View Full Version : How come NJ has wierd laws and such?

01-12-2005, 08:53 PM
I just want to know why NJ is like this.
1. we get our permit at 16, restriced at 17, while most other states get there restricted at 16.
2. Our minimum wage is one of the lowest(I think) ($5.15)
3. Fireworks are illegal
4. cost of living is way up.

I do realize the state laws and federal law junk. But I don't know why we would have high living costs with low minimum wage :confused: That doesn't make sense to me. Anybody care to enlighten me?

01-12-2005, 08:56 PM
You think those are weird laws?

In Illinois, it's illegal to fish in your pajamas.

Figure that one out, and consider yourself lucky.

01-12-2005, 08:59 PM
Because you touch your...damn I was going to make a family guy refernce here but it would be wasted http://www.sprayingmango.com/hsugh.gif

01-12-2005, 08:59 PM
You think those are weird laws?

In Illinois, it's illegal to fish in your pajamas.

Figure that one out, and consider yourself lucky.
one time laws that were passed because somebody complained most likely, I can gurantee you almost 100% of the time that isn't enforced. :rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 09:01 PM
I have an uncle doing 15-20 for felony pajama fishing that would disagree with you.

01-12-2005, 09:02 PM
I have an uncle doing 15-20 for felony pajama fishing that would disagree with you.
:tard: :tard: :rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 09:06 PM
I'm pretty sure that's why dinosaurs went extinct. That, or a comet.

Because you touch your...damn I was going to make a family guy refernce here but it would be wasted http://www.sprayingmango.com/hsugh.gif

01-12-2005, 09:07 PM
Nuclear Run-Off.

01-12-2005, 09:24 PM
I just want to know why NJ is like this.

3. Fireworks are illegal

that sucks...

my cousin is neighbors to a cop. every 4th of july, we light fireworks in his backyard
we shoot his paintball gun in his front yard all the time....

yet, it's a town of 5,000 people - and no - we are not a redneck town

01-12-2005, 10:04 PM
that sucks...

my cousin is neighbors to a cop. every 4th of july, we light fireworks in his backyard
we shoot his paintball gun in his front yard all the time....

yet, it's a town of 5,000 people - and no - we are not a redneck town

Shanties?? :rofl:


01-12-2005, 10:09 PM
NJ is so small the needs more money........and can't have kids crashing on the road making more work for the fat cops..............

J/K ;)

01-12-2005, 10:13 PM
Shanties?? :rofl:




01-12-2005, 10:23 PM
We're America's bumhole. My town is insane with crazy laws. We even have duck crossings in our town. Because once a summer a duck will get run over. Now they spend even more money on Duck crossing signs, yay! [/end sarcasm]

01-12-2005, 10:48 PM
I just want to know why NJ is like this.
1. we get our permit at 16, restriced at 17, while most other states get there restricted at 16.
2. Our minimum wage is one of the lowest(I think) ($5.15)
3. Fireworks are illegal
4. cost of living is way up.

I do realize the state laws and federal law junk. But I don't know why we would have high living costs with low minimum wage :confused: That doesn't make sense to me. Anybody care to enlighten me?

same exact situation in ny...

but they are raising your minimum wage to 7.50 over time..

but ny? nooooo... :rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 10:51 PM
MW is $6.50 in IL

01-12-2005, 10:56 PM
Minimum wage is 5.15 in AZ too......i think

Fireworks are illegal here too but mainly because every summer some rehab shoots off a bottle rocket and burns half the state down. :tard:

01-12-2005, 10:57 PM
You think those are weird laws?

In Illinois, it's illegal to fish in your pajamas.

Figure that one out, and consider yourself lucky.

I found that one out myself... :rolleyes: ...OK, not rly, but It is retarded!

01-13-2005, 12:46 AM
almost same thing in michigan, fireworks = illeagle, min wage is 5.15 (currently what i make, sometimes i average $10+ an hour though tips rock)

01-13-2005, 01:31 AM
Federal minimum wage is 5.15. I won't go into the reasons why it shouldn't be rasied other than that it will simply raise the cost of living more, hurting those whom it's designed to help.

