View Full Version : Post Count Poll

01-12-2005, 11:05 PM
This is a poll to see the general feeling as to the post count indicator. It is very simple; the Ayes are for the post count, the Nays are against the post count. Please, If your post is less than 30 words long do not respond, but if you have a insight to the post count issue then you may express it.
Thank you for voting. EPTerry

Mods sorry if this a double or a redo of something posted recently but I have not seen a poll on this topic to my knowledge.

PBX Ronin 23
01-12-2005, 11:14 PM
Emphasis should be placed on quality not quantity. Perhaps the elimination of the post counter would lead to some people not seeing any value to posting worthless material....but then again maybe not. :tard:

If what you're trying to do is to promote a collective appreciation for the "good stuff" and minimize the "useless stuff", this would be perhaps a good first step.

But a lot of other good ideas were put forth in that other thread. They do have merit as well and should also be considered.

01-12-2005, 11:23 PM
i like having a post count, ive been here a long time

01-13-2005, 01:19 AM
perhaps the addition of the gem system that the a-5 OG has but it would have to be limited as to who could give out these points.
just a thought.

01-13-2005, 02:04 AM
i like having a post count, ive been here a long time

makes life a lil more simple when you are looking to buy something used .. you kinda get the feeling this person spends time on here ....

01-13-2005, 02:08 AM
makes life a lil more simple when you are looking to buy something used .. you kinda get the feeling this person spends time on here ....

I feel the same way.

01-13-2005, 02:21 AM
makes life a lil more simple when you are looking to buy something used .. you kinda get the feeling this person spends time on here ....

yeah, me too. It adds a little confidence knowing that you can always find the person on AO. However, i dont think that we should be judging peoples knowledge by their post count. I think that the post count should be shown like it is on PBN. In the persons profile, not on every post they make.

Target Practice
01-13-2005, 02:25 AM
i like having a post count, ive been here a long time

Ditto. I like my post count.

01-13-2005, 04:52 AM
I'm a jerk.

01-13-2005, 04:58 AM
post count is OK, as long as you DON'T get em in the OT-section...

01-13-2005, 06:48 AM
Yes and No is fine, but there should be “Indifferent” as well.

I am indifferent.

Post counts DO help me determine things about the person I am reading a post from. But that number is bounced off of other factors as well. And depending on ALL factors I can get a general idea about the poster. But ONLY when looked at with other factors.

01-13-2005, 07:00 AM
Yes and No is fine, but there should be “Indifferent” as well.

I am indifferent.

Post counts DO help me determine things about the person I am reading a post from. But that number is bounced off of other factors as well. And depending on ALL factors I can get a general idea about the poster. But ONLY when looked at with other factors.

I'll second that. It a can help when talking about trades or the context of posts.

01-13-2005, 07:13 AM
I need another post counted; so I am posting.

Does it really matter? At best it should just be an unspoken nod of respect to someone who has supported the community for so long. Beyond that it should have no value. Anyone who would actually flaunt their post count in an arguement (as some form of seniority), doesn't deserve a secound thought. In a couple generations they will be edited out by natural selection anyway, such retards cannot survive! :) <a href="http://www.billoreilly.com/">Or can they?</a> :confused:

01-13-2005, 07:34 AM
Yes and No is fine, but there should be “Indifferent” as well.

I am indifferent.

Post counts DO help me determine things about the person I am reading a post from. But that number is bounced off of other factors as well. And depending on ALL factors I can get a general idea about the poster. But ONLY when looked at with other factors.

I'll second this feeling. Post count taken in the context of membership date and post search does help a reader get an idea of the quality of a given member. I.e. 1000+ posts for a one month old member = postwhore = ignore.

It doesn't hurt to leave the system as is. The post count can provide additional useful information about a member, especially with trading activity, BUT only when looked at against other factors.

And quite honestly, without the post count it might be a little more difficult to determine who is a postwhore. :tard:

Creative Mayhem
01-13-2005, 10:55 AM
I'm a jerk.

You are. ;)

I'm with Cliffio... I like my post count.

01-13-2005, 10:59 AM
I'm a jerk.

:rofl: (savage man love :D )


01-13-2005, 11:16 AM
Just because someone has a low post count, doesn't really mean that a person with a high post count is any Better. I see many members that have been here for years and they have low post counts. If you check to see the posts they did leave, lots of them were in depth, long posts that had meaning.

There are quite a few people that have a good 20 " ;) " Smiley posts a day in between there good posts. Plus you have the Dealers and sellers with there “UP for the Day” or there answers to questions. Those just add useless Post Counts.

