View Full Version : My Run-in with a Major Leaguer *PIX*

01-12-2005, 11:20 PM
No im not talkin about Randy Johnson in NY...but close.

Couple weeks ago my brother was in town for the holidays and we decided to go to the Cardinals game against Tampa Bay. Not because we're fans of either team but because my dad and brother are big Cowboys fans and we thought this was going to be Emmitt Smiths last game before he retired. So we pick up some cheap tickets on the way there fully aware that wed look for better seats when we got in. So we find these seats that are pretty good. But sure enough the real ticket holder shows up. But we just keep movin around in the same area to different seats. About the third time of changin seats and dealin with attitude im gettin a little pissed. I just wanted to find our real seats so i could enjoy the game. And when i say "game" i mean perfectly tanned Cardinal chearleaders. So i hear this voice behind me " Hey guys youre in our seats." So i turn around to size up the guy ;) and there givin me the evil eye is none other than Luis Gonzalez....Let me refresh your memories.

2001 World Series, Game 7, 9th inning, He drives in Jay Bell to win the game and Series. He also won the Homerun Derby. Anyways i couldnt think of anything to say to him at the time, i was frozen. So after we moved to different seats i managed to get a couple pics. Here goes.




01-13-2005, 12:58 AM

01-13-2005, 07:10 AM
did you get his autograph!? :wow: