View Full Version : Help me get rid of my hideous man tits

01-13-2005, 10:13 AM
So I used to be very very very overweight. 6'1'' and 250-260. I'm eating healthier, as in organic, and not every minute of the day. Im now down to 215, and have been getting some looser skin. Let me fill you skinny people in on something...

Looser skin=hideous man tits

So I want to get rid of them. What household exercises could I do to get rid of them? I do sit up's every night, but I know that probably wont help.

What could I do AROUND the house(ie:situps, pushups) that would help reduce in my chance of having little children want to feed off me?

I'm looking at you Mango.

01-13-2005, 10:23 AM
Get yourself a couple of 15lb. dumb bells to work with. Do some curls, overhead presses, lay on your back and press them up. This will build the upper body and develop forearm and hand strength as well.

They're small so you can do this while watching tv or something.


Here's a good guide:

Equipment Needed

Any exercise aimed at toning your body needs something to provide resistance for your muscles to work against. Most of the exercises below use hand-held weights to provide resistance: these can be dumbbells.

Timing and Repetitions

10 reps of each exercise should take about 8 minutes. As with all exercise you should warm-up first. Marching or jogging on the spot for a few minutes interspersed with some gentle stretches will do the trick.

Body toning exercise can be a pretty painful experience if muscles have lain dormant for a while. The problem is, it's not until 24-48hrs after your workout that you'll realise you've overdone it! Body toning exercise should not be painful while you are doing it - if it is you're using too much weight.

If you've not been exercising your muscles recently it's best to start with a weight that feels "very easy" and build up gradually from there.

The Workout
Exercise 1 - Chest and Shoulders

Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched to the sides. With your elbows slightly bent, lift your arms above your chest until your hands are almost touching. Return to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 2 - Chest and Shoulders

Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched above your head. Grip your weights and bring them over your head and down to your hips, by your sides - a semi-circular motion. Lift back to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 3 - Chest and Back

Sitting with your back straight (preferably supported) and legs straight out in front of you, hold your weights in at your chest with your elbows out to the side (parallel to the floor). Push your arms out straight in front of you then pull them back in. Repeat.

Exercise 4 - Back and Shoulders

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your sides, gripping the weights with palms facing outwards. Making sure your movements are slow and concentrated, tense your shoulder and upper back muscles, then slowly "shrug" them up and down.

Exercise 5 - Shoulders and Upper Arms

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms raised straight up above your head, grip your weights with your palms facing behind you. Slowly bring your arms forward and down, without bending at the elbow, until level with your shoulders. Lift back to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 6 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back

Standing with feet slightly apart, grasp your weights and bend at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor. Extend your arms towards the floor with palms facing outwards. Lift your arms out to the side, keeping them straight, until parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise 7 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back

Standing with feet slightly apart, position your arms straight down in front of you almost against your body - with your weights almost touching. Bend your elbows and lift your weights towards your chin, bringing your elbows out to the side, in line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise 8 - Arms and Chest

The classic push up. With your hands shoulder width apart place your palms on the floor. Stretch out your body with either your knees on the floor, or if you're feeling ambitious, your toes - so you are supporting your body weight. Keeping your back straight and using your arms lower yourself gently toward the floor until you are hovering just over it. Push yourself slowly back to your starting position and repeat. Remember - don't lower yourself to the point where you come into contact with the floor, it'll be much harder to push back up.

Exercise 9 - Arms

In a sitting position with your back straight, relax your arms in line with your body. Grip your weights with your palms facing upwards and curl them up towards your shoulders, then back down again. Repeat. Keep your torso still and back straight, let your arms do the work.

Exercise 10 - Forearms

Holding your weight with your arm outstretched in front of you, tilt your wrist up and down repeatedly. Try doing this with both an overhand and underhand grip on your weight. Do one arm at a time.

The secret of successful body toning is regularity. If you do this exercise sequence every other day you'll start to see results in a few weeks.

The Action Figure
01-13-2005, 10:26 AM
bench press get a 45 lb. bar, and throw on some 50's and do 10 reps of 10 in a 1 hr. period everyday.
edit: not much you can do around the house, but I do recommend 250 pushups and 500 situps everyday. if you cant get it all at once, then do as many as you can, and build up.

01-13-2005, 10:29 AM
I'm looking at you Mango.

Edit: the guide that Mer posted is very good. Thanks!


First let me say congratulations on losing the weight!! I'm proud of you for that :)

Well what you are experiencing is quite normal. I went through it myself. Dramatic or quick weight loss will often make the loose skin issue worse. Many factors relate to how quickly the skin will return to its previous state: age, diet, excercise level to name the most important ones. Genetics also plays a part in terms of how much elasticity in is the skin (I like saying that word: elasticity ). Collagen in the skin is what gives it most of its elastic properties. When it is in a stretched state (i.e. from fat tissue pushing on it for many years) the collagen molecules are stretched and so they retain that shape. It may return to its original shape and if you are young (under 30) I would bet that it will; eventually. This may be a slow process however. It make take several months.

