View Full Version : hyperframe

01-13-2005, 08:15 PM
i just got a hyper frame prettymuch new, says it has 251 shots,
correct me if im wrong...
c means count (shot counter)
f means fire, and the modes are semi,hyper and burst,
and t means timer?
like i said let me no if im right or wrong

one thing i tryed to figure out was the numbers, well i think i no but not for sure
in f mode im guessing is fire, semi goes from 1 to 13, in hyper 5 to ten, and in burst(this is the mode i dont get...3 to5-(then)-1 through 10 so 3-5 and 1-10 (how does this work 3 to ten balls will be fired a second each time the trigger is pulled on burst? also whats hyper,is it auto?)

one more ? what kind of sear do you need?

thanks :confused:

01-13-2005, 08:56 PM
I have a Hyperframe for my Spyder, so I'll try to help you out. I haven't used it in a little while, so forgive me if I'm not 100% accurate. First, the shot counter can be reset. Just so the seller didn't try to lead you on. ;)

You should be correct on the C, F, and T, but let me explain the others. In semi, the number is the maximum rate of fire, from 1-13BPS. If you pull 20BPS, it will still only fire at the maximum rate you set.

In burst mode, pulling and holding the trigger automatically fire a set number of balls at a set rate of fire. The first number is the number of balls it fires, 3-5, while the second number is the rate, from 1-10BPS. If you let off the trigger while it is firing, it will immediately stop. Fields don't like burst.

Hyper (what you think is burst), is the fun one, and I think it has two settings you must adjust. The first is how many times per second you need to pull the trigger in order to activate Hyper mode, and the second is the rate of fire it will actually be shooting. So one example of a setting allows you to pull the trigger, say, 3 times per second, but the marker actually is firing 10 balls per second. Fields don't really like hyper, either.

If I don't make sense, let me know. :)

01-13-2005, 09:17 PM
thanks for helping im not so much confused about the firing rate (anymore) but how to hook it to my gun... do you need a special sear or on off pin...
thanks for all the help