Cost of living in Jersey is high because of a couple of factors; car insurance and high property value, at least around here. Car insurance is stupid high because we have the highest population density of any state in the union, and property value is high because of the proximity to New York, good school systems, and high demand with low availble undeveloped land still left that isn't protected by open space crap.

01-13-2005, 01:39 AM
in florida its illegal to wrestle a gator on sunday LOL.

01-13-2005, 07:05 AM
Home values in NJ are very high. We have one of the, if not the highest per capita income in the nation, so things will cost more.

As for the driving, we are the most densly populated state in the nation. Trying to keep younger drivers off the road in not a bad thing. :ninja:

01-13-2005, 07:07 AM
Federal minimum wage is 5.15. I won't go into the reasons why it shouldn't be rasied other than that it will simply raise the cost of living more, hurting those whom it's designed to help.

Cost of living in Jersey is high because of a couple of factors; car insurance and high property value, at least around here. Car insurance is stupid high because we have the highest population density of any state in the union, and property value is high because of the proximity to New York, good school systems, and high demand with low availble undeveloped land still left that isn't protected by open space crap.

thanks it's make more sense now. I know how Kerry(although I dont want this a politcal debate) was going to raise minimum wage to $7.00 Wouldn't this just cause inflation quicker? IF everybody who works has more money in there pocket. The buisnees needs to stay afloat to pay these workers, so they will charge more or layoff workers. Right??

01-13-2005, 07:39 AM
Home values in NJ are very high. We have one of the, if not the highest per capita income in the nation, so things will cost more.

As for the driving, we are the most densly populated state in the nation. Trying to keep younger drivers off the road in not a bad thing. :ninja:
The old ones are worse.

01-13-2005, 07:40 AM
thanks it's make more sense now. I know how Kerry(although I dont want this a politcal debate) was going to raise minimum wage to $7.00 Wouldn't this just cause inflation quicker? IF everybody who works has more money in there pocket. The buisnees needs to stay afloat to pay these workers, so they will charge more or layoff workers. Right??
Exactly, if the business has to pay workers more they have to charge more, the workers then have to pay more. Now after inflation $7 is the same as $5.15 used to be so our man Kerry bumps it up to $8, then $9, then $10. At this point I'm now making about $30 an hour where I used to make $12 but a gallon of gas costs me $6 so I haven’t really gotten anywhere. This cycle would then continue until we got another president who actually had a head on his shoulders and sorted things out.
Also remember the power to make laws lies mainly in congress, not with the president. This means that the republican controlled congress would have to approve the raise which is unlikely.

01-13-2005, 07:54 AM
I dont mind, I love playing with my snakes and sparklers.

01-13-2005, 07:59 AM
The thing you have to remember about the minimum wage is that in our current labor envirnment the higher it is the worse life will be for low wage earners. We have another problem in this country now that must be fixed before the minimal wage can even be looked at. Illegal migrant workers that work for below the minimal wage. If the law forces you to pay a 16 year old kid $7 an hour when you know you can hire an illegal for half that its going to be much harder for legal workers to secure those kinds of jobs. One problem at a time.

(fortunately for us Bush is going to make it like 10 times worse. Right now our only hope for tough anti-illegal immigration is (gasp) Hillary Clinton)

01-13-2005, 08:43 AM
Home values in NJ are very high. We have one of the, if not the highest per capita income in the nation, so things will cost more.

As for the driving, we are the most densly populated state in the nation. Trying to keep younger drivers off the road in not a bad thing. :ninja:

Quoted for being the damn truth!!!!

NJ land value is SKYROCKETING because the state as a whole is one of the fastest growing in the country. Our business are all growing, and everyone in NJ is doing fairly well, as a whole.

Not a bad turnaround for what used to be called the armpit of America.

NJ 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!

01-13-2005, 02:58 PM
AND we have weirdNJ which owns wierd amerca magazine.

so now it's finally paid off to pay attention is history class adn current evetns. :p

01-13-2005, 03:18 PM
In california Nunchuks are illegal......

I was reading gun laws and nunchucks were including in banned destructive weapons, right along the 50 BMG and assault rifles.

Chris at Tech
01-13-2005, 03:51 PM
Don't get me started on car insurance in NJ...