If you engage in regular exercise of some type (30 minutes of activity 4 to 5 times a week) this will GREATLY increase the chances that it will and the speed. This is for many pyhysiological reasons which would be pretty complicated to explain on here. Just know that excercise = GOOD for a whole host of reasons.

In terms of what you can do around the house, its really limited to your imagination. Doing old-skool situps is crap. Doing crunches and doing an isometric crunch (where you imagine pushing your belly button to the floor while straightening out your pelvis and holding it) is probably the most effective way to train the abdominals.

You could do a variety of pushups, wide with your arms out to the sides, standard with them in the normal positoin (elbow at about 90 degree angle) and close diamond or triangle formation under your chest for triceps.

You could do lunges while holding 2 liter soda bottles or something with some weight. Keep your back straight and chin up, lunge (take a DEEP step forward) until your back knee almost touches the floor but not quite.

You could do chair squats or lunges using a chair. Put your back foot up on the chair with your toe resting on it, come down till the knee almost touches the floor. Little more advanced.

See the thing to remember is that any kind of physical activity throughout the day is beneficial. I say it all the time but its so true. BE ACTIVE. BE HEALTHY. BE HAPPY! :)

01-13-2005, 11:06 AM
I want hideous man breasts, what can I do to increase my chances of getting them?

01-13-2005, 11:09 AM
Wow thanks you two! Those are great tips and I'll get right to losing the man boobs. I'll be sure to post pics after they are gone.

Bolter - Fast food, for 10 years.

01-13-2005, 12:41 PM
I know you want things to do around the house but one of the best exercises for toning up is to run. It is painful when you start but if you start slow and run 1 mile everyday or every other day you will start to notice a difference quikly. After about two weeks you will notice that one mile dosent tire you out like it did when you started. You can then add a little distance as you go. I lost approx 30 lbs in college over a span of a month and a half doing this. It would probably take me a littlte longer to loose that weight now but the amount of tone you can achieve throughout you body through running is awsome.
MP3 players designed for running really helps me add distance. I stop thinking about what parts of my body hurt and just listen to the music.
Add some pushups and situps with the run and youll be amazed

01-13-2005, 12:49 PM
or roadwork (essentially running while shadow-boxing, or pausing every now and then to do some squats/pushups/jumping jacks).

There's a good book called "Combat Conditioning" by a dude named Matt Furey. He's kind of full of himself, and has gone the way of the infomercial I think, but this is still a good book of calasthenics and body weight exercises. The pushup variants section alone is worth a few bucks.


The fact that I'm still a lardass is purely due to the fact that this book is sitting on my shelf, not being used. ;-)

01-13-2005, 01:22 PM
Wow thanks you two! Those are great tips and I'll get right to losing the man boobs. I'll be sure to post pics after they are gone.

No problem.

I'll take your word for it when you say they're gone. No need to post pictures.

Take Care,


01-13-2005, 01:38 PM
Edit: the guide that Mer posted is very good. Thanks!


You could do lunges while holding 2 liter soda bottles or something with some weight. Keep your back straight and chin up, lunge (take a DEEP step forward) until your back knee almost touches the floor but not quite.

I love them things, feel so good after doing them.

01-13-2005, 01:45 PM
Wow thanks you two!


01-13-2005, 01:53 PM
If you are going to get into running use the following build-up guide that I used;

The goal is to be moving/running non-stop for 30 mins 3 days a week at a minimum.

Week 1 -- Walk 30 mins. Three times a week.
Week 2 -- Walk 9 mins, run 1 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 3 -- Walk 8 mins, run 2 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 4 -- Walk 7 mins, run 3 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 5 -- Walk 6 mins, run 4 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 6 -- Walk 5 mins, run 5 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 7 -- Walk 4 mins, run 6 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 8 -- Walk 3 mins, run 7 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 9 -- Walk 2 mins, run 8 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 10 -- Walk 1 mins, run 9 min; Repeat three times. Three times a week
Week 11 -- Run 30 mins. Three times a week.

Your only adding a min on to the running time each week, so if you are not used to running you will find that this schedule is really good for getting your stamina built up or back up if you have been out of running for awhile.

Also if you miss any of the three days you should repeat the week. Of course you can modify this to fit your fitness level if you know you can do better. The idea is to improve by 10% each time ... most people will tell you that trying to push by more then 10% can lead to injury or increased strain.


