gun for the whole tourney, unless you have backups from the same company.

01-13-2005, 05:26 PM
Damn Nelson, after all we've done for you! Whatever. Are you going this year?

01-13-2005, 06:54 PM

I tried to start another thread with more information at the top, if you could kindly post towards that one so I can try to keep information straight.. like who really wants to be part of this...