The laws are so stupid that NJ residents can't even get a car insurance quote online!

End of 2003, I was paying $3900 a year in car insurance. When 2004 rolled around, it went to $4600, and the car insurance company didn't even know why!!!

Fast forward 7 months...I move to Atlanta, get 6 car insurance quotes online in 30 min, and am now getting the same coverage I got in NJ for only $1300 a year!

01-13-2005, 04:08 PM
Don't get me started on car insurance in NJ...

The laws are so stupid that NJ residents can't even get a car insurance quote online!

End of 2003, I was paying $3900 a year in car insurance. When 2004 rolled around, it went to $4600, and the car insurance company didn't even know why!!!

Fast forward 7 months...I move to Atlanta, get 6 car insurance quotes online in 30 min, and am now getting the same coverage I got in NJ for only $1300 a year!

it has always been bad here for car insurance because we are all aggressive drivers...

BTW for those of us still in NJ, Geico offers online rate quotes and beat the stuffing out of NJ Manufactuerers, and if you live in Nj you know NJM has been the best for a long time.

Geico beat their quote by 1000 bucks!

Big'n slo
01-13-2005, 04:29 PM
Don't get me started on car insurance in NJ...

The laws are so stupid that NJ residents can't even get a car insurance quote online!

End of 2003, I was paying $3900 a year in car insurance. When 2004 rolled around, it went to $4600, and the car insurance company didn't even know why!!!

Fast forward 7 months...I move to Atlanta, get 6 car insurance quotes online in 30 min, and am now getting the same coverage I got in NJ for only $1300 a year!

My insurance co. tried to charge me an extra $500 a year because of the FX4 sticker on my truck stating it was a "sport" model. :tard:

Big'n slo
01-13-2005, 04:31 PM
it has always been bad here for car insurance because we are all aggressive drivers...

BTW for those of us still in NJ, Geico offers online rate quotes and beat the stuffing out of NJ Manufactuerers, and if you live in Nj you know NJM has been the best for a long time.

Geico beat their quote by 1000 bucks!

Watch out for Geico, relatives in PA have been trying to collect from them for months. They have a reputation for sticking people.

Mr. Mouse
01-13-2005, 04:35 PM
never come here it sucks, i cant wait to get out of new jersey, save your self a trip dont even bother comming into the state

01-13-2005, 04:50 PM
BTW for those of us still in NJ, Geico offers online rate quotes and beat the stuffing out of NJ Manufactuerers, and if you live in Nj you know NJM has been the best for a long time.

Geico beat their quote by 1000 bucks!

I pay $2000 a year with NJM. Geico quoted me at $3000.

Cheaper my ***. And NJM gives me better coverage, in order to get the level of coverage with Geico I get with NJM I'd have to pay $3500+

01-13-2005, 05:51 PM
Home values in NJ are very high. We have one of the, if not the highest per capita income in the nation, so things will cost more.

As for the driving, we are the most densly populated state in the nation. Trying to keep younger drivers off the road in not a bad thing. :ninja:


The Homes here are amazingly high price.
In UTC, my Grandmother's place went for $900k

In Scripps Ranch, a single story, three bedroom place went for 1.3million a few weeks ago.

As for Young drivers, Half the time i see people speeding, damnit, it's a young driver.
My speeding phase last like, a week.

Edit: My uh..Car insurance is $68 a month.

01-14-2005, 04:55 PM
I pay $2000 a year with NJM. Geico quoted me at $3000.

Cheaper my ***. And NJM gives me better coverage, in order to get the level of coverage with Geico I get with NJM I'd have to pay $3500+

My quote was less! hrmmm :ninja:

01-14-2005, 05:34 PM
Every state has some stupid laws.

In Arizona is is illegal to have more then three sex toys in one residential building.

In Toronto you cannot drag a dead horse down Yonge Sreet on Sunday.

01-14-2005, 06:16 PM
In Illinois, it's illegal to fish in your pajamas.
?!!!.... you have to break that law just so you can say you got arrested for fishing in your pajamas. that would definately be worth it.

01-14-2005, 08:05 PM

My quote was less! hrmmm :ninja:

Not really. Each company has different underwriting standards.