You shouldn't judge people by there post count. You can see how long people have been members by looking at there join date and you can somewhat tell there character by looking back at there old posts and by viewing there feed back...

01-13-2005, 11:16 AM
I'm not sure why it matters one way or another....

01-13-2005, 12:57 PM
are we on this subject again? Didn't we go through this already? I beleive we already had a poll to see what the users thought about the post count. And just like the previous poll its in favor of having it. Simple fact is it helps some people when looking to see who is around alot and whos a deticated user. Although having a high post count doesn't mean anything for sure, its a good way to tell. And if you feel that its not then simply dont use it as a way to determine if people are on the site alot.

01-13-2005, 01:00 PM
i always use post count when im trading along with feedback

01-13-2005, 02:41 PM
Just because someone has a low post count, doesn't really mean that a person with a high post count is any Better. I see many members that have been here for years and they have low post counts. If you check to see the posts they did leave, lots of them were in depth, long posts that had meaning.

I'm more impressed with the 02' and earlier joiners still here than any post count. Though by my logic that makes Cphill a deity.
Oh wait...

01-13-2005, 02:48 PM
The post count is important because it helps judge a persons honesty in trading. If two guys wanted to trade with me, and the first guy has 1 post and the other has 3000 or so, I'd be more trusting of the 3k poster, because the guy with one post is probably, just posting to rip off someone(not always the case, but alot).

01-13-2005, 03:05 PM
I think it should just be visable in the users profile.

01-13-2005, 03:13 PM
I'm more impressed with the 02' and earlier joiners still here than any post count. Though by my logic that makes Cphill a deity.
Oh wait...

I know what you mean, I'm the same way regarding posters of 00', and 01.

Makes me feel stupid for lurking so long, instead of signing up

01-13-2005, 03:24 PM
I also lurked for a long time and even now I don't post uberfrequently. There are members who have been here for less than six months that have four times as many posts as I do. I agree with the idea of keeping post count in the user profile. Honestly I take join date as a better judge of character than post count. That's not to say newer members know less or are not as trustworthy as older members but if I'm gonna trade and it comes down to someone who joined in 01/02 and has 200 psots and someone who joined in 04 and has 2000 I'm going with the old skool hands down. I think I've rambled enough but that's my nickle.

01-13-2005, 03:26 PM
I also lurked for a long time and even now I don't post uberfrequently. There are members who have been here for less than six months that have four times as many posts as I do. I agree with the idea of keeping post count in the user profile. Honestly I take join date as a better judge of character than post count. That's not to say newer members know less or are not as trustworthy as older members but if I'm gonna trade and it comes down to someone who joined in 01/02 and has 200 psots and someone who joined in 04 and has 2000 I'm going with the old skool hands down. I think I've rambled enough but that's my nickle.

Yeah, Concured.
While all of my psots aren't ALWAYS informative, I admit to that, I can post Stupid Crap at times.
Then again, I look at someone who say, Joined in August 04, and has roughly 3000 posts, I get annoyed.

01-13-2005, 03:29 PM
I'm a jerk.

01-13-2005, 03:35 PM
I agree with those who mentioned the post count helping in trades.

I use post count along with join date and feed back to help with trade decisions.

I also use them when reading posts.

If I see an asinine post from somebody with a low post count and new join date I will cut them more slack for being new.

High post count and new join date makes their asinine post obviously just another post from a post whore I don't need to pay attention to.

P.S. this is more than 30 words but I would have posted anyway. :rolleyes:

01-13-2005, 03:37 PM
Yeah, Concured.
While all of my psots aren't ALWAYS informative, I admit to that, I can post Stupid Crap at times.
Then again, I look at someone who say, Joined in August 04, and has roughly 3000 posts, I get annoyed.

I agree. I do get annoyed in the Tippmann forum when I see people who have 4000 posts acting like know-it-alls when 3995 of those posts are spam. Then you've got me, a platinum member with just under 3000 posts. Hey, maby we should do that. Have a rank system like on the tippy forum. Over there we've got:

Guest (0 stars)
Member (1 star)
Gold (2 stars)
Platinum (3 stars) <-- me! :clap:
Moderator (4 stars)
Admin (5 stars)

I've always liked that system.

Eric Cartman
01-13-2005, 03:40 PM
I'm ambivalent. A person can have a high post count, but very few of those posts have any substance. At the same time, even a post whore with a ludicrous amount of nonsense posts can post something worthwhile here and there.