01-15-2005, 07:45 AM
My wife instist that cucumber juice can help increase elasticity. she drank it all the time during and after her last pregnancy and her body was right back to normal 1 1/2 weeks after our daughter was born. If it can help her I'm sure it can help you.

01-15-2005, 10:53 PM
ok i'm going to tell you a great workout to get your triceps/biseps(i forget whitch inshape in AFJROTC we call em pet the dog.
ok streach your arms strait out
move your arms like your doing jumping jacks(dont move your feet)
do 10-20 4counts
stop but keep your arms strait out wiggle your fingers like your scratching a dog(heins pet the dog)

when first doing it, it will hurt i do them on a regular bassis because i'min Drill team.

01-15-2005, 10:59 PM
this may sound sad but, I've lost 30 lbs from playing alot of Dance Dance Revolution :)

01-16-2005, 08:50 PM
this may sound sad but, I've lost 30 lbs from playing alot of Dance Dance Revolution :)

It isnt sad, I play it too ;). Congrats on the weight loss :).

01-16-2005, 09:01 PM
I want hideous man breasts, what can I do to increase my chances of getting them?

you know I could probly hook you up with some estrogen if you'de like...

that and doing nothing would probly do the trick

01-16-2005, 09:59 PM
bench press get a 45 lb. bar, and throw on some 50's and do 10 reps of 10 in a 1 hr. period everyday.
edit: not much you can do around the house, but I do recommend 250 pushups and 500 situps everyday. if you cant get it all at once, then do as many as you can, and build up.Dang, you must be strong. That's a lot of sit ups.

01-16-2005, 10:09 PM
Wow thanks you two! Those are great tips and I'll get right to losing the man boobs. I'll be sure to post pics after they are gone.

Bolter - Fast food, for 10 years.

Pics are always fun... congrads and all that other happy stuff.. :clap:


01-17-2005, 04:50 PM
Get a Bowflex. My dad got one for me last Christmas. He started using it right away, He lost about 65 pounds, and he doesn't have man boobs anymore.

01-19-2005, 01:26 PM
Dang, you must be strong. That's a lot of sit ups.
But you have the whole day to do them. I'm not in great shape and I could probably pull that off.

01-19-2005, 01:29 PM
bench press get a 45 lb. bar, and throw on some 50's and do 10 reps of 10 in a 1 hr. period everyday.
edit: not much you can do around the house, but I do recommend 250 pushups and 500 situps everyday. if you cant get it all at once, then do as many as you can, and build up.

Wow how did I miss this?!

Please do not do what he says. I'm at a loss for words towards his post. http://www.sprayingmango.com/ugh.gif

01-19-2005, 01:47 PM
I cant wait to do 500 situps.

01-19-2005, 01:55 PM
One question, he says to do shrugs with 2 15lb weights, I do them with 1 225lb bar infront of me, bring it half way up and go seven times from half way to all the way up, hold up for 10seconts, bring it all the way down, go down-half 7 times, hold, go up-down 7 times, hold. Am I doing somthing wrong?

And are you saying bench pressing is bad period, or just doing what he said is bad?

01-19-2005, 02:10 PM
One question, he says to do shrugs with 2 15lb weights, I do them with 1 225lb bar infront of me, bring it half way up and go seven times from half way to all the way up, hold up for 10seconts, bring it all the way down, go down-half 7 times, hold, go up-down 7 times, hold. Am I doing somthing wrong?

Doing shrugs in this manner is inefficient and dangerous for a few reasons:

Dangerous because it puts INTENSE pressure on your cervical spine. Inefficient because there are better ways to train these muscle groups.

By doing shrugs in the usual manner that 90% of people think, they are barely working the Traps (Trapezius) muscle group. You are working the Levator Scapulae, the muscles that give people that "no neck" look. The traps are actually along the spine, on either side, on your back. Superior to the Rhomboids. They are scapular retractors and stabelizers.

The most effective way to train the Levator Scapula (think of the name of the muscle, it hints at its function "scapular elevator") is to use two dumbells, hold them at your side, keep your neck and back straight and think about touching your shoulders to your ears. Do this slow and controlled for 10 reps or so, 2 or 3 sets. If you do it correct your Levator should be on fire.

If you want to train your Traps correctly, you should again use two dumbells or use the bench that allows you to lay on your chest, at an angle, which people usually use for working the Rear Deltoids. You could stand, holding the dumbells forward with your torso at a slant toward the ground. Crap let me get pictures this is hard to type.


Best pic I could find on short notice. Do NOT keep your back flat like that, angle your torso 45 degrees forward.

Also, seated rows on the cabel machine are good. Standing barbell rows are VERY good for working shoulder girdle muscles. Don't let your elbows go above your shoulders. This guys form is horrible.