Keep 'em or lose 'em. Doesn't matter to me.

01-13-2005, 03:43 PM
i accidentally voted for yes, but i dont think forums benefit from post counts

01-13-2005, 04:09 PM
we should definately keep the post count. it is useful for many reasons, especially for new users. and there is no reason for not having it; not many people are post whores, and if someone does post whore to get their post count up, a mod can just reset it.

01-13-2005, 04:17 PM
I like the post count. It helps us identify newer people to the forums.

I also like post counts in conjunction with date of enrollment. It adds a layer of understanding about what that person has to say. Its another means of filtering information, and that can't be bad.

PBX Ronin 23
01-13-2005, 04:51 PM
There seems to be enough compelling post in defense of the Post Count that I may need to reexamine my position on it. But how's about these other options:

1. Instead of post counts, how's about "Member Since" clearly visible
2. Phase out PC slowly and replace it with "EBay-type Feedback" for trading purposes.
3. Pro Rate the value of a post based on the amount of words in them. A 'smiley' get's 1 pt.....a dissertation gets 20 pts.

Possible food for thought but I can now see more clearly the position of the pro-post count people.

01-13-2005, 05:19 PM
I agree. I do get annoyed in the Tippmann forum when I see people who have 4000 posts acting like know-it-alls when 3995 of those posts are spam. Then you've got me, a platinum member with just under 3000 posts. Hey, maby we should do that. Have a rank system like on the tippy forum. Over there we've got:

Guest (0 stars)
Member (1 star)
Gold (2 stars)
Platinum (3 stars) <-- me! :clap:
Moderator (4 stars)
Admin (5 stars)

I've always liked that system.

well not to flame or anything but if there are people that dont really know much and arent postwhores feel like not smart see? but i am kind of knowelagble so i know what it feels like both ways and about the post count its fine like when i am wrong about somthing you look at my like 90 posts and say 'ok he is new hees ok 'ya know?

:shooting: :dance:
-lane the flying skwril

01-13-2005, 07:37 PM
BUMP.... :tard:

No, really though. The only good thing about post count is that you can hopefully trust someone a little more when buying something from them if theyve been here a while. And even that has failed on more occasions than I care to think about. Buyer feedback ratings would be a much better solution to that. And people can already tell how long someone has been here, its right next to their post count. The bottom line is paintball has grown from a hobby industry of people who were technically inclined enough elevate timing an autococker to an artform, to a massive horde of battery operated 12 year olds. That is the price we are paying for the growth of the sport, and we are going to take the good with the bad. There will invariably be scum in the water. And in my opinion, having a post count invariably adds to the problem as it is just another thing that appeals to the competitive nature that draws so many immature people to the sport.

01-13-2005, 07:42 PM
well not to flame or anything but if there are people that dont really know much and arent postwhores feel like not smart see? but i am kind of knowelagble so i know what it feels like both ways and about the post count its fine like when i am wrong about somthing you look at my like 90 posts and say 'ok he is new hees ok 'ya know?

:shooting: :dance:
-lane the flying skwril

Are people forgetting about feedback threads?

01-15-2005, 03:20 AM
Maybe we're pondering this a bit much? ;)

01-15-2005, 03:55 AM
If you are looking to buy or trade with some one that has little or no feed back, I think that knowing that they are/are not a contributing member of the site helps make the decision. Yes you can do a search for the posts that they have made in the past but if you have a quantity of quality, all the better.

I think. :tard:

01-15-2005, 08:12 AM
Yes and No is fine, but there should be “Indifferent” as well.

I am indifferent.

Post counts DO help me determine things about the person I am reading a post from. But that number is bounced off of other factors as well. And depending on ALL factors I can get a general idea about the poster. But ONLY when looked at with other factors.


01-15-2005, 08:32 AM
Emphasis should be placed on quality not quantity. Perhaps the elimination of the post counter would lead to some people not seeing any value to posting worthless material....but then again maybe not. :tard:

Not a chance... I'm an attention whore, not a post whore... I post seemingly worthless material just for the knee jerk reaction I get :D

And I do agree, I like the post count... it helps being one factor, in many, when considering someones post or BST offer.

01-15-2005, 08:46 AM
I gotta vote down the post count. While it is nice to look up and see "hey I just hit 1000 posts, cool" we have some around here that clutter the place up with a lot of useless bs to make there pc higher.
I don't think that a persons post count should have any bearing on them when making sales and trades because I've seen that go bad too, that's why feedback is very important. If a person does not have feedback, well you can take the chance (which I have done in the past and have yet to be burned, but that was past...things are changing) then there are third party services.
I admit I have put my share of usless posts up around here (nowhere near as many as some) but hey, we all have our moments. If it was something that was buried deep inside you profile then I don't see a big deal, if people wanna see the size of your online penis then make em look for it.
While were at it can we crack down on some of the bs in the friendly corner, do we need Mango letting everyone know he found a new smiley to tell you you gay and make a whole new post about it or a post telling everbody they get an F. I'm not trying to single anyone out on this (exept maybe you Mango:D ) but it's these kinds of posts that suck people into saying stupid things just to up their post count and it has seemed to snowball recently...

I don't claim to be holier than thou on this subject I have been guilty of it myself and I am at the point now where I have more repsect for guy with lower post counts than the ones with the higher ones. Theres the thing if they aren't there people won't look at them and we can look at what people have had to say as opposed to how much they have had to say.

What I do wanna know is this, I have been here over 3 years and I have posted my share of usless bs, sold a lot of stuff and had some meaningful things to say and I have what? maybe 1200 posts, how the hell can someone with 6 months here have 1500 or more?! That seems to me like a lot of dead braincells somewhere, you need to get outside and enjoy the day, not sit in front of the computer making other people guess you mental condition.
I gotta exempt the mods and maybe shartley from this rant, Mods you have a very difficult job and I sure as hell know I wouldn't want it (well there are times it would be nice ;) )
Other than that I say get rid of 'em because I think they are gonna be our downfall.

Thats my opinion, we welcome yours.....

01-15-2005, 10:11 AM
For those of you who say that post count has no bearing on BST, think of it this way... ive only used the BST forums to complete a sale once (that will soon be changed ;) ), and that was to buy macro from squid, for which i have no feedback and no one would even know about anyway. who would you be more comfortable trading with, me or the person who registered yesterday and has one post? True a person with a high post count could rip you off, but its not as likely as a person with a low post count. if postwhoring is really a problem, just reset the post count of people with excessive useless posts.

01-15-2005, 10:38 AM
= if postwhoring is really a problem, just reset the post count of people with excessive useless posts.

It was threatened, but I don't think they ever followed through with it completely. but that adds another problem, say your in BST and working out something with someone who recently had thier post count reset, now does this make this person any less of what he was before because he has 12 post on his count this week ans opposed to the 3000 he had before you knew who he was???

01-15-2005, 04:39 PM
Sweet mother of god, theyd better not reset my post count... Its taken me almost 5 years and Im not up to 300 yet! I digress... for those who think post count is necessary for BST forums, there are much better options. Something like Heatware that actually provides feedback and a rating. And honestly, Id be more leary of dealing with someone who has only been on here a few months and has a few thousand posts, because I dont want to do business with a 12 year old spazz who cant be held accountable when he neglects to ship the package and/or pay. At the very least, lets look at this logically.

What are post counts good for?

1. Provice minimal feedback regarding the reputation of a prospective business partner.
2. ..... Ummm, Bump :tard:

Why are post counts bad?

1. Provide an atmosphere promoting useless bandwidth harboring jibbarish.
2. Give people credit for wasting my life by forcing me to filter through hundreds of posts with such constructive comments as "LOL! ROFL!", "Get an intelliframe, because I like it better than what YOU have on YOUR gun right now", and "Wow, youre timmy is the best spider clone Ive ever seen!"
3. Provides misinformation about how long a person has been here and how trustworthy they are, which people misinterpret as a viable resume for prospective online transactions.

There, 3 reasons to 0 valid reasons. I mean, why not at least get rid of post count for a little while as a trial session or something? If it works, then hey all the better. If it causes problems with BST forums, bring it back.

01-15-2005, 04:56 PM
And honestly, Id be more leary of dealing with someone who has only been on here a few months and has a few thousand posts, because I dont want to do business with a 12 year old spazz who cant be held accountable when he neglects to ship the package and/or pay.
...so that is a way in which the post count is useful. and anyway, i just like the post count to be able to see how much time everyone spends on the forums... not that thats a completely acurate measurement, but...

01-15-2005, 07:17 PM
Sweet mother of god, theyd better not reset my post count....

Kosmo you are the most unpostwhoreingest person on AO right now I think, BE PROUD!

From now on though I will no longer call it a post count. From this moment on it will be until forever refered to as "Online Penis"

01-15-2005, 10:53 PM
You forgot don't care :)